House Republican Press Conference on the Supreme Court Ruling on the President's Health Care Law

June 28, 2012

Republican Leadership Press Conference
June 28, 2012

Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (R-NY)
Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC)
Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
Policy Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA)

Chairman Hensarling:

“Today was not a good day for freedom. It was not a good day for struggling American families who wish to keep the health care that they have. I respect the ruling of the Supreme Court and I respectfully and vehemently disagree with it. For those who have concluded, though, that it is constitutional, I remind them, a constitutional law does not make for a wise law. The trillion-dollar deficits of the Obama administration are clearly constitutional. They are not wise. So the fight will continue.

“We believe the president's health care law still fundamentally is hurting our economy and hurting jobs. Every day I hear from some small businessman in the Fifth District of Texas that I represent. One tells me he'll never hire more than 50 people. Another tells me he’s already spent $350,000 in compliance costs and had to lay off six workers.

“The law weighs in at almost $2 trillion. $800 billion of taxes. Family of four premiums up $2,200. The Affordable Care Act has not proven so affordable for struggling families, for taxpayers, much less a dwindling federal treasury.

“But most importantly, Americans want to be able to choose their own doctor. They want quality health care. They want access to health care. They want portable health care at a cost they can afford. The president's health care [law] threatens that. So the Supreme Court was heard today and we respect them. But as the Republican Leader said, in the second week of July ‘the People's House’ will be heard from, and ultimately the people in America will be heard from.”


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