WeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY SchoolsWeTip training for WY Schools

Submit A Tip

Help put a stop to crime and be 100% ANONYMOUS when reporting any crime. Call 1-800-78-Crime Now! WeTip has Live Bilingual operators 24/7 no machines, no taping, tracing NO ONE KNOWS WHO CALLED! Report Crime Here

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Why WeTip?

Because people…everyone...students, employees, citizens…everyone needs a way to safely give information about something that they know…a crime, a suspicion, an incident, a threat…something they suspect… something that scares them…without fearing someone will retaliate against them for telling. It is simple, it is safe, it is totally and absolutely anonymous.

WeTip training for WY Schools

Supporting WeTip

The Wells Fargo Foundation and WeTip join forces to fight crime....

WeTip training for WY Schools

School Safety Program

For over 40 years, WeTip has provided a safe, anonymous hotline to schools throughout the nation. In 2009 WeTip added the 1-855-86-BULLY hotline, in 2011 we added a mobile tip form, making WeTip easier for students of all ages to report crime, especially bullying, in their schools.Also help put a stop to graffiti and other vandalism.

WeTip training for WY Schools

WeTip Products

Show your support of WeTip with a customized coffee mug or mouse pad or even T Shirt. Show people that you're a part of the solution, not the problem. These customized products are available to you for a reasonable price.

WeTip training for WY Schools

Welfare Fraud

Call WeTip 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to report Welfare Fraud, Food stamp Fraud and Food Stamp trafficking anonymously! No one will ever know who made the call.

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