The Multiple Worksite Report

The Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) form asks most multi-location employers to provide employment and wage data for all of their establishments covered under one Unemployment Insurance (UI) account in a State. Most multi-location employers with a total of 10 or more employees combined in their secondary locations are required or requested to complete the MWR. An employer's primary location is the location with the most employment in a State. All other locations within the State are secondary locations.

The Multiple Worksite Report is designed to collect information showing the distribution of the employment and wages of business establishments by industry and geographic area. Information on the MWR form is used to more accurately classify employment and wage data of multiple establishment employers by industry and by location within a State. By collecting and storing employment and wage data by worksite, States can disaggregate these data below the county level for more extensive and detailed analysis of business and economic conditions within their State, including local and regional employment totals. These data are used to ensure an equitable distribution of Federal funds through grant programs that use county economic indicators as a basis for allocations. No other sources are available to obtain this information.

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Last Modified Date: March 2, 2010