Publication Notices

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DEFENSE FAR SUPPLEMENT (DFARS) Publication Notice 20121231

On December 31, 2012, DoD made the following changes to the DFARS:

Final Rules:

Definition of Cost or Pricing Data (DFARS Case 2011-D040)

Updates the DFARS text to reflect the distinction between “certified cost or pricing data” and “data other than certified cost or pricing data.” The DFARS changes ensure consistency with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which had been amended to clarify the distinction between those terms, as well as the requirements for the submission of cost or pricing data.

Affected parts/subparts/sections:  204.805; 215.403-1; 215.403-3; 215.404-1; 215.404-2; 215.404-4; 215.404-71-2; 215.407-5-70; 215.408; 217.7401; 217.7406; 219.806; 225.7303; 225.7304; 239.7406; 241.201; 242.7203; 242.7301; 242.7302; 252.209-7009; 252.215-7000; 252.215-7002; 252.217-7027; and 252.243-7002.

The Federal Register notice for this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS changes made by this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Contracting Activity Updates (DFARS Case 2012-D045)

Updates the list of contracting activities and moves the list to the DFARS Procedures, Guidance, and Instruction (PGI) at 202.101.

Affected parts/subparts/sections:  202.101

The Federal Register notice for this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS changes made by this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

New Qualifying Country—Poland (DFARS Case 2012-D049)

Adds the Republic of Poland as a qualifying country he U.S. Secretary of Defense signed a new reciprocal defense procurement agreement with the Polish Minister of National Defense, which removes discriminatory barriers to procurements of supplies and services produced by industrial enterprises of the other country to the extent mutually beneficial and consistent with national laws, regulations, policies, and international obligations. The agreement does not cover construction or construction material.

Affected parts/subparts/sections:  225.003; 225.872; 252.212-7001; 252.225-7001; 252.225-7002; 252.225-7012; 252.225-7017; 252.225-7021; and 252.225-7036.

The Federal Register notice for this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS changes made by this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Technical Amendment (DFARS only):

This final rule amends the DFARS as follows:

  • Corrects fax number at 201.201-1(d)(i)

  • Corrects DODOIG address at 203.1003.

  • Corrects typographical error at 204.1104. Redesignates 204.1104 as 204.1105 to correctly align with FAR 4.1105;

  • Clarifies terminology at 204.7102 and 204.7106 relating to contract line items.

  • Updates DPAP directorate office symbol at 215.403-1(c)(4)(B).

  • Corrects cross-reference at 219.202-1.

  • Redesignates 245.103(1) as 245.103-70, redesignates 245.103(2) as 245.103-71, adds new 245.103-72 and 103-73 to direct contracting officers to additional DFARS procedures, guidance, and information at PGI 245.103-72 and PGI 245.103-73 respectively.

  • Removes 245.201-71 and 245.201.72, and redesignates 245.201-73 as 245.201-71 Security Classification.

  • Corrects address of the DoD Office of Inspector General (DODIG) at 252.203-7003;

  • Removes DODIG address at 252.203.7004 and adds a hyperlink to obtain Hotline posters; and

  • Corrects typographical error at 252.247-7023;

The Federal Register notice for this technical amendment is available here.

DEFENSE FAR SUPPLEMENT (DFARS) Publication Notice 20121212

On December 12, 2012, DoD made the following changes to the PGI:

Contracting with the Canadian Commercial Corporation--Cost or Pricing Data (DFARS PGI 2012-P015)

Provides guidance and examples at PGI 215.403-3 relating to the requirement for data other than certified cost or pricing data from the Canadian Commercial Corporation.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Line Item Content. (DFARS PGI 2012-P018)

Provides guidance at PGI 204.7103 regarding the content of contract line items.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Contractor Orders from the GSA Central Asia and South Caucasus Supply Catalog (DFARS PGI 2013-P001)

Provides guidance and procedures at PGI 251.102 for contractors authorized to order from the GSA Central Asia and South Caucasus Supply Catalog under DFARS Class Deviation 2013-O0001, Authorization for Contractors to Use Government Supply Sources in Support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Government-Furnished Property Attachments to Solicitations and Awards (DFARS PGI 2013-P004)

Enables the use of electronic formats when Government-furnished property is anticipated. Affects PGI 245.103.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Add memorandum entitled, Theater Business Clearance/Contract Administration Delegation Update (DFARS PGI 2013-P005)

Adds a hyperlink at PGI 225.7401(a)(ii) to the Director, DPAP memorandum, dated July 27, 2012, reminding contracting officers to use the JCCS Platform’s TBC module to submit TBC requests for proposed contract efforts in designated TBC countries.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS PGI changes made by this rule is here.

Administrative Changes to PGI:  Adds a link to the Procurement Data Standard at PGI 204.201(3); conforms numbering at PGI 209.406-3 to the FAR; removes outdated DFARS reference at 236.201 and adds correct reference to CPARS; corrects title at PGI 237.102-74; and updates example at PGI 243.204-71.

DEFENSE FAR SUPPLEMENT (DFARS) Publication Notice 20121116

On November 16, 2012, DoD made the following changes to the DFARS:

Interim Rule:

New Free Trade Agreement—Panama (DFARS Case 2012-D044)

Implements the United States—Panama Trade Promotion Agreement, Implementation Act (Pub. L. 112-43)(19 U.S.C. 3805 note) enacted into U.S. law on October 31, 2011, and entered into force on October 22, 2012. This interim rule adds Panama to the definition of “Free Trade Agreement country” in multiple locations in the DFARS. The Panama FTA covers acquisitions of supplies and services equal to or exceeding $202,000.

Affected parts/subparts/sections:  252.212-7001; 252.225-7017; 252.225-7018; 252.225-7021; 252.225-7035, Alternates I, II, IV and V; 252.225-7036 and Alternates II, IV and V; 252.225-7045.

The Federal Register notice for this rule is here.

A Microsoft Word format document showing the DFARS changes made by this rule is here.

This page last updated: January 7, 2013
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