HHS/ASPE. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.Background

Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services

PDF Version: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/napa/072312/Mtg5-Slides1.pdf (37 PDF pages)

Alzheimer's Disease Research

  1. Alzheimer’s Research Summit May 14-15, 2012
  2. Common Alzheimer’s Disease Research Ontology (CADRO) and data base of supported research
  3. FY2012 initiatives funded by President’s $50M allocation from within NIH budget
  4. FY2013 planning for initiatives supported by President’s designated $80M additional NIH funding
  5. Public-private-international partnerships

Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit 2012: Path to Treatment and Prevention

May 14-15, 2012
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Bethesda, MD

NIH Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit 2012

Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit Recommendations

Common Alzheimer's Disease Research Ontology (CADRO)

Alzheimer's Disease Research Portfolio Analysis

Alzheimer's Disease Projects Funded by FY 2012 NIH Additional $50 million

On February 7, 2012, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced that $50 million would be directed immediately to boost Alzheimer’s research in FY2012 in response to President Obama signing the National Alzheimer's Project Act. 

The following research projects will be funded:

Pilot Trial of Intranasal Insulin for Alzheimer's and MCI

Suzanne Craft et al, Arch Neurol 2012 January; 69(1): 29-38

Amyloid PET Scans in Presymptomatic Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease

Picture of Gene Carriers vs. Non-Carriers, Age 35-39 Years
Picture of Age 25-29 Years

Colombian Kindred

Reiman, Fleisher and colleagues

Alzheimer's Disease Research Planning for FY 2013 NIH Additional $80 million

Public-Private-International Partnerships


  1. Meeting of international Alzheimer’s research funders: Alzheimer’s Association/National Institute on Aging July 15, 2012, Vancouver
  2. Alzheimer’s disease genetics - July 14, 2012, Vancouver
  3. Biomarkers World-wide ADNI – July 13, 2012, Vancouver
    International CSF biomarkers cooperation
  4. Recruitment of clinical research participants Alzheimer’s Association/National Institute on Aging July 10, 2012
  5. Common Alzheimer’s Disease Research Ontology (CADRO)

CMS Activities for the National Alzheimer's Plan


Shari M. Ling M.D
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Center for Clinical Standards & Quality (CCSQ)

For completion by June 2012

For completion by July 2012

For completion by December 2012

CMS Partnership to Improve Dementia Care

A mission to improve behavioral health among nursing home residents with dementia and to protect them from unnecessary drug use

Partnership Overview

Multidimensional approach includes:

The Health Resources and Services Administration's Activities in The National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease

Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP
Chief, Geriatrics and Allied Health Branch
Bureau of Health Professions
Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Adminsitration

Geriatric Education Centers (GEC) Program Activities

GEC Program Activities

West Virginia Geriatric Education Center

Geriatric Education Center of Greater Philadelphia

New Jersey Geriatric Education Center

Contact Information

Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP
Chief, Geriatrics and Allied Health Branch
Bureau of Health Professions
Phone Number: 301-443-0403
E-mail Address: jweiss@hrsa.gov

HHS Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Campaign Update

Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services
July 23, 2012

Hunter McKay
Ann Mosher
Administration for Community Living

National Alzheimer's Project Act Awareness Goals

Development Considerations

Strategic Goals

  1. Purpose: Connect caregivers with existing resources
  2. Approach: Use plain language coaching messages
  3. Key Message Points:
    1. Acknowledge caregivers
    2. You don’t have to go it alone

Campaign Parameters

Step One

Develop a New Consumer Resource

Alzheimer's DOT GOV

National Plan Launch



Screen Shot of alzheimers.gov Home Page


Website Evolution

Step Two

Make Consumers Aware of the Resource

Integrated Marketing Plan

Television Spot

Other Media


When someone in your life has Alzheimer's, the questions just keep coming. Each stage of the disease brings new symptoms and new questions. Now you can find reliable information about finances, home nursing care, medical treatments and so much more. Alzheimers.gov. The answers start here.

Media Buy

Campaign Co-Sponsors

Step Three

Evaluate - Evaluate - Evaluate:
Content: What information do consumers want?
Outreach: What approach best reaches the target?


Next Steps

Community-Based Programs Meeting

Presentation for the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services -- July 23, 2012

Laura Lawrence
Director, Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs
Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

While we all wise we could fast-forward to a time when no one has Alzheimer's disease...

We're not quite there...

Part of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease

Translating Innovation to Impact: Evidence-Based Interventions to Support People with Alzheimer's Disease and their Caregivers at Home and in the Community
June 28, 2012

Meeting Objectives

Panel 1 Assisting Individuals with Dementia

Panel 2 Assisting the Family Caregiver

Panel 3 Care Coordination and Care Transitions

40 Attendees Inside and Outside Federal Government

A Few Initial Thoughts from the Meeting

There are New Opportunities for Research and Broader Availability

We anticipate releasing a white paper, with recommendations, this September

Video of meeting will be available on DVD and online

The National Alzheimer's Plan and the New Resource to Align Strategic Planning, Implementation Tracking, and Progress Reporting at HHS

July 2012



ASPE is leading the development of a web-based resource for strategic planning that will help to realize this approach.

National Alzheimer's Plan

Strategic Plan and companion Implementation Plan -- Implementation Tracking -- Progress Reporting

Where to?

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Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP)
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Last updated: 07/20/2012