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Grants for Individuals: Minorities

(African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, and Other Ethnic or Immigrant Groups)

Web Sites | Databases | Books

Web Sites

Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students
To provide scholarships at the undergraduate or graduate level for certain minority students who are interested in pursuing actuarial careers.
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African American Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
Courtesy of LittleAfrica.com
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African American Scholarships
A compilation of scholarships from Education Corner.
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc.
Alice S. Marriott Scholarship Fund
Deadline : May 1
Marriott International has partnered with Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. to grant scholarships for 2012 to 2015. The scholarships are offered to students from traditionally underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in hospitality.
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc.
Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships
Scholarships are the primary means by which EAF carries out its mission. The Foundation awards Merit, Financial Need and Youth Partners Accessing Capital (P.A.C.) scholarships for sorority members.
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American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Arab American Scholarships
ADC frequently gets requests from students and parents regarding scholarship funds earmarked for Arab Americans (or Arab students in the U.S.).
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American Association of Law Libraries
George A. Strait Minority Scholarship
The $3500 George A. Strait Minority Scholarship is awarded annually to college graduates with meaningful law library experience who are members of a minority group as defined by current U.S. government guidelines, are degree candidates in an accredited library or law school, and who intend to have a career in law librarianship. Applicants must show evidence of financial need. Web page includes application form.
Also listed under Grants for Indviduals - Minorities, Law, Libraries
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American Bar Association (ABA)
Legal Opportunity Scholarship Program
The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Program was established to improve diversity in the legal profession by encouraging and supporting racial and ethnic minority law students. The scholarship provides $5,000 of financial assistance annually to each scholarship recipient attending an ABA-accredited law school. Assuming the recipient achieves satisfactory performance in law school, an award made to an entering freshman may be renewed for two additional years, resulting in financial assistance totaling $15,000 during his or her time in law school.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals - Law
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American Chemical Society
Scholars Program
ACS sponsors scholarship programs for qualified applicants who want to enter the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, or chemical engineering, and students seeking a two-year degree in chemical technology. The programs are designed to encourage African-American, Hispanic, and American Indian students to pursue undergraduate college degrees in the chemical sciences and chemical technology. For additional opportunities, check the American Chemical Society Grants and Awards web page
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American Dream Scholarship Program
Established in partnership with the United Negro College Fund, the American Dream Scholarship Program is open to African Americans with financial need. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, with a minimum 2.5 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale), who meet Pell Grant eligibility criteria, and are enrolled full time at approved, accredited, undergraduate institutions. Scholarships range from $500 to $5,000. If you have specific questions about this program, please call UNCF at 1-800-331-2244.
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American Geological Institute (AGI)
AGI Minority Participation Program
Supports U.S. undergraduates who are currently enrolled in an accredited institution as an undergraduate student majoring in geoscience, including the geoscience subdisciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, physical oceanography, planetary geology, or earth-science education. This program does not support students in other natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Candidates must have a verifiable ethnic-minority status as Black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan). The award provides support is for full-time students only, with demonstrable financial need.
The award is available only to students currently enrolled in college geoscience programs. Application requires a personal statement, transcripts, test scores, 3 recommendations. Awards range from $500-$3,000. Web site contains application form.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- Minorities, Sciences
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American Health and Beauty Aids Institute Scholarship
AHBAI is an internationally reknowned trade association representing the world's leading Black-owned companies that manufacture ethnic hair care and beauty related products featuring the Proud Lady Symbol.
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American Hellenic Educational Professional Association (AHEPA)
Education and Scholarships
In order to apply and be eligible for the scholarships, the applicant must satisfy one of the following:
(1) The applicant is a member, in good standing, of either AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles or Maids of Athena.
(2) The applicant is the son or daughter of a member of AHEPA or a member of Daughters of Penelope in good standing.
Further, the applicant must belong to one of the following categories:
(3) A student in the graduating class of his or her high school and planning to attend full time an accredited college or university during the current calendar year.
(4) A high school graduate planning to attend full time an accredited college or university during the calendar year.
(5) Attending an accredited college or university and will continue to attend full time during the calendar year.
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American Indian College Fund
Building better lives. Revitalizing Indian communities. Replacing despair with hope. That, simply, is what the American Indian College Fund is all about. Through our scholarships for American Indian college students and our support of America's tribally controlled colleges and universities, we are giving hope to, and creating better lives for, generations of Native American students and their families and communities.
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American Indian Graduate Center
Scholarships and Fellowships
The American Indian Graduate Center, Inc. announces the availability of fellowships and loans for service to American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate and graduate students.
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American Indian Scholarships
A compilation of scholarships from Education Corner.
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American Indian Science and Engineering Society
AISES scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students, who are members of AISES, for leadership and academic achievement. These monies are to assist talented students in meeting the financial demands of attending college. The awards are intended to augment unmet need, loans, and student employment.
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American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Fellowships for Minority Accounting Students
The AICPA Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students ensures that CPAs of diverse backgrounds are visible in college and university classrooms. The program's goal is to increase the number of minority CPAs who serve as role models and mentors to young people in the academic environment. The AICPA Foundation awards annual fellowships of $12,000 to full-time minority accounting scholars who demonstrate significant potential to become accounting educators.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- minorities, business
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American Psychological Association
Minority Fellowship Program
The MFP objective is to increase the number of ethnic minorities who complete doctoral degrees in psychology and to improve the quality of mental health treatment and research on issues of concern among ethnic minority populations.
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American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship
A two-year tenure for senior-level graduate students from an underrepresented minority group to conduct research in microbiology.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals - medicine, minorities
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American Speech Language Hearing Foundation
Financial Aid Resources for Students
Each year the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHF) offers several scholarship and grant competitions to graduate students and new researchers in the field of communication sciences and disorders. Up to ten Graduate Student Scholarships are available annually for master's or doctoral level students studying audiology or speech language pathology. Of the ten scholarships, one gives priority to a student with a disability, one gives priority to an international student studying in the US, and one gives priority to a US citizen who is a member of an ethnic or racial minority group. The scholarships range between $2,000 and $4,000.
Two $2,000 Student Research Grants are available annually to master's and doctoral students. One is for a one-year study in Early Childhood Language Development, and the other is for a one-year study in Clinical or Rehabilitative Audiology.
Up to seven $5,000 New Investigator Research Grants are available each year to individuals who have received their latest degree (master's or doctoral level) in communication sciences and disorders within the last five years and are starting their research careers. The one-year proposal must be for research to be initiated.
One $5,000 Speech Science Research Grant is available in alternate years to an individual who has completed a doctoral degree within the last five years and who proposes a one-year study in the area of speech science.
From time-to-time, as funds allow, ASHF may offer other funding opportunities.
For more information about funding opportunities, please visit the Foundation Web site at www.ASHFoundation.org, contact the Foundation office at 800-638-8255, ext. 4314, or write to ASHF, 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852.
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APS Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Physics Majors
Each year, the APS Committee on Minorities in Physics (COM) acts as the selection committee for this scholarship which attracts many excellent applicants. The award consists of $2000 per year for new corporate scholars, and $3000 per year for renewal students to be used for tuition, room & board, educational materials. In addition, each physics department that hosts one or more APS minority undergraduate scholars and assigns a mentor for their student/s will receive a $500 award for programs to encourage minority students. The program is usually able to fund 20-25 new recipients each year.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals - sciences, minorities.
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Arab American Institute
Scholarships for American Students of Arab Descent, Arab Students Studying in the United States, and Other Scholarships
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Armenian General Benevolent Union
Scholarships and Loans
The AGBU offers interest-free loans to full-time graduate students of Armenian descent enrolled in most competitive colleges and universities in the United States. Students must start repayment of their loans one year after graduating or leaving school. Awards are in the range of $2,500-7,500. Deadline for returning a completed application is April 1.
The AGBU offers financial assistance to full-time U.S. undergraduate students of Armenian descent enrolled in colleges and universities outside of the U.S. Some selected fields of graduate study will be considered.
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Asian American Giving : The Asian American Philanthropy Journal
Asian American Giving serves as the link between Asian American donors, leaders, and the non-profit community. We promote stories of individuals engaged in philanthropy, draw attention to the issues in our community, and highlight trends and patterns in charitable giving. We aspire to be the ultimate source for Asian American philanthropy. Also posts information about scholarships from time to time.
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Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF)
Acknowledging the reality that many AAPI students come from families that live at or below the poverty level, the APIASF is awarding $1.2 million in scholarships to more than 500 deserving AAPI students for the upcoming academic school year. APIASF is the nation’s largest nonprofit devoted solely to providing college scholarships for AAPI youth. The fund awards anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 to high school and college students, many of whom are the first in their family to attend college.
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Asian Women in Business Scholarship
Deadline : August 1
The Asian Women In Business Scholarship encourages and promotes exceptional Asian female students who have demonstrated scholarship, leadership, community service and/ or entrepreneurship. The AWIB Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to students who have the attributes to be our next generation of leaders. Candidates for the scholarship must be female of Asian (includes those who can trace their ancestry from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam) or Pacific Islander ancestry.
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Aspira Scholarship Information
The ASPIRA Association, Inc. is the only national nonprofit organization devoted solely to the education and leadership development of Puerto Rican and other Latino youth. ASPIRA takes its name from the Spanish verb aspirar, "aspire." The web page provides links to both financial aid resources specifically geared for Hispanic students as well as more general sources.
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Association on American Indian Affairs
Since 1922, the Association on American Indian Affairs has been dedicated to helping Native people and their communities in meeting the challenges they face. One of these challenges is that of paying for a higher education. AAIA assists college students in meeting this challenge through our eight scholarship programs. AAIA offers two graduate fellowships, one scholarship which is open to graduate and undergraduates and five undergraduate scholarships, one of which is available to students from tribes that are state recognized but not federally recognized. AAIA depends on the generosity of our donors to fund our scholarship programs, therefore, availability may change from year to year.
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Association on American Indian Affairs
Displaced Homemaker Scholarships
The Association on American Indian Affairs offers Displaced Homemaker Scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each to those men and women who would not otherwise be able to complete their educational goals due to family responsibilities. This scholarship is for older students who have put off college to raise their children, students who are entering or are returning to college when their children enter school, men or women who have been divorced and had to leave college to singlehandedly care for their children and are now returning, etc. If you have questions about whether you qualify as a displaced homemaker contact Lisa Wyzlic at lw.aaia@verizon.net or 240-314-7155. Funds may be used to assist with childcare, transportation and basic living expenses in addition to educational costs. Disbursement in the amount of $750 is made directly to the college fall and spring semesters pending satisfacotry progress. Spring disbursement requires a copy of the fall semester's grades and a spring semester class schedule. This scholarship does not automatically renew. Students are eligible to apply on a yearly basis.
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Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
formerly called the American Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountants
Student Scholarships
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Berrien Fragos Thorn, see Thorn

Black College Dollars : Scholarships for African American Students
This free scholarship search, geared for African-American students, contains more than 300 scholarships searchable by GPA requirement, academic and career interest, and application deadline.
This directory is a part of The Sallie Mae Fund’s multi-faceted African-American College Access Initiative, launched in October 2005, to improve access to higher education among African-American students. Produced by the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.This free scholarship search, geared for African-American students, contains more than 300 scholarships searchable by GPA requirement, academic and career interest, and application deadline.
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Black Excel's 100 Minority Scholarship Gateway List
Black Excel has presented gateways to well over 1000 Scholarships for students nationwide. In the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide (available at major bookstores and at Amazon.com), we list hundreds of scholarships and provide a step-by-step tutorial as to what to do after you get a gigantic list like the one below. Knowing the "rules of play" gives you a tremendous advantage in regard to the A, B, C's of winning scholarships. Note that Black Excel is linked to over 900 websites, and that many colleges are directing their students to our resources and info. -- Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
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Black Excel's 200 Free Scholarships for Minorities
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Black Men Building Resources Scholarship
Restricted to African American Kent County high school graduates or GED recipients who have been accepted to an accredited institution to pursue a degree, certificate, or license in an occupational-related curriculum. Administered by the Grand Rapids Community Foundation.
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Chaldean Federation of America
Offers up to 10 scholarships to students of Chaldean heritage. For more informtion contact Chaldean Federation of American, 1874 West 10 Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075, (248) 557-2362.

Chippewa County Community Foundation
Paul and Emily Shagen Scholarship
Reserved for enrolled members of the Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians to attend college or vocational schools. Contact the foundation via letter at P.O. Box 1979, 138 Ridge St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783-7979; by telephone at (906) 635-1046; by fax at (906) 635-7368 for more information.
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CINTAS Foundation Fellowships.
Cintas Fellowships acknowledge creative accomplishments and encourage excellence in architecture, literature, music composition and the visual arts. Eligibility is limited to artists of Cuban citizenship or direct descent (having a Cuban parent or grandparent). Artists are recommended for fellowships by panels of qualified members from each artistic discipline. The Board of the Cintas Foundation, Inc., awards fellowhips based on the recommendations of the panels. Cintas Fellows are free to pursue their artistic activities as they wish. The fellowships are not awarded for academic study or research, or to performing artists. Fellowships are not awarded more than twice to the same person. Second awards are granted only to candidates demonstrating outstanding artistic development. Fellowships are awarded annually in the amount of $15,000 each and are paid in quarterly stipends, beginning in September, for twelve consecutive months. The award is currently considered taxable income.
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The CIRI Foundation (TCF)
“A 501(c)(3) private foundation, the CIRI Foundation awards scholarships to Alaska Natives who are original enrollees of CIRI and their direct lineal descendants as defined by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA).”
Our (TCF) mission is to promote individual self-development and economic self-sufficiency through education and to maintain pride in culture and heritage among Alaska Natives who are original enrollees of Cook Inlet Region and their descendants. The major goal of The CIRI Foundation (TCF) is to encourage the education and career development of the Foundation’s Alaska Native beneficiaries through post secondary scholarships and grants, research and other education projects. A second goal is to perpetuate and enhance the heritage of Cook Inlet Region’s Alaska Native people through programs that foster appreciation and understanding by the general public.
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Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarships
The program is open to all high school seniors in the United States from 26,000 high schools. Coca-Cola Scholars come from all 50 states and more than one-third are minorities. The Scholars represent a cross-section of outstanding young people, characterized by their educational excellence, leadership in their schools and commitment to their communities. web site provides application form.
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Coleman A. Young Foundation
Coleman A. Young Scholars Program sponsors 4 year, renewable scholarships with a total value of $16,000, payable in annual $4,000 increments. Program focuses on assisting Detroit minority youth.
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Colgate Haz La U (Make the U) Hispanic Scholarship Program
http://www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/Corp/CommunityPrograms/Haz-La-U.cvsp,br> Deadline : December 31, 2010
This program, launched in partnership with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF), aims to award educational grants to eligible Hispanic students pursuing higher education. High school seniors are encouraged to apply for the opportunity to win a $15,000 educational grant, or one of ten $2,500 additional grants. In order to apply, you must answer each of the following questions in 500 words or less:

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College Scholarships for African American Students
Courtesy of a Better Chance.
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College Scholarships for Asian American Students
Courtesy of a Better Chance.
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College Scholarships for Latinos and Hispanic Students
Courtesy of a Better Chance.
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College Scholarships for Native American Students
Courtesy of a Better Chance.
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College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards : African Americans / Blacks
A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D.
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College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Minorities
Covers African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos (Mexican Americans, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South and Central Americans), Native Alaskans (Aleuts, Inuit, Eskimos), Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders (Hawaiians, Polynesians or Micronesians). A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D.
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College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards for Native Americans
Covers Aboriginal Canadians, Native Alaskans (Aleuts, Inuit, Eskimos), Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders (Hawaiians, Polynesians or Micronesians). A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D.
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Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)
Minority Graduate Application Fee Waiver
The CIC FreeApp program is designed to expand participation of underrepresented students in graduate education. Through this program, prospective students can apply for a graduate application fee waiver or request graduate information for Ph.D. or Master of Fine Arts programs at CIC institutions, which includes all Big Ten schools plus the University of Chicago.
MSU students desiring more information about the FreeApp program can contact : Trina Trefil, Michigan State University, The Graduate School, 118 Linton Hall, East Lansing, Michigan 48824; Phone: 517-353-4738; Email: trefiltr@msu.edu
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- Graduate
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Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
Minority undergraduates are invited to apply for a summer program designed to prepare them for graduate study and faculty careers. Eligible applicants are African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans who are sophomores or juniors majoring in any field. During the eight-to-ten week summer session, students work on a research project guided by a faculty mentor and are able to explore a topic of interest at one of 15 host CIC universities (University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois at Chicago, Indiana University, Indiana University/Puurdue University at Indianapolis, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee). Each student receives a stipend of at least $2,500 for the summer, plus up to $1,100 toward board and travel to and from the host institution. The faculty mentor may receive $500 toward the cost of the student's research project.
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Community Development Work Study Program (CDWS)
To attract more minority and disadvantaged students to academic programs in community planning and development, HUD's Office of University Partnerships has created the Community Development Work Study Program (CDWSP). Colleges and universities throughout the United States use this program to offer financial aid and work experience to students enrolled in a full-time graduate program in community development or a closely related field such as urban planning, public policy, or public administration.
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Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL)
The Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) is awarding $2,000 scholarships to three outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) college students interning in the Washington, D.C., area during the summer of 2005. Eligibility is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Awarded annually since 1992, CAPAL scholarships are intended to enable outstanding APA students to work full-time and learn about ways to affect public policy that benefit their communities. With these scholarships, CAPAL hopes to provide APA students with the financial means to successfully complete their summer internships. Applications can be downloaded from the CAPAL website. For more information, call (202) 270-6897 or e-mail capalscholar@gmail.com.
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Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Scholarship Opportunities
Consistent with its mission to provide educational opportunities to a new generation of leaders, the CBC Foundation demonstrates its commitment by sponsoring a number of educational programs. Current opportunities include:
(1) CBC Spouses Flexible Education Scholarship
(2) CBC Spouses Education Scholarship Fund
(3) CBC Spouses Cheerios Brand Health Initiative Scholarship
(4) CBC Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship Program
(5) CBC Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship
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Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships are awarded to Latino students who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future. There is no GPA or major requirement. Students with excellent leadership potential are encouraged to apply. In 2008, through our partnerships with Dell, Inc. and Microsoft, CHCI distributed fully loaded Dell Notebooks to 100 first-year, undergraduate Scholars.
Also check out the 2011 National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Students
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Costco Pharmacy Scholar Program
Award: A multi-year scholarship, up to $9,500 to cover tuition, books and fees, through their education
Deadline: March 15
Eligibility Requirements:
(1) be pursuing a degree in Pharmacy
(2) come from an Hispanic background
(3) be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
(4) demonstrate financial need
(5) have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
(6) have completed one-year of pharmacy school or are in their second year into their pharmacy education
If you have any questions, you can contact us at hcf-info@hispanicfund.org or you can reach our main contact Angelina Paniagua at 1-800-644-4223. Source: Hispanic College Fund Staff.
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Council of Higher Education Scholarship Program for Students of Czech, Slovak or Ruthenian Descent
Deadline : April 1
The Council of Higher Education has established a scholarship program for U.S. and Canadian students of Czech, Slovak, or Ruthenian descent who plan to continue education in undergraduate and graduate programs. Renewable scholarships are offered each year for full-time study at an accredited academic institution of the student's choice.
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Cuban American Scholarship Fund
The Cuban American Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to high school seniors and undergraduate students of Cuban descent. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or better and must attend a university in California on a full-time basis. Awards range from $500 to $2,000. For more information, contact: Mr. Victor Cueto, Cuban American Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 6422, Santa Ana, CA 92706; Tel: (714) 835-7676; Fax: (714) 835-7776; E-mail: lawvictorcueto@aol.com
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Detroit College Promise
Follow us on Twitter.
To find us on Facebook, just search for Detroit College Promise.
The Detroit College Promise is a 501(c)(3) public charity that provides tuition scholarships to Michigan public colleges and universities for Detroit Public School students. It is improving the Detroit Public Schools by encouraging DPS parents and students to plan for a college education, and by motivating parents with college aspirations for their children to move into Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools. As a result, it is helping to transform Detroit into a center of brainpower with a high proportion of college graduates, and is promoting economic development for Detroit and the region.
As of December 2009, we are providing scholarships to the following schools (including number and amount):
(1) Cody Upper: unlimited, $500/year for 4 years
(2) Douglass: unlimited, $500/year for 4 years
(3) Cass Tech: 2, $500 for one year
(4) Central: 2, $500 for one year
(5) Pershing: 2, $500 for one year
(6) Trombly: 2, $500 for one year
(7) Coming soon : no scholarships for other DPS high schools this year, but we hope to offer at least 2 scholarships at each of the remaining DPS high schools next year.
For more information, please contact Nat Pernick, M.D., Executive Director, The Detroit College Promise, 30100 Telegraph Road, Suite 408, Bingham Farms, MI 48025; Telephone: (248) 646-3269; Email: NatPernick@hotmail.com.
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Diversity Pipeline Alliance
A comprehensive resource for African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans interested in pursuing business and management studies. You'll find information about MBA programs, financial aid, internships and business careers.
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Ebony Scholarship Guide
Ebony now requires you to send an email to receive their scholarship guide.
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Financial Aid Directory for Students of Armenian Descent
Armenian Assembly of America, 7th edition, October 2006.
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Financial Aid, College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Hispanic Americans
Covers Puerto Ricans, Jíbaros, Boricuas, Cubanos, Guajiros, Dominicanos, Quisqueyanos, South and Central Americans, Mexican Americans, Chicanos, Latinos. A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D. Focuses on Latinos, Hispanics, Chicanos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South and Central Americans.
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Financial Aid for Native American Students
This page provides information about financial aid for Native American students, compiled with the assistance of Donovan Gomez, Executive Director of the San Juan Pueblo Department of Education. In addition to spelling out requirements for Native American status, the FastWEB scholarship search lists 70 active award sources for Native American students only, 11 award sources for Native American or Native Alaskan students, and hundreds of awards for minority students.
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Financial Aid, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards : Ethnic Groups and Studies
A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D.
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First in My Family Scholarship Program
The First in My Family Scholarship Program, developed in partnership with the Hispanic College Fund, offers scholarships to Hispanic-American students who are the first in their family to attend college and have financial need. The program is open to Hispanic Americans who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled as full time undergraduate students at approved, accredited institutions. Students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Scholarships range from $500 to $5,000. If you have specific questions about this program, please call HCF at 1-800-644-4223.
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Ford Foundation Dissertation Diversity Fellowships
Deadline : November 17, 2011
Through its program of Diversity Fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. This year the program will award approximately 35 dissertation fellowships.
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Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Diversity Fellowships
Deadline : November 17, 2011
Through its program of Diversity Fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. This year the program will award approximately 20 postdoctoral fellowships. The postdoctoral fellowships provide one year of support for individuals engaged in postdoctoral study after the attainment of the Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree.
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Ford Foundation Predoctoral Diversity Fellowships
Deadline : November 14, 2011
Through its program of Diversity Fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. This year the program will award approximately 60 predoctoral fellowships. The predoctoral fellowships provide three years of support for individuals engaged in graduate study leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Gates Millenium Scholars Program
The scholarships pay the difference between any financial aid the recipient may get from their college or university, and the total for their tuition, books and housing. The scholarships will be renewed yearly if recipients maintain a 3.0 grade average. Principals, teachers, guidance counselors, and other professional educators are invited to nominate students for the award. Nomination information and materials are available at the program's Web site and may be submitted online or via regular mail. For more information, contact: The Gates Millennium Scholars; Tel: (877) 690-GMSP (4677); E-mail: info@gmsp.org.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

GEM, see National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
Scholarship Listings
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Hispanic College Fund, Inc., Scholarships
The mission of the Hispanic College Fund is to develop the next generation of Hispanic business leaders in America by awarding scholarships to deserving Hispanic students. HCF accomplishes this mission by securing the funds necessary to award f inancial assistance to deserving Hispanic students seeking an undergraduate degree in academic disciplines leading to careers in business. This enables them to meet the career demands of today's job market and entrepreneurial arena. If you have any questions, you can send an email to hcf-info@hispanicfund.org or contact Angelina Paniagua at 1-800-644-4223.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Youth Awards
Graduating high school seniors of Hispanic Heritage planning to enroll in college in the fall, minimum 3.0 GPA, and willing to travel to the awards ceremony in your selected region (Chicago; New York; Los Angeles; Washington, D.C; Phoenix; Dallas; San Antonio; San Diego; Northern California; Miami; Houston; Philadelphia) are eligible. Awards up to $8,000, a laptop computer, and all expenses trip to the 2010 National Youth Award Ceremony.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Online
The Education Gateway for U.S. Hispanics. Brought to you by AT&T. HSF scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,500 are available to undergraduate and graduate students of Hispanic parentage who have completed at least fifteen units/credits of undergraduate college work with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Applicants must be enrolled for the fall and spring semester of each year as full-time students, carrying at least six units if they are graduate students or twelve units if they are undergraduates. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and at least half Hispanic background. Send a self-addressed, stamped, business-size (9" x 14") envelope to the Fund's office between August 3 and October 9 to receive an application form or download the application from the Fund's website. For more information, contact: Hispanic Scholarship Fund, One Sansome Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94104; telephone: (415) 445-9930; e-mail: info@hsf.net.
Currently offers listings in the following categories:
(1) Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS)
(2) Scholarship Programs for Graduating High School Seniors
(3) College Scholarship Programs
(4) Community College Transfer Scholarship Programs
(5) University Alliance Scholarship Programs
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Houtan Scholarship Foundation
In an attempt to spread the word of the abundant Iranian culture, the Houtan Foundation offers scholarship to students from all origins, Iranian and non-Iranian, who have high academic performance and proven interest in promoting Iran's great culture, heritage, language and civilization. The candidates for the award must demonstrate leadership ability and the desire to make a difference in the society, where they reside. The Houtan Foundation has a strong interest in each of these students’ achievements throughout the scholarship period and beyond, as the foundation’s goal is to participate in each student’s success....At the present time, the Houtan Foundation offers the award of $2,500 per semester which will be given toward a graduate school education for the selected applicant. The award will be offered each fall and spring semester. Please submit the application no later than (June 1st) for fall semester and (Oct. 1st) for spring semester.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Hispanic Scholarships
A compilation of scholarships from Education Corner.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students
In 1988, Hyatt established this fund to provide financial aid to minority students pursing a degree in hotel management. Over the years, Hyatt has continued its investment to permanently endow the fund, currently valued at more than $850,000. Since 1988, approximately 237 minority students have received $474,000 through this scholarship.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals : Business
(Last checked 08/20/12)

IBM Research Internship for Black, Hispanic, and Native American Students
IBM sponsors a research internship program for under-represented minorities. The goal is to encourage under-represented sophomore and junior minority students to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering. The internships are salaried positions typically 10 weeks long at one of three IBM research locations (San Jose, CA, Austin, TX, or Yorktown Heights, NY), and include in addition a $2,500 grant, plus the opportunity to work with an IBM mentor. The Watson lab has a full range of research, as does the Almaden lab, and the Austin lab focuses on software and systems. Research areas of the internship are individually chosen so as to optimize the match between the skills and interests of the student, and the ongoing research programs of the laboratory.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals : Internships
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Idaho State University
Minority Student Scholarships
A compilation of scholarship sources broken out into the following categories: African American, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Guide to Graduate and Professional School Scholarships
Courtesy of By IMDiversity.com, with The BLACK COLLEGIAN Online and our diversity-committed Grad School Channel Members.
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Inroads Minority Internship Program
Deadline : March 31
The mission of INROADS is to develop and place talented minority youth in business and industry and prepare them for corporate and community leadership. INROADS seeks high performing African American, Hispanic, and Native American Indian students for internship opportunities with some of the nation's largest companies. Our rigorous career development training process will challenge you to commit to excellence and raise the bar on your personal expectations.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals - Business, Internships, Minorities.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan
Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver
The Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver Program (M.I.T.W.) is a program that offers a higher education benefit in which it ‘waives’ all tuition costs to all North American Native Americans that are no less than ¼ (25%) Native American, have resided in Michigan for no less than twelve (12) consecutive months, and are planning on attending a public community college or university WITHIN the state of Michigan. Students must meet ALL requirements to be a candidate for the benefits. Not only does the program verify and process the benefits for the federally recognized tribes of Michigan, but also to residents of Michigan that come from tribes nationwide, as well as internationally.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Iranian-American Scholarship Fund
The Iranian-American Scholarship Fund (IASF) is a volunteer-administered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax ID # 20-2150547) which provides scholarships to full-time students of Iranian heritage attending undergraduate and graduate schools in the United States who exhibit academic excellence, as well as financial need and a commitment to community service....Founded in 1997 by a small group of philanthropic-minded individuals in San Diego, California, the IASF began as a “Mother Fund” at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), creating the first scholarship at UCSD for Iranian-American students supported by the Iranian community....Since then, the IASF has grown into an independent non-profit organization which awards scholarships throughout the nation to students of Iranian ancestry. The IASF does not provide scholarships for schools outside the U.S.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships for Minority Youth
JRF awards four-year scholarships of up to $6,000 per year to attend so students may attend the four year, accredited college or university of their choice.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Japanese American Citizens League Scholarships
The JACL began its National Scholarship and Awards Programin 1946. The JACL recognizes education as a key to greater opportunities for its members and therefore offers over 30 awards, with an annual total of over $60,000 in scholarships to qualified students nationwide. The National Scholarship and Awards Program offers scholarships to entering freshman, undergraduate, graduate, law, and creative & performing arts students. The National Scholarship and Awards Program also offers a student aid award. All scholarships are one-time awards.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Julian Samora Endowment Fellowship
Deadline : February 15, 2012
Named in honor of Dr. Julian Samora, the scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students engaged in scholarly activities focusing on Latino/as in Midwestern communities. The Julian Samora Scholarship Committee will review applications and select the awardees. Announcement of the recipients will be made in March, 2012. Applicants must be currently enrolled students at MSU, demonstrate good academic standing, and provide evidence of interest in research on Chicano/Latino communities. Scholarship awards are anticipated in the amount of $2,000 each. Awards will appear as a credit on the fall and spring tuition bills ($1,000 each semester).
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Korean American Scholarship Foundation
The Korean American Scholarship Foundation (KASF) is a non-profit, volunteer-managed organization established to help meet the financial needs of Korean-American students seeking higher education. Founded in 1969 by a small group of concerned individuals in Washington, D.C., the KASF began as a local organization with limited focus and funding resources. However, with the dramatic growth of Korean immigrant communities in the U.S., the KASF has expanded to include other regions and to broaden its funding base. The KASF seeks 1) to assist Korean American students in pursuit of academic and personal achivement, 2) to encourage community and civic service as an integral part of leadership development, and 3) to nurture the sense of pride and confidence in Korean cultural heritage and tradition.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships
Provides scholarships in any field of study to full-time graduate or undergraduate students pursuing degrees in the United States. Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens of Polish descent, Poles with U.S. permanent residency status, or Americans of non-polish descent who are pursuing the study of Polish subjects. Awards are granted for one academic year.
(Last checked 02/23/11)

KPMG Foundation PhD Project
"Welcome to The PhD Project on the Web. We're actively recruiting African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native American professionals who have an interest in pursuing a business doctorate. In support of its continuing effort to diversify the ranks of our nation's business schools and eventually the business community, the KPMG Foundation has, to date, earmarked nearly $4 million in scholarships to minority American accounting and information systems doctoral candidates." Michigan State University is a participating member.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

LaGrant Foundation
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African American, Asian Pacific American, Hispanic or Native American. Applicant must also be a full-time student at a four-year, accredited institution, carrying a total of 12 units or more per semester/quarter. Applicant must have a minimum of 2.75 GPA* and MUST major in a field of study that has an emphasis on public relations, marketing or advertising or must minor in communications with desire to pursue a career in public relations, marketing or advertising.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

LANIC Scholarships, Grants, and Loans
Identifies scholarship opportunities for Hispanics/Latinos as well as scholarship opportunities for students from Central and South America.
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Latin American Educational Foundation
Since 1949, LAEF has been helping students overcome the financial hardships of attending college. Make use of the informative sections below. Please contact LAEF's office for specific questions on LAEF's scholarship application.
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Latino College Dollars : Scholarships for Latino Students
Published by the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute and made possible with grants from The Sallie Mae Fund, The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, and The Walt Disney Company, this scholarship directory contains information on more than 300 scholarships targeting Latino students. Scholarship listings are categorized by education level, deadline, minimum GPA, by whether citizenship is required, as well as by region. A guide on how to apply for scholarships in both Spanish and English is also included in the directory.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Scholarships
Deadline : March 31
Since 1932 LULAC Councils have been selling tacos, tamales, having dances, etc., to raise monies for scholarships that are given to Hispanic students meeting certain guidelines. Several years ago the LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC), began the LULAC National Scholarship Fund. LNESC raises monies through donations from national corporations, while the LULAC local councils continue raising their monies the old fashion way. At a certain time of the year LNESC sends out matching funds information to all councils who in turn following the guidelines set by the LNSF program, submit their monies for matching purposes. Thereby, a council who would otherwise give a $400 scholarship, may now be able to give an $800 scholarship. LULAC offers a variety of scholarships for high school seniors, undergraduate & graduate college students through our educational arm, the LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. (LNESC).
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Lebanese American Heritage Club
Arab American Scholarship Foundation
Applicants must be of Arab descent, U.S. citizens or U.S. residents and must also be Michigan residents. Applicants majoring in mass communications will be given extra consideration. For more information, contact the Arab American Scholarship Foundation, 4337 Maple Road, Dearborn, MI 48126
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Magic Johnson Foundation
Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program
Deadline : February 1 (approximately) each year
The Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program is designed to provide support for deserving minority high school students who exemplify a strong potential for academic achievement but face social-economic conditions that hinder them from reaching their full potential. Since its inception in 1998, over 200 students have received financial assistance to attend the college/university of their choice. We have scholarship recipients attending Cornell, MIT, UC Berkeley, Morehouse, Azusa Pacific University, Clark-Atlanta University. Unlike most scholarship programs, the Magic Johnson Foundation/Taylor Michaels Scholarship Fund has made a commitment to assist the recipients through their entire undergraduate experience through several unique components including a mentoring program, internship program, and Life and Practical Skills classes. Approximately 30 students are selected each year to receive anywhere from $2000-$5000 a year for up to five years of tuition payments plus a laptop.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

MALDEF : The Latino Legal Voice for Civil Rights in America
MALDEF provides a comprehensive list of over 100 scholarships offered to students regardless of citizenship status, including undocumented students.
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MANA: A National Latina Organization
MANA seeks to empower Latinas through "leadership development, community service, and advocacy." MANA's site indicates that members of the organization have access to grant opportunities. The site also provides contact information for local chapters, including MANA de Metro Detroit. The link provided actually takes you to a list of possible scholarships available to Latina/Lationo students.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Media Action Network for Asian Americans (MANAA)
Media Scholarship
Deadline : October 30
Offering one $1000 scholarship for currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers as filmmakers and in television production (not broadcast journalism). Formed in 1992, MANAA is the only organization solely dedicated to monitoring the media and advocating balanced, sensitive, and positive depiction and coverage of the Asian American community.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- Communications; Film.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Michigan Minority Business Development Council
Deadline: May 27
The MMBDC is a privately funded, minority business development organization, whose primary goal and responsibility is to facilitate successful business relationships between minority business enterprises and Corporations that lead to increased procurement for mbes. The program awards scholarships of $2000 each, to ten students annually, and will provide each with an internship opportunity.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Michigan State University
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Native American Institute
Emma Shore-Thornton Award: This Scholarship is awarded annually to high achieving undergraduate and graduate Native American students at Michigan State University.
John R. Winchester Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded annually to full time Native American undergraduate student.
Winchester Fund: This is a 90-120 (with extension) day loan. The John R. Winchester Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1973 after the death of a very generous man dedicated to the needs of American Indian students in higher education. John R. Winchester was employed by Michigan State University as Coordinator in the North American Indian Affair Office, Center for Urban Affair. He devoted to great deal of his career encouraging Indian students to take advantage of higher education opportunities. Mr. Winchester recruited Indian students from Michigan as well as other states. Once at MSU he acted as their advisor, tutor, and friend. He was also concerned with the financial needs of the Indian students. It was said that whenever he lectured on behalf of North American Indian Association Scholarship Fund. The proceeds from the Native American Indian Student Organization (NAISO) Pow Wow goes to the John R. Winchester Memorial Scholarship/Loan Fund. With the help of previous Pow Wows and several departments at MSU, the fund is presently large enough to serve for short-term loans. NAISO hopes to increase the size of the fund so that it may also serve as a source for scholarship moneys for needy Native American students at MSU. Deadline: None.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Michigan State University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the Endowed Scholarship is to recognize individual students who can demonstrate their active involvement outside the classroom by continuing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s fight against injustice by promoting equality for all on every possible level. Selection of scholarship recipients is based on full-time enrollment status, demonstrated leadership, community involvement and service. Scholarships are usually for $1000.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Michigan State University
Julian Samora Research Institute
Scholarship Opportunities
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Migrant Farmworker Baccalaureate Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support to a deserving student with a history of migrating for employment in agriculture who has successfully completed one year of college. This support will cover expenses beyond what the youth is entitled to in federal/state and other scholarship assistance. This scholarship is designed to assist the youth in obtaining a baccalaureate degree without being encumbered with substantial debt.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Minority Scholarships, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards in Medicine, Public Health, and Related Fields
A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D. Focuses on African Americans, Alaska Natives (Aleuts, Eskimos, Inuit), Hispanics (Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South and Central Americans), Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders (Native Hawaiians, Polynesians, Micronesians).
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Morris K. Udall Native American Congressional Internship Program
Deadline: January 15
Native Americans and Alaska Natives . . . who intend to pursue careers in health care and tribal public policy are eligible to apply for the Morris K. Udall Native American Congressional Internship Program. Interns will be provided with airfare to and from Washington, DC; lodging at George Washington University; and, per diem to cover meals, transportation and incidentals. A $1,200 stipend at the conclusion of the internship is given. For more information contact: Susan Parrott, 520-670-5529, email: parrott@udall.gov.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Association of School Psychologists
NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship Program for Graduate Training in School Psychology
Deadline : November 1
The NASP-ERT MSP is pleased to annually award $5,000 to at least one qualified and select minority graduate student of school psychology. Students enrolled in doctoral programs will not be considered for this scholarship award. Only those students enrolled in specialist level (or equivalent) school psychology training programs will be considered.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. (GEM)
The GEM Fellowship programs are designed to offer opportunities for underrepresented minority students to obtain MS degrees in engineering and Ph.D. engineering and the natural and physical sciences through a program of paid summer internships and graduate financial assistance.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
Providing financial awards is one of many ways that NCLR fulfills its mission of supporting Latino communities in the United States. The NCLR has competitive financial awards (sponsored by the Annie E. Casey and Ford Foundations) for outstanding affiliate programs. Five awards are given to affiliate programs that focus on strengthening the family, and another $25,000 is awarded to the "Affiliate of the Year." Information about each award is available here. This link actually takes you to a list of scholarships.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Students, 2011
A compilation by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students
A 2009-2011 directory provided by the University of Maryland, Asian American Studies Program.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Students
The 2008-2009 edition provided by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP)
The NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to exceptional students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to biomedical, behavioral, and social science research careers at the NIH. Applications for the 2009-2010 school year are now available.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Italian American Foundation Scholarships
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) has an education budget of $1,000,000. The NIAF will award scholarships and grants to outstanding students in the summer of 2009 for use during the following academic year. The awards will be made on the basis of academic merit and divided between two groups of students.
(1) General Category I: Italian American students who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements. Area of study: open.
(2) Those students from any ethnic background majoring or minoring in Italian language, Italian studies, Italian American studies or a related field, who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements.
Scholarship awards range from $2,000-$12,000. Each scholarship award can only cover tuition and university-provided room and board. Scholarship recipients are eligible for one year of scholarship support. Scholarship monies not used during one academic year are not transferable to the following academic year. Scholarship applicants and winners can and are encouraged to reapply in subsequent years.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals-Undergraduates
(Last checked 08/20/12)

National Society : Daughters of the American Revolution
American Indian Scholarships
(1) American Indian Scholarship: The American Indians Committee of the DAR awards this scholarship to Native Americans. This award is intended to help Native American students of any age, any tribe, in any state striving to get an education. All awards are judged based on financial need and academic achievement. Specify that you want information on the American Indian Scholarship when you send the stamped self addressed envelope for information. This scholarship is intended to help Native American college/university and technical school students of any age, any tribe, in any state at the undergraduate or graduate level. Graduate students are eligible; however, undergraduate students are given preference. Applicants must be Native Americans (proof of American Indian blood is required by letter or proof papers)in financial need and have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher. There will be no exceptions. This is a one time $500 award. Deadlines: For Fall term, April 1; For Spring term, October 1.
(2) Frances Crawford Marvin American Indian Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded once a year to one student. A candidate for this scholarship must be enrolled full time at a 2 or 4 year college or university. Applicants must be Native Americans, and proof of American Indian blood is required by letter or proof papers. Students must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, and have a 3.0 GPA or higher. A recipient may reapply for this scholarship and be considered along with other members of the applicant pool. The amount of scholarship is based on total return of the endowment, and may vary year to year. Deadline: February 1.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Native American Scholarships
A compilation of scholarships from Education Corner.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies
Long-Term Fellowships
Deadline: December 12, 2011
Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellowship: This award is designed for faculty members at institutions participating in the consortium. Preference is given to scholars at an early career stage. The fellowship carries a monthly stipend of $4,200. Applicants must request at least four and no more than six months of support.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies
Short-Term Fellowships
Deadline : Feb. 6, 2012
The D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies announces the availability of short-term fellowships for doctoral candidates at institutions participating in the Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS). These fellowships offer support for between one and two months of dissertation research and carry stipends of $2500 per month. Graduate Fellows will be offered individual research space at the Newberry and accorded the same privileges as other Newberry Library short-term fellows. Awards may also be used to fund research in other libraries, archives, or in the field. Fellowship recipients are expected to present their research at the consortium’s annual graduate student conference or at a Newberry-sponsored seminar in American Indian and Indigenous studies.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Office of Chinese Americans Scholarship Program
Deadline : April 4, 2011
OCA, a national organization dedicated to advancing the social, economic, and political well-being of Asian Pacific Americans, is pleased to announce that it is accepting 2011 applications for the OCA-AXA Achievement, OCA-UPS Gold Mountain, and OCA-Verizon College scholarships. Each scholarship is valued at $2,000 and is nonrenewable. In order to be eligible for the OCA-UPS Gold Mountain and OCA-AXA scholarships, students must be a current Asian Pacific American (APA) high school senior entering their first year of college, demonstrate financial need, be a permanent resident or U.S. citizen, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale). OCA-UPS Gold Mountain scholarship is intended for APA students who are the first person in their family to attend an institution of higher education. The OCA-AXA scholarship is geared for students who have dedicated time to community service and demonstrated leadership ability. Current undergraduates who are studying technical majors and are entering their third or fourth year in college may apply for the OCA-Verizon College scholarship. Applications for the OCA-Verizon College Scholarships must be submitted online. For more information, or to download the application, please visit http://www.ocanational.org
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Order Sons of Italy in America Scholarships
Deadline : February 28
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) and more than 650 state and local lodges, the Order Sons of Italy in America® (OSIA) has awarded nearly $50 million in scholarships to date. Each year, the SIF offers 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition.
General Eligibility: U.S. citizens of Italian descent (at least one Italian or Italian American grandparent) enrolled in an under­graduate or graduate program at a four-year, accredited academic institution for the 2012 Fall term. Previous SIF scholarship winners are not eligible. (Please note: Additional eligibility requirements may apply to specific scholarships.)
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship For New Americans, see Soros Fellowships for New Americans

Polish Falcons of America Scholarships
Open to students who have been PFA members for at least 6 years and are pursuing studies full-time at a 4-year college or university or graduate degree program. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. Awards are offered to students who are at least in their 3rd year of university studies. Visit the website to discover the different scholarships available.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Public Policy & International Affairs Fellowship Program (PPIA)
Deadline: March 1st (annually)
The PPIA Fellowship Program prepares students, primarily from underrepresented communities, for careers and influential roles that serve the public good. The Fellowship Program offers an intensive summer institute to train students in public policy work and then offers to pay for graduate school should a student be admitted.
Scholarship Details: All expenses-paid summer institute (JSI) after junior year in college, internship opportunities and a minimum of $5,000 towards a masters degree in public policy, public administration or international affairs>
Location: JSIs take place at UC Berkeley, University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon University, Princeton University & University of Maryland, graduate schools - nationwide
For more information, send an email to ppia@ppiaprogram.org or call202-496-0130 ext. 204
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Jessie L Jackson Sr Fellows Scholarship
Deadline : April 15
Jackson Fellows are awarded to strong high school students. Selected fellows will receive $5,000.00. The award will be paid directly to the college or university he/she is attending. Selected fellows must meet the following criteria:
•Senior attending a high school and graduating in Spring of 2011
•Will be attending a four-year college or university in the U.S.
•Cumulative 3.0 grade point average or above
•Academic preparation to attend college
•Ability to overcome obstacles to achieve academic and personal goals
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Rising Farmworker Dream Fund
Deadline : June 1
The Rising Farmworker Dream Fund is proud to announce its Pre-MBA Fellowship program. The award is intended to encourage the sons and daughters of farmworkers to purse MBA degrees and in turn, develop more leaders who will channel resources to the U.S. farmworking community. Two categories of awards are usually provided:
1) Pre-MBA Fellowship Award--for students applying for an MBA
2) MBA Preparation Fellowship Award--for college Juniors & Seniors interested in pursuing an MBA within 5 years
We encourage students to apply as early as possible since some of the awards will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Ron Brown Scholar Program
The Ron Brown Scholar Program awards scholarships to academically talented, highly motivated, African-American high school seniors who have demonstrated financial need, social commitment, and leadership potential. Very competitive.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation
Deadline: April 1
In 1980, the Detroit News established the foundation to provide Michigan high school seniors with $2,000 grants that are applied to their first year of college. Recipients of the $2,000, non-renewable scholarship are chosen for their outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership, and commitment to the principles embraced by Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement. Applicants must include three letters of recommendation, a high school transcript, ACT or SAT test scores and an essay of 250 words or less answering the question "What makes you a Rosa Parks Scholar?" For applications and more information on the Rosa Parks scholarships, call (800) 766-3247.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Saint Andrew's Society of Washington, DC
Washington Scots Charity & Education Fund Scholarship Program
Awards are made to scholars enrolled in US or Scottish institutions for the third or fourth year of College or University or full-time graduate study. There are generally 6 to 20 awards made totalling in excess of $20,000. Among these, three special scholarships foster academic links between the United States and Scotland.
(1) The James & Mary Dawson Scholarship of $5,000 is available for Scots coming to the USA for graduate or post-graduate level study, with preference to those pursuing scientific and engineering degrees.
(2) The John P. McAdams Memorial Scholarship of $3,500, established by family and friends of the Society’s late President to support Scots and Americans of Scottish descent in their pursuit of University degrees, with preference to those pursuing degrees in history or Scottish culture.
(3) The Donald Malcolm MacArthur Scholarship of $2,500 is available for an American studying in Scotland.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Sallie Mae Fund
Scholarship Opportunities
The Sallie Mae Fund sponsors several scholarship programs and supports hundreds of college scholarships. All of our programs are based on financial need, as The Fund seeks to bridge the dollar gap when no one else can. With an estimated $3 billion in private scholarships awarded nationally each year, The Fund aims to send the message that money is available to those who make the effort to apply. Since 2001, The Sallie Mae Fund has awarded more than $14.3 million in scholarships to more than 5,700 students. For the 2008–2009 academic year, nearly $2 million in college scholarships were awarded to nearly 800 students nationwide.
Current scholarship opportunities include:
(1) American Dream Scholarship Program : Developed in partnership with the United Negro College Fund, the American Dream program offers scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000 to African-American students with demonstrated financial need.
(2) First in My Family Scholarship Program : The Sallie Mae Fund developed the First in My Family program in partnership with the Hispanic College Fund, to offer scholarships to Hispanic-American students who are first in their family to attend college. Selected students receive scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000.
(3) Unmet Need Scholarship Program : The Unmet Need Scholarship Program is intended to help financial aid officers meet the needs of full-time undergraduate students whose financial aid packages fall short by $1,000 or more. Open to families with a combined income of less than $30,000, Unmet Need scholarships provide a "last dollar" resource when no other funds are available.
(4) The Sallie Mae 911 Education Fund : Created in response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the 911 Education Fund provides scholarship dollars to children of those who were killed or permanently disabled in the attacks.
(5) Community College Transfer Program : Offered in collaboration with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, this program provided scholarships to Latino students transferring from a community college to an approved, accredited higher education institution.
(6) Writers of Passage Scholarship Program : In partnership with the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), this program involved an essay competition that awarded winning students from a Historically Black College or University, or a predominantly black college, with a $5,000 college scholarship.
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Saludos.com - Scholarships
Categories include: Science, Health, and Agriculture; Business; Computer Science and Technology; Law, Education, Social Services; Teaching; and Science and Technology.
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Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Identifies scholarships available to members of the tribe, including:
(1) Natural Resources Scholarship (Independent)
(2) Special Needs Scholarship
(3) Martha Miller Tributary Scholarship
(4) Victor Matson Sr. Tributary Scholarship
(5) Fred L. Hatch Memorial Teacher Education Scholarship
For more information, contact Sault Tribe Higher Education Programs at 531 Ashmun Street, SSM, MI 49783 or e-mail: jlewton@saulttribe.net
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Scholarships Based on Ethnicity
A compilation provided by UCLA.
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Scholarships for All Students Regardless of Immigration Status
This list, compiled by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, provides information on scholarships that do not require a social security number, legal residency, or citizenship in order to apply.
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Scholarships for American Students of Arab Descent
A compilation by the Arab American Institute.
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Scholarships for Chinese Students via FastWeb
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Scholarships for Filipino Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for German Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Irish Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Italian Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Korean Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Mexican Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Polish-American Students
A compilation of scholarship resources by the Polish American Congress, 2011.
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Scholarships for Polish Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Puerto Rican Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Russian Students via Fastweb
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Scholarships for Students of Ukrainian Ancestry or Citizenship
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Sons of Norway Foundation
The primary scholarship is the King Olav V Norwegian -- American Heritage Fund. HRM, King Olav V of Norway allows the Sons of Norway Foundation to use his name in establishing a fund to promote cultural exchange between Norway and North America. The fund welcomes applications from Americans, 18 years or older, with a plan of studies to focus on exploring his/her interest in Norwegian heritage or in modern Norway at an institution of higher learning. The fund also welcomes Norwegians, 18 and older, who desire to further their studies in North American culture at an institution of higher learning. HRM, King Olav V of Norway allows the Sons of Norway Foundation to use his name in establishing a fund to promote cultural exchange between Norway and North America. The fund welcomes applications from Americans, 18 years or older, with a plan of studies to focus on exploring his/her interest in Norwegian heritage or in modern Norway at an institution of higher learning. The fund also welcomes Norwegians, 18 and older, who desire to further their studies in North American culture at an institution of higher learning.
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Soros Fellowship For New Americans
Deadline: November 1
Provides support for new Americans - naturalized U.S. citizen, child of two parents who are both naturalized U.S. citizens, or a resident alien who holds a Green Card. Full support is given for two years of graduate study in the United States. Fellows receive a $20,000 maintenance grant and a tuition grant of one-half the tuition cost of graduate program.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals - Graduate
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Tall Clubs International (TCI)
Tall Clubs International (TCI) offers a $1,000 scholarship for tall people, the Kae Sumner Einfeldt Scholarship. Individual chapters may also offer local awards. Women who are at least 5'10" and men who are at least 6'2" are eligible for the award. Candidates must be under 21 years old and plan to attend college in the fall.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

(Berrien Fragos) Thorn Arts Scholarships for Migrant Workers
Funded by a bequest from Berrien Fragos Thorn, creative arts scholarships have been initiated in order to foster and encourage the creative talents of individuals with a history of migration to obtain work in agriculture. Eligible applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing further development of their talents in one of the following disciplines:
(1) Visual-painting, sculpture, photography, etc.
(2) Performing-dance, theatre, music, etc.
(3) Media-film, video, animation, computer graphics, etc.
(4) Literary-poetry, short stories, etc.
(5) Crafts-traditional folk arts, furniture, weaving, pottery, etc.
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Udall Foundation
The Morris K. Udall Foundation supports three programs of possible interest to MSU students:
(1) Native American Congressional Internship
To strengthen Native American communities and enhance tribal governance, the Udall Foundation offers a ten-week summer internship to provide 12 Native American or Alaska Native students with the opportunity to observe the federal legislative process and gain valuable experience in government decision-making. Interns are placed in a Congressional office or federal agency in Washington, DC. Special enrichment activities are a distinguishing feature; interns meet with elected officials, Cabinet-level executives, and Supreme Court justices.
(2) Environmental Public Policy and Conflict Resolution Dissertation Fellowship
The Foundation awards two fellowships each year to outstanding Ph.D. candidates who have demonstrated their potential to contribute to national environmental policy. Ph.D. candidates whose dissertation focuses on an aspect of U.S. environmental policy or conflict resolution may apply for a $24,000 fellowship to cover expenses during their final year of writing the dissertation.
(3) Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
The Foundation awards eighty $5,000 scholarships annually to undergraduates who will pursue careers relating to the environment, and to Native American or Alaska Natives interested in tribal public policy and Native American health care. Through these scholarships, the Foundation hopes to encourage future leaders across a wide spectrum of policy, science, education, social science and health fields.
For more information contact: info@udall.gov
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Union Plus Scholarships
Deadline : May 30
Embracing its mission to enhance the value of union membershipand support a stronger labor movement, Union Privilege has developed a scholarship program to help more women and people of color become union leaders. The Union Leaders of the Future Scholarship provides annual awards up to $3,000 to help future union leaders with the cost of continuing their education or training in order to pursue their union career goals and leadership skills.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

United Negro College Fund
Scholarships, Internships, and Research Fellowships
Access to a college education has never been more important for individuals and society! A college education opens up unlimited possibilities and helps students to discover and foster their unique gifts. It also demonstrates that students are willing to make an investment in their own futures. However, for many young people this investment cannot become a reality, because they are unable to afford the rising cost of college tuition. For students, we offer administer an array of scholarship, internship and fellowship opportunities.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

United Student Aid Funds
Access to Education Scholarship
Applications accepted December 15-February 15
Provides $1,500 to students with an annual family income of less than $35,000. Up to 50% of awards will be targeted to applicants who are members of an ethnic-minority group or who have a physical disability.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- Disabilities.
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University of California, Berkeley
Funding Opportunities for Women and Minorities
The following programs provide support for women and minority researchers. Funding may be for principal investigators with their own research projects, or for inclusion of female or minority researchers in pre-existing projects. Consult each program's web page for more detailed information.
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University of Minnesota Duluth
American Indian Learning Resource Center
Scholarships Listings
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Ventures Scholars Program
The Ventures Scholars Program is a national membership program designed to promote access to higher education. The Ventures Scholars Program identifies high achieving underrepresented and first-generation college-bound students interested in pursuing math- and science-based careers and provides academic recognition, information and resources needed to help them successfully pursue their career goals.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Worldstudio Foundation Scholarships
Worldstudio Foundation scholarships allow young people from minority and economically disadvantaged backgrounds not only to realize their artistic dreams, but also to give back to their communities. Areas of study include: architecture, cartooning, crafts, environmental graphics, fashion design, film/theater design (costume, set, lighting), film/video, fine arts, furniture design, graphic design, illustration, industrial/product design, interior design, landscape architecture, new media, photography, surface/Textile design, and urban planning.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals -- Arts, Film, Landscape Architecture, Photography, Minorities.
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Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship
Provides $1000 scholarships to minority students enrolled in one of the technical sciences or engineering disciplines. This scholarship is available to US Citizens and individuals with Permanent Resident visas.
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Yemeni American Association
Offers one-time scholarships to high school seniors of Yemeni heritage. Contact: Yemeni American Association, 2770 Salina, Dearborn, MI 48120, (313) 842-8402.

Yemeni American Benevolent
Scholarships to Yemeni American high school seniors. Contact: Yemeni American Benevolent Association, 2121 Salina, Dearborn, MI 48120, (313) 841-3333.

Young Native Writers Essay Contest
The Young Native Writers Essay Contest is a writing contest for Native American high school students and is designed to inspire honest portrayals of the richness of Native American life and history. The contest is a program of the Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation. Students responding to this year's writing contest should present in an essay of no more than 1,200 words, a) specific or general struggles and/or triumphs of Native Americans in history or in today's world, based on the students experiences and scholarly research; and b) how the writer will use his or talents to enhance the future of his or her own Native American community. Subject suggestions include, but are not limited to, Native American involvement in treaties, governments (Federal and Tribal), languages, education, folklore, religion, entertainment, health, nutrition, media, sports, and current events. The following prizes will be awarded to winning essayists: five first-place winners will each receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to visit the National Museum of the American Indian, and other prominent sites. The winners will be accompanied by the teachers who inspired their entries into the contest. First-place winners will receive a special award for display at home or school. In addition, each first-place winner will receive a scholarship ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 each to be paid directly to the college or university of their choice. The contest is open to all Native American Indian and Alaska Native high school students who are enrolled members of a state- or federally-recognized tribe. Also included are high school students enrolled in alternative schools, as well as those who are home schooled. For further information, see the program's Web site.
(Last checked 08/20/12)


SciVal Funding
Provides access to a searchable database of more than 12,000 active opportunities, 2.25M awards (back to 2004), and 4500 funding bodies. Geographic coverage is strongest for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, European Commission, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, India, South Africa, and New Zealand. At present academic discipline coverage is strongest in the sciences and business; hopefully it will beef up funding information in the arts, humanities, and social sciences as time goes by.
For more information see Frequently Asked Questions: MSU Scholars (SciVal Experts/SciVal Funding)
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Foundation Grants to Individuals Online (Main Library Access Only)
Includes descriptions of more than 6,000 foundations and public charities that fund individual grantseekers, and is searchable by nine different criteria. Records provide contact information, financial data, application information, and program descriptions, with links to more than 500 foundation Web sites. Updated quarterly.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

An extensive online grants database owned and operated by Schoolhouse Partners, and it contains more than 16,000 funding opportunities provided by more than 5,100 unique sponsoring organizations. Also provides a selection of funding news.
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MSU Scholarship Search
MSU offers a wide variety of scholarships, some of which have criteria which severely limit the number of students who might be eligible for the scholarship, while others have much broader criteria. This facility should help you find those MSU scholarships for which you might be eligible. You can search either by unit (College/Department) within the University or by criteria such as major/specialization, Michigan county of permanent residence, high school, or study abroad.
(Last checked 08/20/12)

Black College Dollars
This free scholarship search, geared for African-American students, contains more than 300 scholarships searchable by GPA requirement, academic and career interest, and application deadline. This directory is a part of The Sallie Mae Fund’s multi-faceted African-American College Access Initiative, launched in October 2005, to improve access to higher education among African-American students. Produced by the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.
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Cornell University
Graduate School Fellowships Database
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If you have access to the world wide web and are willing to fill in the online forms, this service promises a free customized list of financial aid sources. FastWeb is actually a searchable database of more than 400,000 private sector scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans from more than 3,000 sources for all levels of higher education. First-time visitors have to register (first and last name and a user ID), then complete a profile, including background and fields of study. Registrants then receive a list of all currently relevant funding sources. The registration information is stored and can be used on subsequent visits. The entire sign-up process, and delivery of available funding sources, can be a bit tedious: about five to twenty minutes, depending on the connection speed. Approximately 500 new scholarships are added to the database daily, so registrants can stay current. Provided courtesy of Financial Aid Information Page and Student Services, Inc. created by Mark Kantrowitz and sponsored by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
(Last checked 08/20/12)


The books mentioned on this page are available for public use in the Michigan State University Libraries. If you are unable to visit our library, consider visiting a Foundation Center Cooperating Collection in your home state or a local public library in your home town. If the books are not available there, ask about interlibrary loan or visit a local bookstore to find out whether they can be purchased.

The American Indian and Alaska Native Higher Education Funding Guide. Gregory W. Frazier. Denver, Colorado: Arrowstar Pub, 1989. 113pp. ERIC Microfiche Collection, 2nd floor, West Wing, ED362355.
Identifies scholarships, fellowships, etc. for Native Americans.

The Big Book of Minority Opportunities : the Directory of Special Programs for Minority Group Members. Garrett Park, Md. : Garrett Park Press, annual. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) HD6305 .M5 D5
One of the most comprehensive listing of minority programs available, detailing approximately 3500 opportunities. Entries are arranged under three main headings : (1) programs for minorities in specific fields of study; (2) programs offering support for all minorities in any major; and (3) programs for persons in any field that are restricted to a single minority group (Hispanic, African American, etc.). Latest edition [7th, 1997] available in the Reference Funding Center (1, East).

Black American's Information Directory. Detroit, Mi. : Gale Research, Inc., 1993. 3rd or 1994-95 edition, 556pp. Main Library Reference (1st Floor, East) E185.5 .B513
Contains chapter on "scholarships, fellowships, and loans" as well as "awards, honors, and prizes.

The Black Student's Guide to Scholarships. Lanham, Md. : Madison Books, 1999. 5th edition, 243pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2337.2 .B55 1999
700+ private money sources for black and minority students. Includes an alphabetical listing of scholarships from schools, fraternities and sororities, churches, and organizations and foundations; information on federal sources of financial aid, including grants, loans, and work study programs; a bibliography of other helpful reference works, including internet resources; and indexes organized by institution, discipline, and state.

Church Philanthropy for Native Americans and Other Minorities : A Guide to Multicultural Funding from Religious Sources. Phyllis A. Meiners, Greg A. Sanford. Kansas City, Mo. : CRC Pub. Co., 1995. 280pp. Funding Center (1, East) HV530 .M45 1995
Describes 67 grant programs and 34 loan programs available from religious sources for Native American and other multiculral organizations. Useful for indigenous and ethnic grant seekers looking for previously unknown church dollars earmarked for issues of self determination, social justice, and economic development. Indexed by both geographic and subject areas.

Directory of Financial Aids for Minorities. Gail A. Schlachter, ed., with Sandra E. Goldstein. San Carlos, Calif. : Reference Service Press, biennial. Funding Center (1 East) LB 2338 .D56
Divided into four separate sections: financial aids designed primarily or exclusively for minorities; a list of state sources for educational benefits; an annotated bibliography of directories; and five sets of indexes by program title, sponsoring organization, geographic, subject and calendar filing dates. Over 2,000 references and cross-references to scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, awards, internships, state sources of educational benefits and general financial aid directories are included. Latest edition [6th or 1995-97] in funding Information Center (1, East); earlier editions in Main Library Stacks. Note: Consider using RSP databases for more current information.

Federal Programs of Assistance to Native Americans : a report. Roger Walke. U.S. Senate. Select Committee on Indian Affairs. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, Dec. 1991. 6th edition, 331pp. on microfiche. Government Documents Library Microfiche Y4.In2/11: S.Prt.102-62
Describes Federal assistance programs for and of special interest to Indians and Alaska and Hawaiian natives. Provides program details, organized by Federal departments and agencies, including eligibility requirements and application procedures.

Financial Aid for African Americans. Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber. El Dorado Hills, Calif. (San Carlos Industrial Park, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, 94070): Reference Service Press, biennial. Funding Center (1st floor, East) LB2338 .F5643
2001-2003, 2003-2005, and 2006-2008 available in print; 1999-2001 edition also available electronically.
Covers almost 1500 different funding opportunities (including scholarships, fellowships, loans, awards, prizes, and internships) open specically to Black or African Americans. This money can be used to support a whole range of activities, future projects, professional development, personal advancement, and work experience. The listings cover every major subject area, are sponsored by hundreds of private and public agencies and organizations, and are open to Black or African Americans at any level, from high school and college through postdoctorate and professional.

Financial Aid for Asian Americans. Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber. San Carlos, Calif. (San Carlos Industrial Park, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, 94070): Reference Service Press, biennial. Funding Center (1st floor, East) LB2338 .F5644
1999-2001, 2001-2003, 2003-2005, and 2006-2008 available in print
the 1999-2001 edition is also available electronically
Identifies 950 funding opportunities (including scholarships, fellowships, loans, awards, prizes, and internships) open specically for Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Filipinos, and other Americans of Asian origins (including Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Macao, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. The listings cover every major subject area, are sponsored by hundreds of private and public agencies and organizations, and are open to Asian Americans at any level, from high school and college through postdoctorate and professional.

Financial Aid for Hispanic Americans. Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber. El Dorado Hills, Calif. (San Carlos Industrial Park, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, 94070): Reference Service Press, biennial. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .F5645
2001-2003, 2003-2005, and 2006-2008 available in print
the 1999-2001 edition is also available electronically.
Identifies nearly 1400 funding opportunities (including scholarships, loans, fellowships, grants, awards, and internships) available to Hispanic Americans, including Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and others of Latin American origin. The listings cover every major subject area, are sponsored by hundreds of private and public agencies and organizations, and are open to Hispanic Americans at any level, from high school and college through postdoctorate and professional.

Financial Aid for Native Americans. Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber. El Dorado Hills, Calif. (San Carlos Industrial Park, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, 94070): Reference Service Press, biennial. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .F5646
2001-2003, 2003-2005, and 2006-2008 available in print
1999-2001 edition also available electronically.
Detailed information on nearly 1500 funding opportunities open to American Indians, Native Alaskans, and Native Pacific Islanders (including Native Hawaiians and Samoans). The listings cover every major subject area, are sponsored by hundreds of private and public agencies and organizations, and are open to Native Americans at any level, from high school and college through postdoctorate and professional.

Foundation Grants to Individuals. New York, N.Y. : Foundation Center, biennial. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2336 .F6
The most comprehensive listing available of private foundations which provide financial assistance to individuals. The foundations described have made grants to students, artists, scholars, foreign individuals, minorities, musicians, scientists and writers for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, internships, residencies, arts and cultural projects, medical and emergency assistance, residencies and travel programs. Latest three editions available; earlier editions may circulate.

Funding Guide for Native Americans. Dean Cheavers. Broken Arrow, Ok. : DCA, Inc., 1983. 399pp. in looseleaf notebook. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) E98 F3 C52 1983
In addition to providing an extensive sample of grants made to Native Americans by foundations, the corporate sector, and the religious sector, this book also provides a fairly thorough introduction to grant preparation and writing.

Funds for Hispanics. Beatrice Fincher. Austin, Tx. : Spanish Publicity, 1981. 36pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) HV97 .A3 F5
Identifies 51 private foundations that have provided funding for Hispanic projects.

Grants to Indians, 1972-1983. Robert J. Swan. Broken Arrow, Ok. : DCA Publishers, 1984. 138pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) HV91 .S82 1984
A listing of grants to Native Americans identified during the stated time period.

The Higher Education Money Book for Women and Minorities. William C. Young. Fairfax, Va. : Young, Matthews, and Cox, annual. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .H55
A Directory of Selected Scholarships, Fellowships, Internships, Grants, and Loans. Focuses on financial assistance programs for which minorities and women are either eligible or receive preferential treatment. Covers undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate opportunities. Latest edition [1997].

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women : Annotated Selections. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991. 1991 edition, 143pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) Z5814 .M5 H5 1991
Includes specific loan, scholarship, and fellowship opportunities, as well as information on how to seek guidance about educational and career goals.

Hispanic Americans Information Directory. Detroit, Mi. : Gale Research, Inc., 1993. 3rd or 1994-95 edition, 515pp. Main Library Reference E184 .S75 H49
Contains chapters on "scholarships, fellowships, and loans" and "awards, honors, and prizes.

Hispanic Resource Directory, 1998. Lansing, Michigan: Michigan Commission on Spanish Speaking Affairs. 67pp. Main Library Reference F575 .S75 H48 1998

Hispanic Resource Directory, 1992-94. Alan Edward Schorr. Juneau, Alaska : Denali Press. 380pp. Main Library Reference (1st Floor, East) E184 .S75 S28 1992
Describes hundreds of organizations, both public and private, that provide services primarily to Hispanics or provide information about the Hispanic population. Some of the appendices focus on human rights and equal opportunity programs; minority and small business programs; migrant education programs; migrant health programs; bilingual education programs; etc.

Hispanic Scholarship Directory. Edward James Olmos. Carlsbad, Ca. : National Association of Hispanic Publishers and WPR Publishing, 2003. 240pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .H57 2003
The 2003 edition describes over 1,000 sources offering some $350 million to Hispanic students and students from Latin America. Information is provided for private and public scholarships, loan programs, national grant programs, and resources offered at the state level.

Hispanic Scholarship Guide. Auburn Hills, Mi. : Chrysler, 1996. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .S335 1996-97
Also known as the VISTA Scholarship Guide for Hispanics.

Money for College: A Guide to Financial Aid for African-American Students. Evlene B. Wilson. New York, N.Y. : Plume, 1996. 481 pages. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2337.4 .W55 1996
This book lists about 1,000 sources of financial aid for minority students, about 2/3s college-controlled and 1/3 from private sources, with a bit of information about federal student aid. The book includes a school index, field index, and athletic award index.

National Directory of Foundation Grants for Native Americans. Phyllis A. Meiners. Kansas City, Mo. : Corporate Resource Consultants, 1998. 206pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) AS911 .A2 M45 1998.
Documents the philanthropy of 56 foundations considered to be the most prominet funders of Native American programs. Mainstream foundations who target American Indian communities and those who earmark Native American studies and education programs are featured.

National Directory of Philanthropy for Native Americans. Phyllis A. Meiners and Greg A. Sanford, eds. Kansas City, Mo. : Corporate Resource Consultants, 1992. 138pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) HV89 .N36 1992
Contains profiles on 24 foundations, 12 corporations and corporate foundations, and 3 religious institutions considered to be the most prominent funders of Native American programs.

National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Youth, 2003/4. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, 2004. 3rd edition, 137pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .N38 Ed. 3 2004
Provides useful resources for students looking for the right college, applying for a scholarship, or seeking an internship.

Pathways to Career Success for Minorities. Chicago, Ill. : Ferguson Pub., 2000. 378pp. Funding Center (1 East) LC3727 .P37 2000
This comprehensive guide lists hundreds of organizations devoted to the educational and career advancement of minorities. This directory will help the reader start a business, look for a grant, investigate colleges, and tap into professional networks.

Preparing For and Financing Your College Education : A Guide for American Indian / Alaska Native Students. Washington, D.C. : National Education Association, 1989. 56pp. Remote Storage E97 .P7 1989
Provides information to assist American indian and Alaska Native students in preparing for college and obtaining adequate financial assistance. Section two provides a list of financial aid sources with specific programs available to American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian. West Nyack, N.Y. : Todd Publications, 1998 8th edition, 883pp. Main Library Reference (1st Floor, East) E77 .R4
Contains a section on financial aid resources, ranging from directories and reference books, to information about foundation, corporate, and religious grant makers, to information about U.S. government financial aid and tribal scholarships.

Scholarship Guide for Hispanics. Coral Gables, Fl. : VISTA Magazine, 1993. 92pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .S355 1993

Sources of Financial Aid Available to American Indian Students. Esther L. Yazzie. Las Cruces, New Mexico : Indian Resource Development, 1996. 91pp. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2337.2 .S68 1994
Lists sources of financial aid for Native American students and other minorities.

VISTA Scholarship Guide for Hispanics. Auburn Hills, Mi. : Chrysler, 1996. Funding Center (1st Floor, East) LB2338 .S335 1996-97
Also known as the Hispanic Scholarship Guide.


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