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  • Rep. Graves Responds to the State of the Union address

    Rep. Graves' video response to President Obama's 2013 State of the Union address.

  • Rep. Graves on Gutting Welfare: "I know my Mama is right"

    Rep. Graves (GA-9) spoke with Varney & Co. about President Obama's decision to gut the work requirements from welfare. "What I remember when I was growing up -- and I didn't grow up in wealth or politics -- it was just the opposite of that. My Mama always taught me, she said, you know what, there are no free rides. You've got to work for you, you've got to earn it. Yet I see President Barack Obama even disagrees with my mother, but I know my Mama is right."

  • Rep. Graves on Gutting Welfare: "We're here today to head off at the pass" Obama's decision

    Fox News covers the Obama Administration's decision to gut the work requirements from welfare reform. Rep. Graves was among the lawmakers Fox News featured on the welfare issue. "We're here today to head off at the pass President Obama and the Administration's attempt to gut the welfare reform work requirements."

  • Rep. Graves on Gutting Welfare: "It's a war over the direction we're going in"

    Rep. Graves (GA-9) spoke on the floor of the United States House of Representatives about the Obama Administration decision to gut the work requirements from welfare. "Americans don't want something for nothing. Americans want to work. Why? Because it's the American way. This issue is bigger than welfare. It's a skirmish and war over America's future -- the direction we're going in."

  • President Obama Flip Flops on Work Requirements in Welfare Reform

    During his 2008 campaign, President Obama praised the work requirements for welfare recipients. Now his administration has decided to gut this requirement. Watch President Obama speaking with Rick Warren in 2008.

  • Rep. Graves on Obama Administration Gutting Welfare: "There's a disturbing pattern"

    Fox News covers the Obama Administration's decision to gut the work requirements from welfare reform. Rep. Graves was among the lawmakers Fox News spoke with about the welfare issue. "There's a disturbing pattern of two things that have occurred. There's an increased dependence on the federal government and then an increase of power of the President."

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