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Programs to Forward Polish Agriculture and Science


1. Borlaug Fellowship Program

The cornerstone of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program is the faculty and scientist exchange between countries. The program provides short-term scientific training for international agricultural research scientists and policymakers.  Each Fellow is assigned a mentor who will coordinate the Fellow’s training. Training venues include U.S. land grant universities, USDA or other government agencies, private companies, not-for-profit institutions and international agricultural research centers in the United States.  The Borlaug Fellowship Program began in Poland in 2006 and to date there have been eight Polish Fellows, three conducting research on agricultural biotechnology, two conducting research on bio-fuels and three working on veterinary issues.  The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program lasts six to eight weeks in the United States.  The 2011 Borlaug will be announced in the fall of 2010.  Expert panel consisting of Polish scientists, Ministry of Agriculture officials and staff from the United States Department of Agriculture headquarters will review applications and select candidates for the program.  More information can be found at:


2. Special Training Program for Poland

This program was developed on the basis of the Cochran program to send participants on short-term training to the United States.  In 2007, we sponsored four participants including two Ministry of Agriculture officials who attended three weeks of USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service training in the United States, and two Polish journalists covering agricultural biotechnology in the United States.  This year from March 29-April 7, 2008 there were over thirty Polish participants in this program in the United States.  Leaders from the National Association of Agricultural Chambers, the Ministry of Agriculture and a Sejm member exchanged ideas and learned about agricultural marketing, biotechnology, rural development and extension services in the United States.  In addition, we supported the visit of four Polish officials to Washington D.C., Chicago, Illinois, and Michigan from June 1-11, 2008 to learn more about our agricultural biotechnology and biofuel industry. In 2008 we supported two additional Ministry of Agriculture Veterinary officials who participated in three weeks of USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service training in the United States. In 2009 activities of the program continued with several training programs organized for Polish scientists and leaders from agricultural sector.  Under this program, in the majority of cases, participants pay their airfare and other expenses are borne by the program.


3. Award for Leadership in Polish Agriculture and Science

This annual award began in 2008 to recognize great Polish scientists, educators, and leaders in Polish agriculture.  The first recipient was Professor Henryk Jasiorowski.  Although not a training program, it does recognize the contribution of Poland’s leaders and scientists to world agriculture.  The program will continue annually.