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(See DFARS 232.4, DFARS/PGI view)


PGI 232.409-1  Recommendation for approval.


To ensure uniform application of this subpart (see FAR 32.402(e)(1)), the departmental/agency contract financing office shall prepare the documents required by FAR 32.409-1(e) and (f).


PGI 232.410  Findings, determination, and authorization.


If an advance payment procedure is used without a special bank account, replace paragraph (a)(4) of the Findings, Determination, and Authorization for Advance Payments at FAR 32.410 with:


      “(4)  The proposed advance payment clause contains appropriate provisions as security for advance payments.  These provisions include a requirement that the outstanding advance payments will be liquidated from cost reimbursements as they become due the contractor.  This security is considered adequate to protect the interest of the Government.”