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Human Capital Legislation

Welcome to NASA’s Human Capital Legislation website.

On February 24, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the NASA Flexibility Act of 2004 into law. This important legislation provides NASA with new human resources flexibilities—flexibilities that will be vitally important in meeting the Agency’s human capital goals.

This Act consists of multiple provisions designed to address a range of human capital challenges and to strengthen all levels of the workforce: freshouts, mid-level, and senior level. The provisions include incentives that will enable NASA to compete successfully with the private sector in attracting and retaining a world-class workforce as well as authorities that will enable NASA to reshape and redeploy its workforce more effectively to support the Agency’s Mission.

We hope you find the information on this website helpful in understanding the provisions of the Act.

  • NASA Forms
    • Information Covering Persons Transferred or Appointed to First Duty Station (NF 1449)
    • Authorization - Change of Station (NF 1450)
    • Statement of Understanding Retention Bonus/Allowance (NF 1715)
    • Employee Service Agreement Relocation Bonus (NF 1716)
    • Employee Service Agreement Redesignation Bonus (NF 1717)
    • Employee Service Agreement Recruitment Bonus (NF 1718)
    • Employee Service Agreement Retention Bonus (NF 1719)
    • Statement of Understanding Conditions of Term Employment - Competitive Appointment (NF 1720)
    • Statement of Understanding Conditions of Term Employment - Non-Competitive Appointment (NF 1721)
    • To Access NASA Flexibility Forms Click Here