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Primary Dealers
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York trades U.S. government and select other securities with designated primary dealers, which include banks and securities broker-dealers. Weekly transaction, market share data and primary dealer lists are updated periodically. Much of the information is submitted voluntarily. The Bank expects primary dealers to submit accurate data, but the Bank itself does not audit the data.
Application submitted in 2010 by MF Global, Inc. to become a primary dealer

MF Global part I pdf

MF Global part II pdf

MF Global part II exhibits pdf

Treasury Calls for Large Position Reports
On February 27, 2012, Treasury issued a call for large position reports from any entity that controlled a position as of the close of business on February 21, 2012 of $2 billion or more in the 1-1/4% Treasury Notes of January 2019. The reports are to be received by noon on March 2, 2012 at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
View press release OFFSITE

An updated list of Large Position Rule Frequently Asked Questions and Answers is now available. OFFSITE

A sample Large Position Report which appears in Appendix B of the rules at 17 CFR Part 420, is currently available. OFFSITE

Questions about Treasury's large position reporting rules should be directed to Treasury's Government Securities Regulations Staff at Public Debt on (202) 504-3632. Questions regarding the method of submission of Large Position Reports should be directed to the Government Securities Dealer Statistics Unit of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at (212) 720-7993.

New York Fed posts primary dealer survey results
Primary dealers are surveyed on their expectations for the economy, monetary policy and financial market developments in advance of each Federal Open Market Committee meeting

Testimony on MF Global, Inc.
Testimony by Thomas C. Baxter before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
December 15, 2011

Statement regarding MF Global Inc.
October 31, 2011

Annual Meeting with Primary Dealers
Remarks by Brian P. Sack on the implementation of recent monetary policy actions »
October 24, 2011, meeting agenda PDF

New York Fed publishes revised policy for administration of primary dealer relationships »
Administration of Relationships with Primary Dealers »
Reporting Forms and Instructions
FR 2004 Forms and Instructions
For primary dealers who provide information to the Federal Reserve Systems regarding their positions, transactions and financing

FR 2004SI
The weekly report of specific issues collects information on specific U.S. Treasury securities

FR 2004WI
The daily report of dealer positions in treasury financings collects data on the position of U.S. Treasury notes and bonds that the U.S. Treasury has offered for sale but has not yet issued (when-issued securities).