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700 MHz Guard Bands



The FCC maintains a number of reports and databases that compile data on licensees. This information may be used to research ownership, coverage/construction requirements, and, in many instances, financial operating results of licensees.
The FCC requires annual reports from the 700 MHz Guard Bands licensees, formerly called Guard Band Managers. These reports must be submitted online. The FCC posts the reports online after review and verification.
Ownership Search provides access to Ownership Disclosure Information that has been filed within the Universal Licensing System (ULS). You can search by filer information, such as licensee name, or by filing dates.
Technical, geographical, and licensee/applicant data can be obtained using the Universal Licensing System (ULS) search capabilities. ULS allows you to perform searches based on numerous criteria, including licensee/applicant name, call sign, radio service code, market area, channel block, FCC Registration Number (FRN), license or application status, and auction identification.
Search a database of Daily Digest entries for FCC documents posted to the FCC web site since March 1996.
Research any document in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) including non-electronic documents that have been scanned into the system from 1992 onward.
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