Exhibit 2: Federal Agency Roles in Responding to a Mass Fatality Incident

AFDIL (Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory) AFDIL frequently is called on to support Federal, State, and local jurisdictions in mass fatality incidents.

Title 10 of the U.S. Code authorizes AFDIL to participate in mass fatality incidents determined to be under Federal jurisdiction. The Armed Forces Medical Examiner is directed to conduct investigations to determine cause and manner of death for the Department of Defense (DoD) and other Government agencies. The ME can direct AFDIL to provide DNA identification services. Upon approval, AFDIL also can provide DNA identification services in non-Federal incidents. The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have standing memorandums of agreement with DoD, stating that AFDIL will provide DNA identification services for their agencies in mass fatality incidents.
DMORT (Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams) DMORT provides assistance at the disaster site for incidents that exceed the capabilities of State and local agencies. DMORT is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Requests for DMORT support are made through the State/local department requesting the Federal assistance. From www.dmort.org: “[DMORT] is a Federal Level Response team designed to provide mortuary assistance in the case of a mass fatality incident or cemetery-related incident. We work under the local jurisdictional authorities such as Coroner/Medical Examiners, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Managers.”

DMORT does not conduct DNA analysis, but it will collect DNA specimens from human remains.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) FEMA provides funding for the DNA identification effort, provided the incident meets its criteria for a disaster. From www.fema.gov: "The Stafford Act . . . requires that 'All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster or emergency exists shall be made by the Governor [chief executive] of the affected State' . . . As part of the request, the Governor must note that the State’s emergency plan has been implemented and the situation is of such severity and magnitude that the response is beyond State and local capability and Stafford Act assistance is necessary. The Governor shall furnish information on the nature and amount of State and local resources that have been or will be committed to alleviating the results of the disaster, provide an estimate of the amount and severity of damage and the impact on the private and public sector, and provide an estimate of the type and amount of assistance needed under the Stafford Act."