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Performance Management

The Employee Performance Communication System (EPCS) is NASA’s performance management system for all employees other than Senior Executive Service, Senior Scientific and Technical, and Senior Level employees.


  • Establishes a systematic process for planning, monitoring, developing, assessing, and rewarding your performance that contributes to the achievement of the Agency’s Vision, mission, and goals in accordance with applicable law and regulations;
  • Creates a strategically linked set of performance expectations that are applicable to you; and
  • Promotes a performance culture that focuses on two-way communication between you and your supervisor and holds you accountable for results.

This website contains many tools to assist both employees and supervisors with navigating the EPCS.    Click on each of the stages below to find links that reference resources specific to that stage.

EPCS Plan Monitor Develop Rate Reward  
• Roles and Responsibilities:
• Dates:
• Identifying Annual Performance Goals and/or Organizational Performance Goals:
  − Planning Discussion Tips (Sample Agenda and Tools)
  − Points to Consider When Writing Performance Elements
  − Points to Consider When Writing Performance Standards
• Sample Elements and Standards:
• Detailed and Matrixed Employees:
• Quick Reads and Related Links: (Articles, Sample Forms, and Other Resources.)