Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance

Consumer Protection 1The Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance is primarily focused on protecting consumers. Whether a consumer shops online, buys a car at a dealership, or takes out a home insurance policy — the Subcommittee works to protect the fairness of those transactions and the safety of products people buy. The Subcommittee oversees the consumer protection efforts of the following federal agencies: the U.S. Federal Trade Commission – to prohibit unfair and deceptive business acts and practices, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – to create safe and fuel efficient vehicles, and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission – to protect the public from unsafe toys and product defects. The Subcommittee also has jurisdiction over property and casualty insurance and sports.

Subcommittee Members

Democrats Republicans
  • Claire McCaskill - Chairman
  • Barbara Boxer
  • Mark Pryor
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Richard Blumenthal
  • Brian Schatz
  • William Cowan
  • Dean Heller - Ranking Member
  • Roy Blunt
  • Kelly Ayotte
  • Dan Coats
  • Ted Cruz
  • Deb Fischer


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