Trends on Tuesday: Mobile Search Increases

2012 Mobile Paid Search TrafficLast week Rimm-Kaufman Group published its new Digital Marketing Report (free download with your email address), which covers the fourth quarter of 2012. They found a staggering increase in the use of mobile search. Specific findings include:

  • Nearly 20% of organic search and direct visits were mobile in Q4.
  • iPad delivered 7.3% of visits, followed by the iPhone at 6.7% and Android devices at 5.2%.
  • In congruence with our Trends on Tuesday about end of year app downloading, mobile traffic showed two clear peaks during the 2012 holiday season: the first around Black Friday and another just following Christmas (see graph).
  • While iPad competitors ended Q4 with nearly 16% of tablet traffic, for the full quarter, that figure stood at 13%. Still, that is nearly double their 7% share for the full Q4 2011.

These results should have federal agencies thinking about how their data and content appear on mobile search sites.

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