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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

BSAI Crab Rationalization - Permits and Information

Crab Cooperative Permits and Information

Crab harvesting cooperatives must be licensed annually. QS holders may assign their annual IFQ directly to the coop through elections on their annual applications.

Cooperative Members with IFQ Pounds Issued to Cooperatives

NOTE: Non-fishable IFQ is excluded from Coop permits and donor members are not shown.


IFQ and IPQ is issued annually for each crab quota fishery, after TACs are available. Data are listed by holder, fishery, sector, region and class. The date and time of first annual file posting is provided for Arbitration and share matching purposes.

NOTE: Pounds not indicated as "Permit Issued" have not been issued to the quota holder or the quota holders' assigned cooperative, pending eligibility determinations.

IFQ - Current year updated daily Post Date/Time
2012/13 Share match clock for BBR, BSS, and SMB started 10/9/12 at 10:40 a.m. A.l.t. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 08/08/12 at 12:30 p.m. A.l.t.
2011/12 Share match clock for BBR, BSS, and SMB started 10/6/11 at 8:50 a.m. A.l.t. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/10/11 at 12:45 p.m. A.l.t.
2010/11 BBR, BSS, and SMB share match clock started 10/12/10 at 9:20 a.m. A.l.T. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/11/10 at 10:21 a.m. A.l.t. The share WAG match clock for Adak Fisheries LLC started 8/16/10 at 11:14 a.m. A.l.t.
2009/10 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/10/09 at 12:05 p.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries started at 2:01 p.m. 10/07/09.
2008/09 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/7/08 at 2:45 p.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries started at 9:45 a.m. 10/08/08.
2007/08 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/8/07 at 9 a.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries restarted 10/10/07 at 5:03 p.m. A.l.t.
2006/07 BBR, BSS, EBT, and WBT IFQ/IPQ amounts revised and posted on 10/12/06, 6:45 a.m. A.l.t.

IPQ - Current year updated daily Post Date/Time
2012/13 Share match clock for BBR, BSS, and SMB started 10/9/12 at 10:40 a.m. A.l.t. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 08/08/12 at 12:30 p.m. A.l.t.
2011/12 Share match clock for BBR, BSS, and SMB started 10/6/11 at 8:50 a.m. A.l.t. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/10/11 at 12:45 p.m. A.l.t.
2010/11 BBR, BSS, and SMB share match clock started 10/12/10 at 9:20 a.m. A.l.T. Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/11/10 at 10:21 a.m. A.l.t. The share WAG match clock for Adak Fisheries LLC started 8/16/10 at 11:14 a.m. A.l.t.
2009/10 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/10/09 at 12:05 p.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries started at 2:01 p.m. 10/07/09.
2008/09 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/7/08 at 2:45 p.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries started at 9:45 a.m. 10/08/08.
2007/08 Share match clock for EAG and WAG started 8/8/07 at 9 a.m. A.l.t. The clock for other fisheries restarted 10/10/07 at 5:03 p.m. A.l.t.
2006/07 BBR, BSS, EBT, and WBT IFQ/IPQ amounts revised and posted on 10/12/06, 6:45 a.m. A.l.t.

Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) Permits

An annual RCR permit is required for the rationalized crab fisheries (CR crab, includes IFQ/IPQ fisheries; CDQ fisheries except Norton Sound king crab; and the golden king crab allocation to Adak). This permit is required to receive any unprocessed crab from the harvester; the owner/operator of a vessel that processes CR crab at sea, any person holding IPQ, and any person that is required to submit a Departure Report. For shoreside operations, an RCR permit is required for each shore facility. RCRs must use the eLandings system to report unprocessed crab landings by catcher vessels or weekly unprocessed crab harvest activity for catcher/processors.

Federal Crab Vessel Permits (FCVP)

An annual FCVP is required for owners of any vessel used in the rationalized crab fisheries (CR crab, includes IFQ/IPQ fisheries; CDQ fisheries except Norton Sound king crab; and the golden king crab allocation to Adak). Operation Type endorsements are: SFP (Stationary Floating Processor); CPR (catcher-processor); and CAT (catcher vessel). This permit has requirements for VMS and logbook reporting.

Quota Share (QS) Holders

NMFS is not a lien recordation agency and does not perform title or lien searches. As a public service to foster commerce, RAM accepts voluntary assertions of interest against limited access permits. On receipt of a transfer application for a permit that has such an assertion, RAM will make a courtesy notification to the person who asserted the interest. An assertion of interest cannot halt an otherwise approve-able transfer; RAM's notification provides 10 working days in which an Asserter may come forward with an appropriate Court Order or other legal instrument that provides authority for RAM to do so; absent that, the transfer will be processed. Assertions are public information, unverified by RAM, and neither constitute nor imply legally-filed liens. NOAA Fisheries makes no representation about content, accuracy or completeness of interest assertion data.

All QS issued by fishery sector CVO, CPO (for LLP holders), or CVC, CPC (for Captains/crew); Quota region; number of Quota units; Quota holder’s name and business mailing address. (Data are sorted by sector, region, name, fishery, and region.)

Quota Share Holders: (current year updated daily)

NOTES: Beginning with 2007/08, all QS/PQS holders and holdings are listed, whether or not the quota results in annual IFQ/IPQ. Initially-issued Tanner crab quota was reissued as Eastern and Western Bering Sea Tanner crab after the 2005/06 crab fishing year. PQS issued by Statute to Blue Dutch, LLC after the 2005/06 crab fishing year only yields annual IPQ when BSS/BBR TACs exceed specified levels.

Processor Quota Share (PQS) Holders

NMFS is not a lien recordation agency and does not perform title or lien searches. As a public service to foster commerce, RAM accepts voluntary assertions of interest against limited access permits. On receipt of a transfer application for a permit that has such an assertion, RAM will make a courtesy notification to the person who asserted the interest. An assertion of interest cannot halt an otherwise approve-able transfer; RAM's notification provides 10 working days in which an Asserter may come forward with an appropriate Court Order or other legal instrument that provides authority for RAM to do so; absent that, the transfer will be processed. Assertions are public information, unverified by RAM, and neither constitute nor imply legally-filed liens. NOAA Fisheries makes no representation about content, accuracy or completeness of interest assertion data.

All PQS issued by Quota region (except for amounts withheld pending additional information from applicants subject to Right of First Refusal (ROFR) provisions); number of Quota units; PQS/IPQ use area boundary area (if subject to ROFR); PQS/IPQ use area boundary (if subject to cooling-off provisions); and Quota holder’s name and business mailing address. (Data are sorted by sector, region, name, fishery, and region.)

Processor Quota Share Holders:

NOTES: Beginning with 2007/08, all QS/PQS holders and holdings are listed, whether or not the quota results in annual IFQ/IPQ. Initially-issued Tanner crab quota was reissued as Eastern and Western Bering Sea Tanner crab after the 2005/06 crab fishing year. PQS issued by Statute to Blue Dutch, LLC after the 2005/06 crab fishing year only yields annual IPQ when BSS/BBR TACs exceed specified levels.

Persons Eligible to Receive QS/PQS by Transfer

The regulations that govern the BSAI Crab Rationalization Program provide that only persons who meet certain eligibility requirements may receive QS/IFQ or PQS/IPQ by transfer. The following are lists of persons NMFS has determined are currently eligible to receive QS/IFQ and/or PQS/IPQ by transfer. Persons eligible to receive CVC/CPC QS by transfer must also meet additional participation requirements at the time of transfer.

Persons Eligible to Receive:
-  PQS by Transfer
-  CVO/CPO QS by Transfer
-  CVC/CPC QS by Transfer

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