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Securities (b): Special Data Series


Part A -- U.S. Securities
  1. Major Foreign Holders of U.S. Treasury Securities. Includes new data from the annual surveys.
    1. Additional  historical data. Also csv file.
    2. Treasury bills and certificates held by foreigners are in the  banking liabilities data (column 9).
    3. Description of  methodology.
    4. Comparison with  Federal Reserve data on official holdings (FAQ #10.a).

  2. Press release -  Historical data (csv).
    1. Press Releases of TIC monthly data.
    2. FAQs on lines in the press release data table.
    3. Archives of previous TIC data releases.

  3. Net Foreign Purchases of U.S. long-term securities by major foreign sector:
    1. U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes;
    2. U.S. Gov't Corp. & Federally-sponsored Agency Bonds.
      -- Comparison with  Federal Reserve data on official holdings (FAQ #10.b);
    3. U.S. Corporate & Other Bonds;
    4. U.S. Stocks.

  4. Other Acquisitions of U.S. Long-term Securities:
    1. REVISED (11-16-2012) Estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of unrecorded principal repayments to foreigners on domestic corporate and agency asset-backed securities (ABS)
    2. Estimated foreign portfolio acquisitions of U.S. stocks through  stock swaps.
    3. Holdings of  nonmarketable Treasury bonds and notes issued to official institutions and other residents of foreign countries. Also in  csv format.

Part B -- Foreign Securities
  1. Net Purchases of  Foreign Long-term Securities, by type of foreign security

  2. Estimated U.S. portfolio acquisitions of foreign stocks through  stock swaps.


News References - recommended

(May 2012) Improving the Measurement of Cross-Border Securities Holdings: The Treasury International Capital SLTPDF icon (PDF). In the wake of the financial crisis, growing interest in improving the measurement of cross-border securities positions spurred the introduction of a new Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting form, the TIC SLT. This article reviews the existing structure of TIC cross-border position and flow data, the benefits that the new SLT can provide, and the incoming information from the first two reporting months of SLT data, September and December 2011. While some patterns and characteristics of the SLT data will become clear only after more data have accumulated, the SLT data have already begun to provide timely insights on U.S. and foreign cross-border investment flows that are different from the monthly estimates provided by existing flow data. It is from the Federal Reserve Bulletin, Volume 98, May 23, 2012, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

For other articles on TIC data, see the Articles on TIC webpage.

Last Updated: 1/15/2013 1:52 PM