Strategic Planning

Seasoned IT managers agree that building IT infrastructure (hardware and software) in the midst of a crisis is extremely difficult. Ideally, the laboratory will have in place the policies, processes, and network infrastructure to support a mass fatality incident response.

Prior to a mass fatality identification effort, the IT manager’s strategic plan should:

  • Identify agencies and systems that may require electronic interfaces and prepare a way to implement those interfaces.
  • Create a procurement list of additional hardware and software to be purchased in the event of a mass fatality incident response, allowing for the fact that operating systems and hardware are continually changing.
  • Ensure laboratory personnel know how to use software packages before a response is necessary.
  • Ensure that the network infrastructure can be expanded quickly by adding new servers or desktop workstations.
  • Develop a plan for adding additional, temporary IT staff.

The IT manager’s strategic objectives during a mass fatality incident response should be to:

  • Identify and control the design of interfaces to external systems.
  • Ensure that adequate access controls are in place for external users.
  • Provide reliable services.

Finally, if the laboratory cannot avoid writing custom software code during a mass fatality incident response, the IT manager should attempt to limit such software, because the introduction of new programming languages, platforms, etc., during this time increases the complexity of management, drives up costs, and can result in unexpected consequences affecting already functional programs.