Nebraska Water Science Center

Picture of the Platte River.

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Central Nebraska Basins NAWQA Study Unit

Picture of hydrologists collecting water samples. To address the need for consistent and scientifically sound information for managing the Nation's water resources, the U.S. Geological Survey began a full-scale National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program in 1991. The goals of the NAWQA Program are to (1) describe current water-quality conditions for a large part of the Nation's freshwater streams and aquifers, (2) describe how water quality is changing over time, and (3) improve our understanding of the primary natural and human factors affecting water quality.

The Central Nebraska Basins NAWQA program assesses ground water and streams in Nebraska covering large areas of intensive agriculture, as well as the Lincoln metropolitan area. Among the issues addressed by the Program are elevated nutrients and pesticides from agricultural activities, which potentially affect public-water supplies withdrawn from the Platte River and the alluvial aquifer.

Central Nebraska Basins Information

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