Health Fact Sheet

children hold insecticide treated mosquito nets
Insecticide treated mosquito nets.
(Photo: USAID/Zambia)

Working under the U.S. Global Health Initiative, USAID’s health programs support Zambia’s National Health Strategic Plan to improve the health and nutritional status of Zambians through activities in HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis (TB), family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), and nutrition. These activities promote healthy behaviors and strengthen Zambia’s health system by increasing demand for and access to quality health services and providing key medical supplies. USAID works through partners that provide direct assistance to the public and private health sectors throughout Zambia.

Under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, USAID supports a wide range of activities proposed in the national plans of the Ministry of Health and National AIDS Council. USAID works with the Ministry of Health to expand quality services for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, HIV testing and counseling, antiretroviral therapy, and other treatment and care. USAID also supports HIV testing and counseling and other prevention services through a network of private clinics. In addition, USAID provides antiretroviral drugs, HIV test kits, lab equipment, and supplies for the public sector.

Under the President’s Malaria Initiative, USAID supports Zambia’s National Malaria Control Program by focusing on the most vulnerable: children under the age of five and pregnant women. USAID is expanding the availability and use of proven preventive measures to reduce the risk of malaria, including long lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). Other activities address the dangers of malaria in pregnancy and childhood by reaching pregnant women with preventive treatment and improved diagnosis and treatment, especially for children. USAID provides LLINs, insecticides used for IRS, diagnostic equipment, and other items for the national malaria program.

Linked to the high HIV infection rate, the number of TB infections has grown. USAID supports Zambia’s national TB program to improve Zambia’s capacity to deliver proven, cost-effective interventions. USAID works in five provinces to expand and enhance TB treatment, ensuring that the patient takes the correct combination of drugs for the full duration of

Investing in FP/RH links with broader efforts to achieve prosperity by providing food, educational and employment opportunities, and public services to Zambian citizens in sustainable ways. USAID supports the provision of FP/RH products and services in the public and private sectors and integrates these services with HIV prevention efforts. Through public outreach, provider training, and product distribution, USAID’s efforts help couples to plan and space births voluntarily and youth to make positive life choices.

While the death rates of mothers, newborns, and children have declined, they remain unacceptably high. To ensure that expectant mothers have healthy pregnancies and deliver safely, USAID assists the Ministry of Health to increase the availability and use of maternity services, including prenatal care. To prepare newborns for childhood, and children for school, USAID works with the Ministry of Health to provide newborn care, clean drinking water, immunizations, and treatment for common illnesses.

The survival of mothers, newborns, and children in Zambia can improve with better nutrition. USAID will work with the Ministry of Health to promote proper feeding practices (including breastfeeding), increase vitamin and mineral intake, and improve sanitation and hygiene. USAID’s programs in health link with programs in economic growth, education, HIV/AIDS, and humanitarian assistance to increase the production, availability, and consumption of healthy foods.

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