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Sample Conversations: Fifth Chronological Release, Part II (November 1972-December 1972)

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In February 1971, President Nixon began secretly taping conversations and telephone calls in several locations, including the Oval Office, his office in the Old Executive Office Building, the Cabinet Room, and Camp David.

There are 2,217 hours of tapes containing conversations from February 1971 through July 1973 open to the public.

These excerpts are culled from the Fifth Chronological Tape Release, Part II, which was released on December 2, 2008. The full conversations may be downloaded by following the links below:

Excerpt 1

  • From Conversation Number:   35-35 | Listen
    Date:   December 28, 1972
    Time:   4:00 pm - 4:15 pm
    Location:   White House Telephone
    Abstract:   In this excerpt, President Nixon discussed with his National Security Advisor Henry A. Kissinger the effectiveness of the bombing of the Hanoi and Haiphong areas in North Vietnam that had begun on December 18. They discussed the North Vietnamese decision to return to negotiations for a peace agreement and their options for convincing the South Vietnamese to accept a settlement.

Excerpt 2

  • From Conversation Number:   153-20 | Listen
    Date:   November 14, 1972
    Time:   2:40 pm - 3:08 pm
    Location:   Camp David Study Table
    Abstract:   In this excerpt, President Nixon talked with his aide Charles W. Colson about his landslide victory over George S. McGovern in the 1972 presidential election and the reasons for his reelection.

Excerpt 3

  • From Conversation Number:   157-26 | Listen
    Date:   December 9, 1972
    Time:   12:22 pm - 12:58 pm
    Location:   Camp David Study Table
    Abstract:   In this excerpt, President Nixon discussed with his aide Charles W. Colson his efforts to build a "New Majority" coalition of conservatives including traditionally working class members of the Democratic Party. They talked about the appointment of building trades union leader Peter J. Brennan as Secretary of Labor and the opportunities this would bring for reaching out to workers.

Excerpt 4

  • From Conversation Number:   35-78 | Listen
    Date:   January 3, 1973
    Time:   8:39 pm - 8:59 pm
    Location:   White House Telephone
    Abstract:   In this excerpt, President Nixon talked with his aide Charles W. Colson about the administration's relations with the Washington Post as the Watergate investigation proceeded.

Excerpt 5

  • From Conversation Number:   35-51 | Listen
    Date:   January 2, 1973
    Time:   8:56 am - 9:03 am
    Location:   White House Telephone
    Abstract:   In this excerpt, President Nixon discussed with Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger pending Supreme Court cases including the landmark pornography case Miller v. California and the President's appointments to the Court including William H. Rehnquist.

For additional Nixon White House Tapes available online, see Nixon White House Tapes - Online.

White House Tapes


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