
Grand Prize (4)


$1,000 Grand-Prize Winner in each category:

Ages 13-17; English submission
Ages 13-17; Spanish submission
Ages 18-25; English submission
Ages 18-25; Spanish submission

Runner-Up (12)


Three $500 Runner-up Winners in Each Category:

Ages 13-17; English
Ages 13-17; Spanish
Ages 18-25; English
Ages 18-25; Spanish

About the Challenge

Voting opens soon (view all dates)

In conjunction with the 2012 Surgeon General’s Report, “Preventing Tobacco Use among Youth and Young Adults”, the CDC invites youth aged (13-17) and young adults ages (18-25) to develop original videos that feature one or more of these SG Report findings:

  • Cigarette smoking by youth and young adults immediately begins a sequence of health consequences including addiction, reduced lung function, asthma, and heart disease.
  • Advertising and promotional activities by tobacco companies have been shown to cause the onset and continuation of smoking among adolescents and young adults.
  • Use of tobacco products by youth and young adults shows signs of increasing after years of steady decline.


Regina Shaefer, MPH

Regina Shaefer, MPH

Director of the Division of Tobacco Control / American Academy of Pediatrics

Cathy Callaway

Cathy Callaway

Associate Director, State and Local Campaigns / American Cancer Society

Christine Dela Rosa

Christine Dela Rosa

Brand Manager / Legacy

Patricia Nez Henderson, M.D., M.P.H.

Patricia Nez Henderson, M.D., M.P.H.

Vice President, Black Hills Center for American Indian Health

Fran Harding

Fran Harding

Director, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention / The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Jeannette Noltenius, MA, PhD

Jeannette Noltenius, MA, PhD

National Director, National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN)

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor in Preventative Medicine & Sociology / Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Institute for Prevention Research

Elba Diaz-Toro, DMD, MSD, MPH

Elba Diaz-Toro, DMD, MSD, MPH

Project Director Associate Professor, School of Dental Medicine / PR Comprehensive Cancer Center - UPR, Medical Science Campus, University of Puerto Rico

Juan Flores, M.U.P.

Juan Flores, M.U.P.

Executive Director, La Fe Policy Research and Education Center

Juan Carlos Velazquez, MA

Juan Carlos Velazquez, MA

Director of Multicultural Social Marketing, HMA Associates, Inc.

Judging Criteria

Creativity, Use of one or more key SG Report findings, and Use or inclusion of the official SGR findings website

Submissions should focus on the health impacts of tobacco use and how young people perceive influences from their peers and/or environments to smoke, including how the tobacco industry may influence their choices through targeted products and marketing.

How to Enter


1.     The Video must be 120 seconds or less in length.

2.     All submissions should focus on findings from the 2012 Surgeon General’s Report, “Preventing Tobacco Use among Youth and Young Adults.

3.     The Video must be original content created for this contest. Do not submit a video that has been submitted elsewhere or previously displayed publicly through any means.

4.     The Video must be submitted through

5.     The Video must not have visual or verbal mention of any websites other than CDC's Smoking & Tobacco Use website ( or SG website (

6.     Videos should not include endorsements of private products, services, or enterprises.

7.     Videos containing profane language, violence or weapons, sexually explicit content, or personal attacks on people will not be considered.

8.     Videos containing material that is obscene, offensive, or slanderous will not be considered.

9.     Videos containing material that promotes bigotry, racism, or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age will not be considered.


1.     El video debe tener una duración de 120 segundos o menos.

2.     Todas las entradas deben concentrarse en los hallazgos del Informe del 2012 de la Cirujana General de los EE. UU. titulado "Prevención del Tabaquismo entre los Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes.”

3.     El contenido del video debe ser una creación original para este concurso. No envíe un video que haya sido enviado a otras partes o que previamente se haya divulgado públicamente por cualquier medio.

4.     El video se deberá enviar a través del sitio

5.     El video no debe hacer mención visual o verbal a ningún sitio de Internet diferente al sitio web de los CDC sobre el tabaco y el tabaquismo ( o al sitio web de la Cirujana General de los EE. UU. (

6.     Los videos no deben respaldar el uso de productos, servicios o compañías privadas.

7.     Los videos que contengan lenguaje obsceno, violencia o armas, contenido sexual explícito o acusaciones personales no serán tomados en consideración.

8.     Los videos que contengan información obscena, ofensiva o calumniadora no serán tomados en consideración.

9.     Los videos que contengan material que promueva la intolerancia, el racismo o hacer daño a algún grupo o persona, o que fomente la discriminación con base en la raza, el sexo, la religión, la nacionalidad, la discapacidad, la orientación sexual o la edad no serán tomados en consideración.