
The mission of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is to provide independent oversight that promotes efficiency and effectiveness while safeguarding the integrity of programs and operations under USAID OIG’s jurisdiction. OIG will execute this mission by continuing to serve as a a leading oversight organization with a motivated and resourceful workforce that produces quality products that facilitate mission achievement in foreign assistance, and increases accountability and promotes good stewardship of foreign assistance funds.

In executing its mission, OIG is committed to the following core values:

Inclusive Leadership

  • Establishing a clear vision and influence people by providing inspiration, guidance, and direction to accomplish OIG’s mission
  • Encouraging each employee to be innovative and contribute to the success of the organization
  • Fostering a culture of open communication and transparency throughout the organization
  • Promoting a consultative approach to support informed decision making and build consensus among customers and stakeholders
  • Sharing organizational goals to allow everyone to understand how his or her contribution makes a difference
  • Demonstrating initiative at all levels of the organization


  • Operating at the highest professional standards and demonstrate technical competence
  • Producing work products that are meaningful for intended customers and stakeholders
  • Promoting workforce development
  • Striving to be the premier oversight organization in all facets of operation


  • Reinforcing good stewardship and fiduciary responsibility
  • Embodying character, decency, and honor in everything we do
  • Working openly, fairly, and respectfully with our colleagues and partners
  • Accept responsibility for our actions
  • Maintaining objectivity and impartiality in the exercise of judgment and execution of our responsibilities
  • Defending OIG positions with reasoning and evidence, and stand up for what we believe in
  • Maintaining awareness of conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts
  • Committing to the highest standards of accountability and independence
  • Developing products that are factual, accurate, informative, and reliable

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Collaborating with colleagues and exchange knowledge and expertise at all levels of the organization
  • Engaging the oversight community on matters of common interest
  • Working with the organizations we oversee to understand program objectives and find solutions to problems
  • Considering concerns of customers and stakeholders and respond effectively to their needs
  • Providing timely responses to our customers and stakeholders


  • Respecting and valuing individual differences, viewpoints, and backgrounds to maintain a collaborative, productive work environment and enhance the quality of our work