Research Highlights

Members of ARM's science team are major contributors to radiation and cloud research. ARM investigators publish about 150 refereed journal articles per year, and ARM data are used in many studies published by other scientific organizations. These documented research efforts represent tangible evidence of ARM's contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and cloud research. Below is a selection of summaries highlighting recently-published ARM research. The entire collection of ARM Research Highlights can be accessed using the sorting buttons at right.

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Research Highlights
Title Research Area Working Group(s) Submission Date Funded By
Shaking Things Up—What Triggers Atmospheric Convection in the West African Sahel? Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures Cloud Life Cycle 02/08/2013 ARM
Tropical Clouds: from Jekyll to Hyde Cloud Distributions/ Characterizations Cloud Life Cycle 02/05/2013 ARM ASR
2007 Floods Not a Complete Washout in U.S. Great Plains Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions 01/31/2013 ARM ASR
Evaluation of a Modified Scheme for Shallow Convection with CuP Cloud Processes Cloud Life Cycle 01/31/2013 ARM ASR
Spectral Invariant Properties of Single-Scattering Albedo for Water Droplets and Ice Crystals Radiation Processes Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions 01/30/2013 ASR