Science & Technology

“Our ability to innovate is crucial to the success of our economy and competitiveness with other countries. We must do more to encourage education in math and science. Investing in science and technology, and increasing our ability to innovate, is an important part of keeping the economy in Texas and America strong."

                                                                                  -- Senator John Cornyn

  • Innovation is crucial to our growing economy.  By investing in science and technology, we encourage innovation, thus energizing our economy.  Groundbreaking ideas generated by innovation pay great dividends and improve the lives of Americans. 
  • I believe career and technical education are important building blocks that increase America’s competitiveness in a global economy—translating into workforce development here at home. 
  • A quality education system strengthens society by instilling in our youth a strong foundation that will help them succeed as citizens and individuals in any field they may choose.
  • By investing in science and technology education initiatives, we equip new workers with valuable skills required for success— encouraging innovation and thereby energizing our economy.

Senator Cornyn's Accomplishments Include:

  • Cosponsored the America COMPETES Act:  The Act focuses on three primary areas of importance to maintaining and improving United States’ innovation in the 21st Century:  increasing research investment, strengthening educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics from elementary through graduate school, and developing an innovation infrastructure. 
  • Co-founder & co-chair of the Senate RFID Caucus:  Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a method of wireless identification that has been in use for over 60 years.  RFID technology will allow the United States to strengthen homeland security, revolutionize the supply chain and create significant advances in various technology sectors.  As RFID technology continues to grow, consumers, government and the private sector will continue to benefit from its creation.  The caucus educates members of Congress and industry about RFID technology policy issues. 
  • Member of the Senate High Tech Task Force (HTTF):  The HTTF is an advocate for the technology sector, promoting broadband deployment to rural areas, telecom reform, and ensuring that federal regulations and the tax code do not hinder technological growth.  HTTF holds public forums designed to foster enlightened discussion of important technology issues, in addition to member meetings with industry technology leaders.
  • Ensuring Federal Computer Systems are Secure:  With the vast number of federal computer systems and the information they handle and protect, it is critical that those information technology (IT) systems are secure and that we don’t waste taxpayer dollars on faulty.  In the National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-458) passed by Congress, Senator Cornyn successfully included an amendment requiring that federal agency heads make cyber security a priority when procuring new IT equipment.
  • Co-sponsored the PACE Bills: 
    • PACE through Education (S. 2198) focuses heavily on better training and education for math and science teachers.  This includes providing grants to undergraduate and graduate students studying to teach math, science, technology, and engineering.  It provides grants for teachers to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) fellowship and scholars program, early career programs with the NSF and early career programs with NASA.  Immigration provisions in PACE through Education provides an efficient student visa process for bright foreign students to come to the US to study math, technology, engineering and science and then to stay for employment.
    • PACE through finance (S. 2199) doubles the current R&D tax credit and makes it permanent – so companies conduct ground-breaking, job-producing research here, rather than building new facilities overseas.  It will also establish a new tax credit to cover costs from providing continuing education to employees – so employees can learn cutting-edge skills.  
    • PACE through Energy (S. 2197) will increase US investment in energy research and in educating future American scientists.  These three bills combined will increase basic research spending by up to 10 percent per year for seven years at several federal agencies, including the national laboratories. This investment would generate hundreds, maybe thousands, of new inventions and high-tech companies.
  • Supported Technology Improvements at Minority Institutions:  Senator Cornyn cosponsored Minority Serving Institution Digital and Wireless Technology Opportunity Act of 2005 to increase funding for technology at Hispanic Serving Institutions and Historically Black College and Universities.
  • Original Cosponsor to the National Innovations Act (S. 2109):  The National Innovations Act is a much broader piece of legislation that includes some of the PACE Act provisions in addition to defense, national security, healthcare, and immigration provisions.
  • Cosponsored the National Competitiveness Investment Act (S. 3936):  Senator Cornyn is an original cosponsor of the comprehensive competitiveness package compiled by the Senate Commerce, Energy & HELP Committees.  This bill authorizes new programs, redirects current spending, and appropriates new spending to increase innovation, research, and education in the US.  The government entities that benefit from this bill include Education, Energy, NASA, National Institute for Standards and Technology, Commerce, and NSF.  The committees of jurisdiction estimate the bill will invest $25 billion over 5 years to make the US more competitive in the global market.