Jobs & The Economy

"The role of the government is not to create wealth, but to foster an environment where America's entrepreneurial spirit can thrive and achieve great things. We must help the economy grow, encourage the creation of jobs and opportunities, and help Americans keep more of their hard-earned money to save and spend as they see fit."

                                                                                                -- U.S. Senator John Cornyn

  • Our policies must encourage savings, investment, and the creation of wealth for people of all income levels.
  • It is my goal to create an environment that fosters economic production, job growth, and an increase in real wages.
  • The key to economic prosperity is to reduce the high level of taxation on American citizens and businesses that stunts economic growth and limits job creation. By using tax relief to help Americans keep more of what they earn, the economy will grow, resulting in new jobs to increase our tax base.
  • Congress should carefully steward taxpayer money, not spend it limitlessly. By eliminating excessive spending and increasing economic activity over time, there will be a reduction in the current budget deficit.

Click here to learn more about the Senate Republican Jobs Plan.

Among Senator Cornyn's accomplishments:

  • State and Local Sales Tax Deduction: Cosponsored legislation that would make the deduction of State and Local Sales taxes a permanent part of the tax code.  This deduction gives Texans $1 billion in tax relief annually.
  • Ending the Tax Penalty on Marriage: Cosponsor of the Permanent Marriage Penalty Relief Act of 2005, which would permanently protect married couples from the marriage tax penalty.
  • Helping Parents Save for their Children’s College Education: Cosponsor of the College 529 InvEST Act of 2005, which will allow parents to enjoy the tax benefits offered by 529 saving plans and prepaid tuition saving plans. 
  • Protecting Farmers, Ranchers and Small Businesses from the Death Tax: Cosponsor of the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005, which permanently repeals the death tax.
  • Reforming the Tax Code and Easing the Burden on Taxpayers: Cosponsor of the Fair Tax Act of 2007 which would replace the income tax, payroll tax and estate and gift tax with a simplified national sales tax. This bill would abolish the Internal Revenue Service as we know it.
  • Helping Texas Businesses Innovate and Create Jobs Here at Home: Cosponsor of the Investment in America Act of 2005 that makes the Research & Development tax credit permanent.  This credit helps Texas companies remain competitive in today’s global economy and grow jobs in Texas.
  • Supported Texas Home Owners: Sponsored the Home Ownership Protection Act of 2006 which would allow taxpayers to keep more of the profit when they sell their home.
  • Working to Protect and Promote the Texas Workforce: As a Member of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee for his first four years in the Senate, Senator Cornyn led efforts to protect and promote Texas small business and workers. 
  • Cosponsored the Occupational Safety Partnership Act, the Occupational Safety Fairness Act, and the HazCom Simplification Act to protect worker’s safety on the job site. 
  • Cosponsored the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act, which would allow small businesses to join together nationally to sponsor affordable health insurance plans for themselves and their employees
  • Cosponsored the National Right to Work Act which repeals provisions of the National Labor Relations Act that permit employers to require employees to join a union as a condition of employment.
  • A strong advocate of the Community Based Job Training Grant program, which has sent millions of dollars to community and technical colleges in Texas for workforce training. 
  • Supported Texas’ growing biotech industry by cosponsoring the Save America's Biotechnology Innovative Research Act.
  • Leading Civil Justice Reform Efforts: The American civil justice system is the most expensive in the world, costing more than $200 billion annually – or over 2% of the GDP.  Senator Cornyn has led efforts to reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits that are costing Texas businesses millions of dollars each year. 

His legislative initiatives include:

  • Cosponsor and a lead advocate for a medical liability reform bill that was modeled after recent reforms in Texas.
  • Cosponsor and strong proponent of the Bankruptcy Reform bill which was designed to reduce and deter abusive bankruptcy filings that drive up costs for consumers who play by the rules.
  • Lead proponent of a federal asbestos litigation reform bill modeled after legislation passed at the state level in Texas.
  • Cosponsor and lead advocate for legislation aimed at protecting gun manufacturers and citizens’ 2nd amendment rights.
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