North Ops Daily Weather Discussion

Issued 0815 PST Thursday February 21, 2013


For use February 21st:


A huge high pressure ridge dominates the northeastern Pacific, and it will do so for at least another week.  The ridge axis is far enough offshore that weather systems coming over the high are able to clip northeastern CA as they ride a path from west of Oregon southeast toward Arizona. One of these systems will put some light precipitation near the OR border in a warm front later today and tonight. Then the trailing cold front will bring some showers farther south into the Geographic Area from late Friday into early Saturday.  Gradient winds for most areas will still have a northeasterly component through early Friday, then turn southwesterly later on Friday.  After a 3-4 day break with a couple more weather systems barely brushing the far north state, a cool wet storm could arrive in the early days of March.


J. Snook