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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

  • The Inspector approves all fundraising requests to be held aboard MCB Hawaii per Base Order 5760.4A (dated 1 July 2004).
  • Procedures:
    • Inspector's Office receives written request for fundraiser. The request should contain the following information:
      • Organization requesting the fundraiser.
      • Inclusive dates of the fundraiser.
      • Material to be sold, collected, prices, and method.
      • Location for the fundraiser.
      • Purpose for which funds will be expended
        Fundraiser Request Form
    • Inspector Admin Chief reviews the request and determines if SJA or MCCS needs to provide a recommendation prior to approval (at times SJA and MCCS needs to be consulted as to the legal ramification for certain fundraisers on a military installation or the use of certain facilities aboard the base).
    • After SJA or MCCS’s recommendation (if applicable), Inspector Office types letter of approval for fundraiser.
    • If the fundraiser is a car wash event, the organization will come to Inspector's Office, view the Car Wash calendar, to schedule the car wash.
    • Organization/individual contacted by the Inspector Admin Chief to have approval letter picked up.
  • Unauthorized Fundraisers:
    • Food resale of any type (plate lunches, hamburgers, hotdogs, sodas, pizza, Hulihuli chicken, etc.) with the exception Girl Scout and Boy Scout products (Girl Scout Cookies, Boy Scout Popcorn, etc).
    • Off base organizations (school clubs, sports teams, charities, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.).
    • Door-to-door solicitation in family and bachelors' quarters is prohibited.
  • The Inspector periodically checks the tenant commands aboard the Base to ensure no illegal fundraising or resale activities are occurring. Report any findings to the CO via the Chief of Staff (COS).