Ties That Bind

It is amazing how many miracles happen in our lives, but we don’t notice them because we are speeding through so fast and often forget to be grateful for the little ties that bind us.

In 2003, Chris Lynch was attending his first National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic after surviving a near-fatal brain injury three years prior while serving as an Army combat engineer in the 82nd Airborne Division.

That same month, Alan Babin, an Army combat medic with the 82nd Airborne Division, was grievously wounded while serving in Iraq.

Much like Chris, three years after surviving, Alan found himself up on a mountain learning things that would change the course of his recovery, and forging friendships with others who understood the challenges they faced.

During that time, Alan, Chris and their families found that there was an instant bond between them, more than just military ties that made going forward each day just a little easier.

As family members, we are part of a very small population of Americans – parents caring for their brain injured service member, who may need assistance for the rest of their lives.  However, each year at the Winter Sports Clinic, we have the privilege of cheering our sons on as they continue to beat the odds by skiing, rock-climbing, snowmobiling and scuba diving surrounded by the best instructors and volunteers a family could wish for.

The week is one which is filled not just with activities and challenges for the Veterans, but time for respite, reflection, healing and camaraderie for all bound by the ties of family and patriotism. The true “Miracles on the Mountainside” that happen each year at the Winter Sports Clinic reminds all of us that anything is possible with the right support.

Rosie Babin and Cheryl Lynch are proud mothers of Veterans.

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2 Comments to “Ties That Bind”

  1. Way to make it happen! TBI awareness.

  2. Rosie Babin says:

    It is going to take so many of us, for so many years working together, to make sure that the best quality of life is available for these young Patriots. With the right support, we can do anything!!