Hensarling Supports Speaker Boehner's Call for Bipartisan Action to Avoid Tax & Defense Cliffs

November 7, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today in support of House Speaker John Boehner’s call for bipartisan action to avert the imminent tax and defense “cliffs,” support economic growth, and begin solving the nation’s debt crisis.

“The election is over but our nation’s critical challenges are far from behind us. In just a few weeks, higher tax rates and arbitrary defense cuts will force America over both a tax cliff and a defense cliff – which will stifle our economy while decimating our national security unless urgent action is taken. I commend Speaker Boehner’s readiness to tackle this crisis and join him in calling on President Obama and congressional Democrats to put the election behind us. We now need to find a way to work together to create American jobs, grow our badly bruised economy, and begin turning around our growing debt crisis which threatens us beyond the scope of just these cliffs.

“Our commitment in the House to averting these cliffs and resisting job-killing tax increases has been unmistakable, which is why our majority has been reaffirmed by the American people. Our plans to stop the imminent tax hike and replace the arbitrary defense cuts were passed long before the election. There can be no more delay. It is time for both parties in Washington to unite around a commonsense solution to the approaching tax and defense cliffs based on pro-growth tax reform and commonsense spending restraint that doesn’t put our nation’s economy or security in jeopardy.”


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