GACC Detailed Situation Report   2/15/2013
by Ownership

Northern Rockies

Wildfire Activity by Ownership Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Blackfeet Agency BIA MT-BFA                
Crow Agency BIA MT-CRA     1 2,756 0 0 1 2,756
Fort Belknap Agency BIA MT-FBA                
Flathead Agency BIA MT-FHA                
Fort Peck Agency BIA MT-FPA                
Northern Cheyenne Agency BIA MT-NCA     1 4 0 0 1 4
Rocky Boy's Agency BIA MT-RBA                
Fort Berthold Agency BIA ND-FBA                
Fort Totten Agency BIA ND-FTA                
Turtle Mountain Agency BIA ND-TMA                
  sum 0 0 2 2,760 0 0 2 2,760
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Coeur d'Alene Field Office BLM ID-COD                
Cottonwood Field Office BLM ID-CWD                
Billings Field Office BLM MT-BID     1 3 0 0 1 3
Butte Field Office (MT-DDC) BLM MT-BUD                
Butte Field Office (MT-HDC) BLM MT-BUD                
Dillon Field Office BLM MT-DFD                
Lewistown Field Office (MT-GDC) BLM MT-LED                
Lewistown Field Office (MT-HDC) BLM MT-LED                
Lewistown Field Office (MT-LEC) BLM MT-LED                
Miles City Field Office BLM MT-MCD                
Missoula Field Office BLM MT-MFD                
North Dakota Field Office BLM ND-NDD                
South Dakota Field Office BLM SD-SDD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  sum 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Army Corps of Engineers DDQ ID-DDQ                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Benton Lake NWR FWS MT-BLR                
Bowdoin NWR FWS MT-BWR                
Charles M. Russell NWR (MT-LEC) FWS MT-CMR                
Charles M. Russell NWR (MT-MCC) FWS MT-CMR                
Lee Metcalf NWR FWS MT-LMR                
Lost Trail Wildlife Refuge FWS MT-LTR                
Medicine Lake NWR FWS MT-MLR                
National Bison Range FWS MT-NBR                
Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge FWS MT-RLR                
Audubon NWR FWS ND-ADR                
Arrowwood NWR FWS ND-AWR                
Chase Lake NWR FWS ND-CLR                
Crosby WMD FWS ND-CRR                
Des Lacs NWR FWS ND-DLR                
Devils Lake NWR FWS ND-DVR                
J. Clark Salyer NWR FWS ND-JCR                
Long Lake NWR FWS ND-LLR                
Lostwood NWR FWS ND-LWR                
Upper Souris NWR FWS ND-USR                
Valley City WMD FWS ND-VCR                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Billings Interagency Dispatch Center IA MT-BDC                
Missoula Interagency Dispatch Center IA MT-MDC                
Northern Rockies Coord. Center IA MT-NRC                
North Dakota Dispatch IA ND-NDC                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Nez Perce Park NPS ID-NPP                
Big Hole National Battlefield NPS MT-BHP                
Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site NPS MT-GKP                
Glacier National Park NPS MT-GNP                
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site NPS ND-KRP                
Theodore Roosevelt NP NPS ND-TRP                
Yellowstone National Park NPS WY-YNP                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Coeur d'Alene Tribe OTHR ID-CDT                
Nez Perce Tribe OTHR ID-NPT                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Coeur d'Alene Dispatch - Private PRI ID-CDCI                
Grangeville Dispatch - Private PRI ID-GVCI                
Billings Dispatch - Private PRI MT-BDCI     0 0 0 0 0 0
Bitterroot Dispatch - Private PRI MT-BRCI                
Bozeman Dispatch - Private PRI MT-BZCI                
Dillon Dispatch - Private PRI MT-DDCI                
Great Falls Dispatch - Private PRI MT-GDCI                
Helena Dispatch - Private PRI MT-HDCI                
Kootenai Dispatch - Private PRI MT-KDCI                
Kalispell Dispatch - Private PRI MT-KICI                
Lewistown Dispatch - Private PRI MT-LECI                
Miles City Dispatch - Private PRI MT-MCCI                
Missoula Dispatch - Private PRI MT-MDCI                
Miles City Dispatch Zone - Private Land in North Dakota PRI ND-MCCI                
North Dakota Dispatch - Private PRI ND-NDCI                
Miles City Dispatch Zone - Private Land in South Dakota PRI SD-MCCI                
North Dakota Dispatch Zone - Private Land in South Dakota PRI SD-NDCI                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Cataldo Supervisory Area ST ID-CAS                
Craig Mountain Area Office ST ID-CMS                
Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Assn. ST ID-CTS                
Clearwater Area Office ST ID-CWS                
Idaho Department of Lands ST ID-IDS                
Kootenai Valley Supervisory Area ST ID-KVS                
Maggie Creek Area Office ST ID-MCS                
Mica Supervisory Area ST ID-MIS                
Ponderosa Supervisory Area ST ID-PDS                
Priest Lake Supervisory Area ST ID-PLS                
Pend Oreille Supervisory Area ST ID-POS                
West St. Joe Supervisory Area ST ID-SJS                
DNRC Central Land Office (MT-BZC) ST MT-CES                
DNRC Central Land Office (MT-DDC) ST MT-CES                
DNRC Central Land Office (MT-HDC) ST MT-CES                
DNRC Eastern Land Office ST MT-EAS                
DNRC Northeastern Land Office ST MT-NES                
DNRC Northwestern Land Office (MT-KDC) ST MT-NWS                
DNRC Northwestern Land Office (MT-KIC) ST MT-NWS                
DNRC Northwestern Land Office (MT-MDC) ST MT-NWS                
DNRC Southern Land Office ST MT-SOS     0 0 0 0 0 0
DNRC Southwestern Land Office ST MT-SWS                
State of North Dakota ST ND-NDS                
State of North Dakota ST ND-NDS1                
State of South Dakota ST SD-SDS1                
  sum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year to Date
  Unit New Human Lightning Total
Unit Name Agency ID Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
Clearwater National Forest USFS ID-CWF                
Idaho Panhandle National Forests USFS ID-IPF                
Nez Perce National Forest USFS ID-NPF                
Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF USFS MT-BDF                
Bitterroot National Forest USFS MT-BRF                
Custer National Forest (MT-BDC) USFS MT-CNF     0 0 0 0 0 0
Custer National Forest (MT-MCC) USFS MT-CNF     0 0 0 0 0 0
Flathead National Forest USFS MT-FNF                
Gallatin National Forest USFS MT-GNF     2 1 0 0 2 1
Helena National Forest (MT-GDC) USFS MT-HNF                
Helena National Forest (MT-HDC) USFS MT-HNF                
Kootenai National Forest (MT-KDC) USFS MT-KNF                
Kootenai National Forest (MT-KIC) USFS MT-KNF                
Lewis & Clark National Forest USFS MT-LCF                
Lolo National Forest USFS MT-LNF                
Dakota Prairie Grasslands USFS ND-DPF                
  sum 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1
  total 0 0 5 2,764 0 0 5 2,764

Units in: Low = 13, Moderate = 0, High = 0, Very High = 0, Extreme = 0

Prescribed Fires by Ownership Daily Report
  New Year to Date
Unit Agency Fires Acres Fires Acres
MT-NCA BIA N/R   6 822
  sum 0 0 6 822
Prescribed Fires
  New Year to Date
Unit Agency Fires Acres Fires Acres
MT-BID BLM N/R   1 10
SD-SDD BLM 1 39 1 44
  sum 1 39 2 54
  sum 0 0 1 15
  total 1 39 9 891

Remarks by reporting office
MT-MCC Submitted SD-SDD RX acres for this week.

Large Fire Totals
Acreage Personnel CRW1 CRW2 HEL1 HEL2 HEL3 ENGS OVHD
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Resource status   ( a = Available,  c = Committed)
Office a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c

Resource status   ( a = Available,  c = Committed)
Office a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c a c
MT-MCC             3                          
Totals             3                          

Report executed on:   19-Feb-2013 1114 central time

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