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Application Performance Tools

Mission Statement

The Application Performance Tools group conducts research and development and manages vendor interactions in the development and use of software tools and middleware needed to assess and improve application performance on current and emerging HPC systems. The group is primarily focused on issues that arise when using extreme-scale systems and is actively working in the areas of high-performance communication, user- and operating system- level run-time middleware, compiler-based code transformations, file-systems, and performance characterization.

To fully utilize the capabilities of high-end computer systems, we provide the necessary understanding of technical hurdles and the means for surpassing these barriers. We work to ensure an efficient development environment for all aspects of complex scientific application programs.

  • Communications Middleware -- Open MPI, Networking research, InfiniBand, collective algorithms, vendor collaborations (Mellanox
  • Compliers based transformations -- Open64, research in complier feedback/transformations
  • Fault tolerance -- Basic R&D in proactive fault tolerance at middleware layers (MPI) and below (Colorado State Univ.)
  • Benchmarking -- Confidence, important performance measurements with characterize system behavior at scale (latency, noise, etc.)
  • Runtime & operating systems -- Basic R&D in highly scalable runtime systems, Scalable Tools Communications Infrastructure (STCI), Colony, GPU aware computing, university collaborations (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Input/Output Middleware -- Removing secondary storage barriers for extreme scale systems, I/O Forwarding Scalability Layer(IOFSL)
  • Large-scale debugging -- Allinea Distributed Debugging Tools (DDT), vendor collaborations (Allinea)
  • Large-scale tracing -- VampirTracevendor collaboration (Dresden University of Technology)
  • Power/heat aware computing
The Applications Performance Tools group provides both research and support to benefit HPC users with these technologies.
Interim Group Leader: David Bernholdt
Email: bernholdtde@ornl.gov
Phone: 865-574-3147
Fax: 865-576-5491
Group Secretary: Tammy Darland
Email: darlandts@ornl.gov
Phone: 865-574-1936
Fax: 865-241-4811

Group Members:


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Updated: Thursday, 22-Mar-2012 14:31:20 EDT
