Working For Texas

"When I think of my home state of Texas, I think of everything that makes America great. The Lone Star State is filled with rich history, diverse cultures, and an unmatched tradition of innovation and excellence. I'm proud to represent almost 26 million people - and their enduring spirit - from the greatest state in the greatest country the world has ever known."

                          -- Senator John Cornyn

Senator Cornyn's Accomplishments for Texas Include:

  • Helping Texas Businesses Innovate and Create Jobs Here at Home: Cosponsor of the Investment in America Act of 2005 that makes the Research & Development tax credit permanent.  This credit helps Texas companies remain competitive in today’s global economy and grow jobs in Texas.
  • Supported Texas Home Owners: Sponsored the Home Ownership Protection Act of 2006 which would allow taxpayers to keep more of the profit when they sell their home.
  • Working to Protect and Promote the Texas Workforce: As a Member of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee for his first four years in the Senate, Senator Cornyn led efforts to protect and promote Texas small business and workers.
  • Promoting Physical Education & Health for Schoolchildren in Texas: Strong supporter of the Carol M. White Physical Education Grant Program which helps school districts to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity by providing funds for equipment, support and the training and education of teachers and staff.  Among the many school districts in Texas that have received these federal grants are: Beaumont ISD ($299,752), Midland ISD ($254,572), Corpus Christi ISD ($366,474), Fort Worth ISD ($376,827), and many others.
  • Fighting for Texas Small Business Health Plans: Cosponsored the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization Act, which would allow small businesses in Texas, and around the country, to join together nationally to sponsor affordable health insurance plans for their workers. 
  • Strengthening Security at Texas Ports: Home to four of the ten busiest ports in the nation – Houston, Corpus Christi, Beaumont and Texas City – Texas ports play a significant role in the national economy and must be among our highest homeland security priorities.  In 2006, Senator Cornyn helped pass major port security legislation providing for increased communication, layered security at every step of the supply chain and ensuring that homeland security resources are allocated based on risk.
  • Senator Cornyn has also been a strong supporter of the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) which assists our nation’s ports with risk management and emergency operations planning. Houston, Beaumont and Corpus Christi are among a number of Texas cities who have benefited from this program, having received $76 million, $23 million and $27 million, respectively, over the last three years.
  • Strengthening Security at Texas Chemical Facilities: The chemical industry is one of the most vibrant industries in Texas, directly employing roughly 75,000 Texans.  In 2006, Senator Cornyn helped to pass the first chemical security legislation as part of the Homeland Security Appropriations bill.
  • Emergency-Responder Roundtables: Senator Cornyn has traveled throughout Texas conducting round table discussions and listening sessions with emergency responders.  Regional sessions have been conducted in Beaumont, Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa, Sherman, and Waco.
  • Supporting Texas First Responders: Senator Cornyn has worked to support Texas applicants for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program, which helps municipal and volunteer fire departments purchase trucks and equipment, hire and retain staff, and operate fire safety education programs.  He has successfully supported over hundreds of Texas fire departments; and has helped them receive more than $83 million since 2003.
  • Supported the creation of the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program to help local law enforcement, firefighters and other first responders purchase new, interoperable communications systems.  As a result, Texas state and local public safety agencies will receive $65 million in funding under this program.  
  • CARES Commission & Texas VA Hospitals: Similar to the BRAC process, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs launched the CARES process to close and realign VA facilities across the country.  The Big Spring VA Hospital and the Waco VA Hospital were both recommended for closure/realignment.  Senator Cornyn helped lead the fight to keep these Texas VA hospitals open by meeting the Secretary of the VA on several occasions and highlighting the hospitals’ importance to Texas veterans. 
  • Fisher House: The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need.  Senator Cornyn petitioned the Fisher House Foundation to locate a Fisher House at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center (MEDVAMC) in Houston.  The MEDVAMC was awarded a Fisher House, which provides housing, recreation and support for families of patients.