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Judy Chu - Pasadena, CA

Judy Chu
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  • Government Official
    Comments that have profanity, personal attacks or other inappropriate off-topic comments will be removed. This is an official page for policy discussion only. Under federal election law, no comments on campaign/election issues are allowed.
  1. Yesterday, I began representing California’s new 27th Congressional District. I’m excited to serve my new constituents, and will continue fighting for the needs of the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles County in Congress. Please visit www.chu.house.gov/newdistrict to see if I am now representing you.
    Photo: Yesterday, I began representing California’s new 27th Congressional District. I’m excited to serve my new constituents, and will continue fighting for the needs of the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles County in Congress. Please visit www.chu.house.gov/newdistrict to see if I am now representing you.
  2. RecommendationsSee All
    • Wenhai Zheng
      She is the first Chinese American Congressman woman. Go Judy!
      1 · over a year ago
    • Bob Kuhn
      As a local city councilmember, and state represenative before she went to Congress Judy(gets it) understands the problems those of use elected to local offices have. There is no way to thank Judy for her commitment to the district she represents. She is always there for us when we need something and has a great staff to pull it all together when a job needs to be done that is good not only for her district but the the greater San Gabriel Valley.
      over a year ago
    • Bobby Guzman
      Look forward to help you on your upcoming Small Business Workshop in Montery Park. Sincerely, Roberto C. Guzman, USC BSEE President - SHPE Los Angeles Chapter President - San Gabriel Valley Chapter, Team Referral Network Member of NALEO, LULAC, American GI Forum, MAES, PMAA, CACP, LBA, LBC-GLA, USC San Gabriel Valley Trojan Club, Hispanic Contractors Association, CALTRANS Statewide Small Business Council, LAMTA Transportation Business Advisory Council, Etc.
      over a year ago
    • Beverly Fierro
      vote compromise
      over a year ago
  3. The Democratic women of the 113th Congress truly are a snapshot of America’s diversity. We’re being sworn in today, and I’m thrilled to be representing California’s new 27th District!
    Photo: The Democratic women of the 113th Congress truly are a snapshot of America’s diversity.  We’re being sworn in today, and I’m thrilled to be representing California’s new 27th District!
  4. I am stunned by NRA President Wayne La Pierre’s careless, arrogant remarks on the Sandy Hook tragedy. Having guns in our schools makes them more dangerous and our children less safe. Guns have no place in our schools, period.
  5. Today, Congress will finally pass provisions to address military hazing! This is an important step towards ridding hazing from our military’s ranks. But much more must still be done to stop this abhorrent behavior. I will continue fighting to make hazing a crime, and I will hold each branch accountable for implementing the strongest hazing policies possible. http://1.usa.gov/TazuAb
  6. Today, Republicans are forcing a vote on their so-called Plan B that raises taxes on middle class families, but gives millionaires $50,000 in tax breaks! This isn't the balanced approach Americans support and it gets us no closer to a deal to end this fiscal showdown. The clock is ticking – stop with these partisan ploys and get back to the negotiating table.
    Photo: Today, Republicans are forcing a vote on their so-called Plan B that raises taxes on middle class families, but gives millionaires $50,000 in tax breaks! This isn't the balanced approach Americans support and it gets us no closer to a deal to end this fiscal showdown. The clock is ticking – stop with these partisan ploys and get back to the negotiating table.
  7. What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School is truly unimaginable. It’s time to change our gun laws, before another school, or mall, or movie theater is turned into a crime scene. http://bit.ly/VQgiG3
    Photo: What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School is truly unimaginable. It’s time to change our gun laws, before another school, or mall, or movie theater is turned into a crime scene. http://bit.ly/VQgiG3
  8. First Lt. Schwartz - the only officer charged in the Private Danny Chen hazing case - is leaving the Army to avoid a trial. He helped haze Danny so mercilessly that he took his own life. Now he’s cutting and running from the consequences! This is not justice, and it’s past time for Congress to act to stop hazing. We must end hazing and protect our troops. http://nym.ag/U6NBrs
  9. Today, our nation lost a great American. Senator Daniel K. Inouye was a decorated World War II hero, an inspirational leader and the highest ranking Asian American in the history of the United States. As President Pro Tempore of the U.S. S...enate, he faithfully served the people of Hawaii and the nation at large for nearly half a century. His passing has left a void that cannot be filled. My sincerest condolences go out to his family, loved ones, and the people of Hawaii for their tremendous loss. 1.usa.gov/SHCh75See More
  10. The Sandy Hook tragedy makes it clear that we’re not doing enough to protect our kids. We face these national tragedies far too often, and it is time to act. We must ban assault weapons. We must ban extended clips. Military combat weapons have no place in our society.
  11. At the Pasadena American Legion Post 13 Grand Holiday Banquet with Post Commander Michael Seaton, National Commander James Koutz, and Pasadena Mayor Bill Boogaard.
    Photo: At the Pasadena American Legion Post 13 Grand Holiday Banquet with Post Commander Michael Seaton, National Commander James Koutz, and Pasadena Mayor Bill Boogaard.
  12. My heart goes out to the victims and families of Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. I am shocked and saddened by this senseless tragedy against school employees and children. We must all support the people of Newtown, Connecticut during this very difficult time.
  13. Sacrificing our environment is no way to fix our debt. Sequestration could make families more vulnerable to harmful pollution and even hinder our ability to fight wildfires. Here’s my take on these mindless cuts: http://bit.ly/UWges5
    Photo: Sacrificing our environment is no way to fix our debt. Sequestration could make families more vulnerable to harmful pollution and even hinder our ability to fight wildfires. Here’s my take on these mindless cuts: http://bit.ly/UWges5
  14. Today on the House Floor, Democrats are urging Republicans to allow a vote on extending tax cuts for middle class families and small businesses. Click “like” if you want Republicans to do the right thing and protect the middle class while negotiations continue to end this fiscal showdown. #DoTheRightThing
  15. So much for the holiday spirit! Republicans in the Michigan legislature rammed through a bill to strip workers of their right to unionize. Unions built the middle class. Working families deserve better than to be denied their right to bargain for fair wages and working conditions. http://wapo.st/STqRLp
  16. Spoke with a group of young men at John Muir High School who are participating in the Mentoring & Partnership for Youth Development Program.
    Photo: Spoke with a group of young men at John Muir High School who are participating in the Mentoring & Partnership for Youth Development Program.
  17. Had the opportunity to visit Eliot Middle School and see all the great work in STEM they are doing through an i3 Federal Grant
    Photo: Had the opportunity to visit Eliot Middle School and see all the great work in STEM they are doing through an i3 Federal Grant
  18. Just spoke with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien about the fiscal cliff. I called on Republicans to work with President Obama on a balanced plan to protect our economy. Middle class families face a $2,200 tax increase if Republicans can’t agree to a bipartisan compromise. See it here: http://bit.ly/UxuQLX
    Photo: Just spoke with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien about the fiscal cliff. I called on Republicans to work with President Obama on a balanced plan to protect our economy. Middle class families face a $2,200 tax increase if Republicans can’t agree to a bipartisan compromise. See it here: http://bit.ly/UxuQLX
  19. Celebrating All Souls Catholic Church 100 Year Anniversary in Alhambra with Mayor Barbara Messina
    Photo: Celebrating All Souls Catholic Church 100 Year Anniversary in Alhambra with Mayor Barbara Messina
  20. This morning I had the opportunity to speak to Duarte High School students at the Mad City Money event about the importance of Financial Literacy.
    Photo: This morning I had the opportunity to speak to Duarte High School students at the Mad City Money event about the importance of Financial Literacy.

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