Friday, February 15, 2013
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TIDE Sprint

tide logo250The TIDE project is ACT's Think-tank for Information, Decision and Execution Superiority. TIDE supports our Program of Work in C4ISR technology and human factors. The first major event for TIDE in 2013 is the TIDE Sprint that will take place from 15 to 19 April 2013 at the Joint Warfare Centre in Stavanger, Norway.

TIDE Sprints are sandbox events to discuss and rapidly solve C4ISR issues through a set of collaborative and educational think-tank sessions. TIDE Sprints use a combination of show-and-tell brainstorming, collaboration, education, demonstration, coding and testing to further select issues.

The TIDE Sprints bring together the members of the TIDE community, such as staff from ACT and NCIA as well as representatives from nations, academia and industry. All NATO Member Nations, Partnership for Peace (PfP) Nations and Contact Nations are invited to the TIDE Sprint in order to participate in the different tracks and working groups.

TIDE Sprint participants are a coalition of the willing or a grass root movement under the guidance of ACT but without a strong top-down infrastructure or complicated agreements. Participants are requested to share knowledge, designs, standards and codes with each other and strongly encouraged to enter collected information at TidePedia.

This TIDE Sprint will cover the following subjects in different tracks:

  • Command and Control
  • Cyber Defence
  • Cloud and Mobile Computing
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Training
  • Technology
  • Deployable CIS
  • CIS Virtualisation

Further information about the TIDE Sprint, including a detailed agenda, administration, registration, presentations and reports, is being published on the TIDEPEDIA - Access to this password-protected website can be requested via the POC, providing: first and last name, telephone, internet email, function, and organisation or command.

The overall classification is not higher than NATO UNCLASSIFIED. All sessions will be conducted in English only.

Registration opens on 15 February 2013, and the deadline is set at 08 April 2013.

Point of Contact (POC) at HQ SACT:

Mr Kell Hvolbol
Phone:+1 757 747 3652

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