Virginia Lawmakers Begin Bipartisan Effort to Bring FBI to Virginia

Jan 10, 2013 Issues: Federal Employees

Arlington, Va.Today Northern Virginia Representatives Jim Moran, Frank Wolf, Gerry Connolly, and Rob Wittman and Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine released the following statement on efforts to relocate the FBI Headquarters to Northern Virginia. The lawmakers convened a stakeholders’ meeting with local and state officials to coordinate the region’s work to bring the FBI to Virginia.

“As the GSA begins the process of finding a new location for the FBI Headquarters, we are committed to finding a home for the FBI in the Commonwealth. Working with localities and the Governor's office, as well as partners in the private sector, we will work to promote Virginia as the best place for this important relocation.

“Though we individually represent different constituencies and potential FBI relocation sites, our singular focus as a bipartisan delegation is bringing the FBI to Virginia.

“The Commonwealth offers numerous benefits to FBI employees; a majority of FBI personnel reside in Virginia; the FBI Academy and the FBI Laboratory are located in Quantico; the Northern Virginia Resident Agency is located in Prince William County; and Winchester is the future home of the FBI’s Central Records Complex. Proximity to the National Counterterrorism Center and CIA provide opportunity for efficiency and agency coordination. Further, the Commonwealth has some of the best schools in the country, and is consistently ranked one of the best places to live, work, and raise a family in the nation.

“We believe the Commonwealth is an ideal location for the FBI and will continue working together to advocate for FBI relocation to Virginia.”
