ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive astronomical observatory. It operates three sites in Chile — La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor — on behalf of its fifteen member states. It builds ALMA together with international partners, and designs the European Extremely Large Telescope.

ESO, the European Southern Observatory, builds and operates a suite of the world's most advanced ground-based astronomical telescopes

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ESO in your language

Member States:  Austria Belgium Brazil Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom

Non-Member States:   Albania Iceland Ireland Latvia Norway Poland Romania Russia Turkey Ukraine USA

Host State: Chile
Languages:  ČeskyDanskDeutschEspañolFrançaisÍslenskaItalianoLatviešuNederlandsNorskPolskiPortuguêsRomânăShqipSuomiSvenskaTürkçeРусскийукраїнська