Hensarling Statement at the 39th Annual March for Life

January 23, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) delivered the following remarks to thousands of pro-life activists today at the 39th annual March for Life on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

“Good afternoon – Jeb Hensarling from Dallas, Texas. It is cold; it is rainy; and there is no such thing as a bad day to march for life. Ten years ago next month my first-born was put in my arms and I celebrated a child of God. When my wife said she was pregnant I knew, as a matter of faith, she carried life. When I saw that first sonogram, science confirmed what I knew by faith: that she carried life. And on February 28, 2002, Claire Suzanne Hensarling exercised her constitutional right to be born and came into this world.

“As a United States Congressman I will never rest until every child in America, born and unborn, has their unalienable right to life protected. March on!”


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