Obama Visits Louisiana Oil Spill


President Obama visited the shores of Fourchon Beach, Louisiana, where the 39-day long BP oil spill is having a profound impact.

“I take responsibility,” Obama said. “It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down.”

The president met with U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen and Louisiana’s Lafourche Parish President Charlotte Randolph, who are facing the spill’s effects locally.

Allen said local responders from the state, parish and federal governments are using modern technology to track the oil containment booms daily.

“If oil were to get into the bay over here,” Allen said, “which is very, very sensitive, they’d have to have local shrimp boats that are standing by to deploy the boom.”

Booms are buoyant tubing used throughout the Gulf region to absorb the oil and contain the spill from reaching areas, acting as a fence around fragile ecosystems. Obama said he saw several “tar balls” washing up on shore where they can be picked up and disposed of.

“More than anything else, this economic and environmental tragedy – and it’s a tragedy – underscores the urgent need for this nation to develop clean, renewable sources of energy,” Obama said Thursday. “Doing so will not only reduce threats to our environment, it will create a new, homegrown, American industry that can lead to countless new businesses and new jobs.”

35 thoughts on “Obama Visits Louisiana Oil Spill

  1. “If one thinks good, good always follows because Nature is calm and nature is peace”

    A very good idea expressed to meet economic and environmental tragedy that may, “God willing” not remain a tragedy as is being envisaged with moments of time on it.
    BP is on the job with lessons to draw and I am sure Mother Nature will not be cruel to give them the right feed for plugging the oil flow ultimately.
    The worst has already happened and the recovery on it requires patience, dedication and techniques for the world minds of science technology and engineering to contribute on it in human terms of their projection because such calamities gives one the learning experience if viewed positively.
    Right now it is all negative and that is why President Obama’s sixth sense has beautifully contributed on homegrown American Industry.
    Yes, precautionary fence around fragile ecosystem is a good advanced thinking that stands humanly acknowledged because it shows sensitivity and moral environmentally based.
    Obama’s picking up a tar ball suggesting disposal “how deeply he is into the oil spill with his sense of responsibility” – it is not flattery but a moment to be picked up owning his job with priority on leak and oil spill for shutting down and that is the best President of a country can give as his reassurance.
    The positive vibes of the public on it definitely would add to the prayers on achievements. “All truly God fearing people must remember that that their land with the coastline is the Mother not separate from the sea and it is the Mother that accommodates its progeny for life and we are all part of that in our separate divided lands and yet one on ecology and ecosystem for sharing the wealth of the Mother”. With this last sentence I also greet Michelle Obama along with Obama for this communication and also other concerned people of the world on it.
    Ravinder Kumar.







  4. The Agro-Industry Effects From BP Petroleum Oil Company Catastrophe
    on USA Human HealthLife Styles and Nutrition in April-May-June 2010

    By Prof. Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO
    30th June 2010.
    With oil beginning to wash ashore in Louisiana, President OBAMA has assured his citizens that his administration is able to live with succinct technical experience to learn, listen, leverage, develop and achieve the objectives of what it can do to contain the oil spill within the allowed critical path analysis of experimental lag-phase time and cost dimension. The BP Shell Company the polluter becomes a full universal set of cost dimension of oil spill catastrophe arrest in total environmental costing. The practical experience on the banks of the Mississippi shows us that the workers who usually depend on the agro-industry activities from rivers and estuaries are taking matters into their own hands to prevent oil coming ashore.

    The final PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hyrogen Carbon Compounds) carcinogenicity of cancerous arc of the food chain mechanism season in the Gulf of Louissiana US in this fall of 2010 is more than ever in the shrimps turtles fish etc “Green Policy Safey Essence” and “Petroleum Oil Catastrophe Existence”—in our modern oil exploration agenda issues
    as per the International Pollution Acts. The genesis of Bp Shell Company catastrophe is very questionable and leaves a lot of questions to the healthy lifestyle of those who depend on the ocean beach offsourcing for their agro-industry activities. The benefit-cost analysis of the firebrigade, the Green Peace Movement NGOs, US Environmental Protection personel, UN personnel, the aquatic biodiversity species destroyed, the future medical Healthcare of the affected people documented issues involved as per stepwise diagnosis should be calculated from phase one onwards to arrive at the approximate total environmental cost of the accident in the deep ocean waters. These human technological safety negligencies should not be tolerated, or entertained in the modern history of our time. To be sincere with ourselves as enviromental technologist engineers,the total environmental cost here cannot be calculated within three months only, it needs Critical Path Analysis dimension pegged to time for the physco-biochemical dynamics equilibrium of the ocean aquatic parmeters in question to settle down and then work on the real statistical prognosis data regression charts for proper calculations.

    This is the time to peruse, scrutinize and explore excellently the R and D functions for many technologists, those activities which are not enviromental friendly to the agro-industry itself—returns to these questions about the nature of matrix of oil exploration and its adverse effects to mankind in 21 st the century. The spill, which has seen oil spewing into the ocean for more than a month after the explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig on 20 April, has cost the company $930m (£640m) so far. The cost has gone up steadily from the $625m estimate it issued on 18 May.
    The World’s pregnancy legacy, that oil is a baby gold should be forgone forever in this decade for a while especially in the fresh water tables and in the deep ocean waters until the environmental safety experts design practical module devices to robustly seal the oil wells immediately just like space craft gardgets going into the space. This complex factorial incalculable monetary cost on USA agro-industry by the ongoing technological catastrophe story is second only to the irreparable damage it’s doing to the environment and mankind. While the US Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported that 5,000 barrels a day was pouring from the BP rig, new information released on Thursday, May 13, based on a BP video, said the flow rate approximated 70,000 barrels. It’s no longer mere technical speculation – the oil spill is far worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident in Alaska. The spill, off the coast of Louisiana, threatens an environmental disaster and the effects will be felt for generations to come on the agro-industry cleaner consumer production and healthcare lifestyle. The company is also still collecting spilled oil from the leak points at the Macondo well. It gives no update on how much oil it is capturing at present. At the start of the week, BP admitted that it was capturing less oil from the ruptured well than previously estimated – an average of 2,010 barrels a days.
    The Cleaner consumer production Green Policy had been the application of chemical dispersants:-Use of chemical dispersants as oil spill clean-up agents, alters normal behavior of petroleum hydrocarbons (PH) by increasing functional water solubility. The bioavailable fraction may be increased through higher PH concentrations in the water column and altered interactions between dispersant, oil, and biological membranes. The technological justification for this is usually to determine the impact of dispersing agents on PH bioavailability and trophic transfer. Uptake, bioaccumulation, depuration, and metabolic transformation of assigned models as may be applied. The agro-industry effect has been paramount on the Individual to population level effects of South Louisiana crude oil water accommodated hydrocarbon fraction (WAF) on a marine meiobenthic copepod. Influence of dispersants on the bioavailability and trophic transfer of phenanthrene to algae and rotifers. Metabolic Enzyme Activities in Fish Gills as Biomarkers of Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbons.

    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO

  5. If the drill casing used on the leaking oil well (Deep Water Horizon) will burst if the well is capped then these types of wells should not be drilled.
    If the well casing will hold if capped then cut it and cap it. Or put on a valve and turn it off.

    They can cut it and they can install devices on it. CLOSE THE DAMN WELL!
    BP and our politicians don’t want to lose the oil permanently.

    The coastal wetlands at risk are the single largest natural resource from the southern tip of Mexico to northern Canada. Shame on Fed Gov and big oil company’s.

  6. Am with the courage the president is showing on quick solution findings and resolving of the oil spill as a president this the best way he can do to get the first hand information and forge a way he can resolve this once and for all.
    He is a determined president to see his nation and people of usa developing further and therefore it’s not President Obama wish to see the economic resources of his country wasted in oil spill and the engineers should be held responsible for this mess.

  7. at some point we must address the problem of corruption as it relates to this tragedy and so many other issues that face us.

  8. What the infra red power through the state of consciousness in me conveying that top kill was just an experiment. In order to reduce the pressure of gushing oil flow, technically in layman’s term of commonsense what came to me as indication was that “to meet the pressure of flow one has to first work on the flow to reduce it to just a leak that can be cemented and blocked with all the junk hypertensive used in the top kill”. That is where the minds did not click over the over 40 days of gushing oil environmental calamity. The fact remains when it was an accident, BP got panicky and had their nerves on thinking saving their own cost that they are being made to doubly pay for it now?
    ? – What was required was simultaneous drilling in the same area to first reduce the pressure of gushing oil from the accident site and save it through technical means, meaning through pipe lines on the surface of the sea outside the sea on the land. That would have been wisdom but even that required a time plan to execute. So in a nutshell this can only be taken as tragedy to be reckoned as catastrophe of nature with lessons to plug where ethics of money come related with the contractual obligations.
    If BP has to bear the brunt of it, I would only say it was destined that way on which President Obama who is answerable to the people of his own nation had stood.
    Kindly excuse me for writing this comment on account of the Infra red power because I do not know whether I have been right or wrong on my liberty with it but I do feel comfortable writing this comment.
    Ravinder Kumar
    (For Infra red Power of the Sun)

  9. This is simply government for the people by the people that values human beings and not seeing them as slaves or nothing. We can only expect this when peoples’ votes are made to count. when do we expect this in Nigeria?

  10. corruption is the theme that unifies this tragedy with the vast number of problems we face today.

  11. Clinically declared death or scientific findings on brain burst lasting up to 3 minutes in near death are relatively staged through the consciousness that have medical brains engaged in research of findings on electrical impulses of the brain through mapping and experimental study that is instrumentally based in medical search and medical science.
    Remember, such self findings remain in descending order starting from the number 9 going down up to number 1 and not zero. That is because in zero the consciousness of life retires of its energy state of death as life and not death because zero plus as life in its ascending order is not life after death; on the contrary is continuation of life under the direct power of the Supreme Light of Lights held by Supra cosmos where, ascending order of the consciousness of life as light comes to be held under the descending order of Supreme Light of Lights. That obviously is held in steps that fetch the lower order numbers 1 to 9 in zero under the zero of its death energy state as life in zero for zero plus as Higher Power of Zero connecting the lowest of lower life from number 1 to the Highest of SUPRA COSMOS through Integration and that Integral number of Supra Cosmos of life in life through its state of Light Consciousness as is being expressed of its Incarnate state of Supreme Light Consciousness is number 10 into Infinity of the Infinite. After my writing this, has number 10 of Its Infinite state as* switched off the light of those engaged imperfectly conducting research on death and after life death where, the word “after” also carries them to categorize as of hallucinations by hallucinations describing light of life quoting instances of gross nature on it?
    ? – Remember, Conscious Rebirth means consciously exceeding life by life of death energy as life into the light of life of its Consciousness and under that also exists materialized essence of light in the Power of the Supreme Light of Lights of True Powers like Krishna Christ and many others that have played in the past through their meta physical equations of powers time related in the oneness of the Supreme Light of Lights of Supra Cosmos. Can those therefore be generalized under peoples states of experiences in hallucinations as instances for medical phenomena in research observed under the brain wave burst of numbers from 1 to 9?
    ? – It was not my intention to write this communication and its natural flow through me has come to convey of its essence that “whoever is conducting research should not forget that he stays below zero in the numbers from 1 to 9 and for any one to attain to zero as Consciousness would mean ceasing on petty research for becoming practical with Zero plus the Highest of Higher Consciousness for attaining to the living number 10 plus the Infinite as the living Instrument Personality of God, where God is not and where God by definition stays in life undefined and that is the Absolute Infinite held by the ideal of Its living Body of Chance element of God original in life’s processes stealing this knowledge as I am through the Infra Red Power of Sun for life over all of this globe that stands intellectually and Spiritually based under the zero.
    This communication therefore has emerged to explain if it can throw some light for the medical brains conducting research on the behavior of brains of life on last moments prior to death of a body or where brains through minds come to relate experiences linked to Krishna, Christ, Mohamed etc to establish their hallucinating moments of charge as persons through their so called dream states under the zero comprising of homogenous whole of numbers 1 to 9.
    While on the subject, I will also integrate the contents of the above matter of text with the recent oil gushing nightmare to ask scientists and engineers “were they able to monitor in advance the accidental situation that stands as a sort of catastrophe today”?
    On the above question also I would say numbers 1 to 9 remain relative in imperfection under the zero and their order as base in lower consciousness of life material is money for money; a kind of blue lust under the frame work of zero for zero in zero plus because Zero Plus has become the Ruling Time through the Timeless that I alone have come to indicate because I stand integrated from the lowest of lower consciousness with the Highest as Supra Cosmos in my capacity as ALL for life and who stands without acceptance by life in material terms of life. That means numbers 1 to 9 are no where in the picture on me from the point of view of material life and that is not only bad but extremely bad.
    Numbers 1 to 9 are related with the physical of me and I am supposed to maintain my physical healthy at all levels of my existence in life comprising of vital, mental, Spiritual, Supra mental and Supra mentally physical in the end for all my physical as I am of my inherently alive state of Supra Cosmos where I live?
    ? – I could not have bothered on it for myself as the ordinary being of life “had it not been of my Conscious Rebirth in life of its step under the Absolute Power of Supra Cosmos of its state of Conscious Being”?
    ? – Obviously, the Absolute Power now takes the slap by the lower life of life of its intellectual and Spiritual essence on the Conscious Being and not on me meaning the Designs of the Absolute Power over Its step of my Being as the Conscious Being in life have become active projecting me on it for life as I am going through with it in my helplessly Knowledge position of this or that because the status Conscious Being that stands separated in the Absolute Power of which I am an Instrument now relating this has only allowed me to use Obama today channel of communication for it – I do not know why and for how long on it? – All that I can say on it is “perhaps the Absolute Power requires Obama to accept my material being in the life of numbers 1 to 9.
    I have used the word “perhaps” giving the benefit of doubt to myself as “no body” to exceed the Designs of the Absolute in me but, the Chance element in me of life for life can certainly express for it because it stands for the overall good of life in relative terms for life where I see the Absolute Power over the separated Conscious Being state also staged in me. Well, that has been a step of my stealing over for life in Ignorance as in this communication in my Absolute Capacity as Krishna leaving the rest to life on it to re capture on me not as anything else but only as the living ordinary being of life with a good taste of the mouth.
    Ravinder Kumar.
    Today you know I forgot to brush my teeth before even having my breakfast and then lunch. Well, I am not an absent minded professor; it is rare though that I take off for work and when I land, I realize oh, I what I discover that I have not brushed my teeth today and then console myself with it by saying – “may be because I had a date with the Doctors of life today”? “Something is better than saying nothing in one’s self justifying on it” well that is me,
    Ravinder Kumar.

  12. Há alguns meses assisti um documentario no qual Israel transportava milhões de litros de água de um pais visinho para israel em bolhas de plástico que ficavam na agua do mar e iam enchendo de agua doce, pois então, tive a idéia após ler notícia no jornal “O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO” de segunda-feira de 31/05/2010 que dizia ” vazamento pode durar até agosto admitem EUA”, porque não adaptar o bocal dessa bolha no poço que esta vazando?
    Como o petróleo é mais leve a bolha iria boiar; poderiam também colocar tubos com um grande diametro em um dos lados da bolha e puxar o petróleo do seu interior para um petroleiro estacionado sobre o vazamento na superfície do mar, com esta modesta idéia espero estar colaborando com uma possível solução rápida do problema diminuindo a poluição que isto vai causar; sem mais agradeço pela atenção; espero que minha idéia ajude na solução…

  13. why the hell is our american oil doing under the middle easten sand’s in the first place ???

  14. hallo sir presiedent of the unate stastes
    i an happy you try to do something
    about the lekking oil
    we love you
    warm greetings rhonda

  15. Dear’s, Obama Government America is a great acceptance by the all world countries to do any activities. So, should have to carefully to do some thing wrong b/c world community earrings are only to listen(focusing)to the America doing neither good nor bad activities to interpreting. B/c Most world’s counters fellow American police internal and external disorder so, please, first you have to considering this situation.

    Thank you!
    America live forever1
    Long live for Obama!
    We wish

  16. Please look into these Microbes, called Bioremediation, this man knows all about it.

    They have been used twice in Gulf oil spills, it is safe effective and non-toxic.
    Please ban the toxic Corexit chemical, make BP stop using it. It is a horrible thing, I am very disappointed in Obama’s weak response to this disaster. I voted for him.
    You say you want to fix it, well, the military should be telling BP what to do not the other way around, they do not own our land, not even natives here. BP should lose all drilling rights in the Gulf over this, give them to Shell, who has a better record of environmental safety.

    J Brent Tuttle


  17. About the oil spill in Louisiana. Far too little too late. This area should have been declared a disaster the first week it occurred. All oil and gas companies are required to have an emergency plan and contingency plan for each oil and gas site onshore and offshore. BP obviously did not have an EMERGENCY PLAN in place for this site. An emergency plan should be set up in case of an accident, incident or disaster. It outlines the steps the company will take to control the emergency. BP should have had 2 or 3 emergency plans in place for such a deep offshore well. It is not the workers that are at fault. They may have been saved too. It is BP management. They did NOT have an EMERGENCY PLAN in place. They thought they where above that and did not think ahead. There only interest was in making the billions that oil and gas companies are famous for. I suggest that even the first 68 million for cleanup is too little. BP should be fined for billions for not having an adequate EMERGENCY PLAN in place and then billiions more for the clean up. This is a disaster of monumental proportions. 11 workers died, a whole fishing industry has died, the eco system is dying and so is the marine life and wildlife. Obama has come across as if he just doesn’t care.

  18. futuro pdte de vzla Bernabe A Castillo M le envia saludos A Usted pdte OBAMA

  19. Your Excellence,

    My name is B. I. Hanna I was working in United Arab of Emirates as a Safety and Environment Superintend and in charge of oil spill control at Zirku Development Island at Abu Dhabi.

    At the beginning of 80th during the War between Iran and Iraq they did bumped the oil tankers, hence, I was supervising and full in charge for cleaning oil spill using different type of methods such as oil boom system and skimmer bumps…etc.

    Regarding the Mexico wellhead leakage I have a great idea for blocking the wellhead by using funnel for trap the oil and cemented the wellhead with high efficient techniques.

    If you are interest please contact me and I am welling to help with all my experience and cooperate till we succeed to block the well.

    Thank you.

  20. I have an idea which I believe will stop the oil leak in the gulf and would stop it before august,I have emailed BP twice with this information and to date have not heard anything from them,I believe you to be very concerned with this issue, If you would like to communicate with me about my plan you can reach me via email or by phone my mobile is 07798842421 [england] PS I only use the pc at the local library

  21. why not OBMA saw Jews activities it is also dangerous for world thanks

  22. BP has poured millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Now it wants to fill the skies with oily fumes. They now plan on burning the oil its containment dome collects from the gushing underwater well. But what about the air?

  23. mr president you continue to lay all the blame for the awfull oil spill in the gulf of mexico on british petrolium and are veiwed by a lot of british people as anti british and ungrateful for the contnued support and assistance we have given when other countries have turned down appeals for troops and backing etc. when are you going to call transocean to account ? they had contracted to drill this well for bp who are spending millions of dollers to try and stop the leak and protect the coast etc. we over the pond view transocean as an american company and they were running the rig so why the bias. kick everybodies ass as you have called it or would this lose you votes. you most certainly lost a lot of support over in the uk

  24. Thank you Mr President,
    i love your policies. and decisions
    i remember having my high school national exam but instead i waited the whole night to watch you winning the elections.

    just because you are one person that would give hope back to the world that is being affected by economic crisis and other problems, this is why we hope that the oil problem will be overcome soon.

    thank you

  25. The basic problem with oil containment at the bottom of the seafloor is that the oil is mixed with methane gas. This gas is under enough pressure that it pushes the oil out of the base of the “tophat” mounted to the well head stub. A flexible tube made of heavy duty rip-stop nylon could be used to carry the oil and gas to the surface provided certain criteria is used. As the mixture of gas and oil rises, the volumn of the gas should be allowed to increase in relation to the reduction in seawater pressure (due to the reducing depth). Otherwise, a large difference in pressure between the gas inside the tube to the seawater outside the tube would cause the tube to rupture.

    Assuming the well head is 6000 feet below sea level, the pressure due to the weight of seawater would be about 2700 pounds per square inch.The tube diameter at the well head stub is assumed to be 2 feet in diameter. At 3000 feet below the surface the pressure of the seawater is half of that, and the cross-sectional area of the tube must be twice that of what it was at 6000 feet down. At 1500 feet the seawater pressure is half of what it was at 3000 ft and again the tube cross-sectional area must be doubled. This requirement continues to the surface. The tube should be supported along its length by several nylon ropes. The required 64 foot diameter of the tube at the top should be held up by floats. The oil at the surface can be pumped up and stored on a tanker.

  26. Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace (http://blogclubbers.blogspot.com/2010/04/indonesia-furniture-handicraft.html) on said:

    Thank you Mr.President, you are care about environmental. I hope your policy continuous improvement with other country.

  27. For lasting world peace USA should reshape it’s foreign policy.American hegemonistic policy is a major threat to world peace.Military power could not build a peaceful world.

  28. El desastre no es mas que el resultado de la codicia, y lo mas importante, con el derrame empieza una nuevo rumbo mundial, que el pueblo norteamericano acelerara en la medida de sus respuestas sociales, y al gobierno interpretarlas. lo que si es cierto , hoy es el parteaguas, no el 11 de septiembre. el planeta lo agradecera.

  29. El Desastre No Es Más Que El Resultado de la Codicia , y lo mas Importante , Con El Derrame empieza Nuevo Rumbo mundial, Que El Pueblo Norteamericano acelerara en la Medida de Sus Respuestas Sociales, y al Gobierno interpretarlas . Lo Que si es Cierto , el parteaguas es Hoy , no El 11 de septiembre . El Planeta lo agradecera . estara Obama a la altura?

  30. Worshipful shahib, your excellence Mr President. I many years now work for call center British Telecom and know how to frustrate de dammed blitish. Nobody ever get straight answer from me – they get bloody dammed mad. So plees you need my help call me at my cousins curry emporium Oldham High Street – also make very good vindaloo and uncle’s shop on corner sell very fine toilet papers.

  31. Hope you are fine Mr President. I juct want to know if there is liberty and freedom for all the people created by God or its just a rhetoric. Why are we Africans suffering? Why are Palestinians suffering Mr President?

  32. I do have a plan and Design to STOP the oil leak. The plan is able to Shut down the oil well in GULF of MEXICO. I need to contact someone in washington. I am trying my best……. but I have no respond yet. if someone is reading my text, please email me with information.
