U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Promoting partnerships with sub-Saharan Africa

As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on African Affairs, Senator Coons is focused on building mutually beneficial partnerships with countries in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in governance, security, trade and investment. A strong U.S. foreign policy in Africa must be rooted in American values and aim to promote democracy and freedom, protect human rights, defend U.S. interests and forge sustainable and mutually beneficial economic partnerships. 

Senator Coons’ priorities on the African Affairs Subcommittee include:

  • Promoting trade and investment. With seven of the world’s ten fastest growing economies located in sub-Saharan Africa, Senator Coons believes the continent is ripe with opportunity.  He has introduced legislation and chaired hearings to create and save American jobs through greater U.S.-Africa trade and investment and will continue to advocate for a more aggressive strategy to expand U.S. exports to Africa.  This will allow the U.S. to compete more effectively with China, encourage sustainable economic growth in Africa and expand access to overseas markets for American – and especially Delaware – businesses.
  • Supporting good governance and democracy.  Senator Coons has made it a priority to work with partners in Africa to encourage good governance and strengthen democratic institutions.  He has chaired hearings and emphasized the importance of broadening political participation, reducing corruption, ensuring fair electoral processes, and protecting equality, justice, and rule of law throughout the continent.
  • Supporting food security, global health and development programs.  Senator Coons strongly supports U.S. investments to address food security and global health crises, and has held hearings highlighting the importance of these priorities.  He is the co-chair of the Senate Caucus on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases and is a strong and vocal supporter of U.S. investments in international development.  He strongly supports foreign assistance as a means of promoting U.S. development goals abroad, ensuring stability and preventing costlier military interventions down the line, as well as assisting those most in need. 
  • Defending U.S. security interests. Senator Coons believes we must use all tools at our disposal to defend Americans against global threats and protect U.S. security interests abroad, including in Africa. He supports working in partnership with our African allies to combat terrorism and counter narcotics trafficking, and promote regional stability, security, and peace. 


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