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The Dictabelt Collection at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum represents an artificial gathering of 718 dictabelts by format from across multiple collections, especially the White House Special Files Staff Member and Office Files. Archivists have tracked the original file location for each dictabelt object. Dictabelts include dictations of memorada by staff members and the President. At times, staff members, in particular John D. Ehrlichman, also used their dictation machines to record conversations, especially telephone conversations. Dictations usually resulted in typed textual documents that may be available in the files. Secretaries for staff members sometimes transcribed conversations that may also be available in the files.

NEW 11/2011: DB 075, DB 076, DB 079, DB 080

Call #:  DB 002

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—White House Special Files, Administrative Files—Box 4—12 Unmarked Tapes-Found in Desk in Haig's Office 10/1/74

Segment 1 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by Larry Higby to unknown persons regarding Watergate and the White House staff

Textual location:  No transcript available

Date:  n.d.

Audio:  DB002_01.mp3


Call #:  DB 057

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2

Segment 1 Subject :  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about press facilities in the White House

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_01.mp3

Segment 2 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman on report of follow-up to President’s orders

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_02.mp3

Segment 3 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about Congressional watch groups

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_03.mp3

Segment 4 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about the President’s schedule

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_04.mp3

Segment 5 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about the President’s schedule

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_05.mp3

Segment 6 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about the White House assistants’ relations with the press

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_06.mp3

Segment 7 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about investigating former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara’s finances

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_07.mp3

Segment 8 Subject:  Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman about establishing group to attack administration’s opponents

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 138—HRH Memos from the President 1970 [2 of 2]

Date:  03-10-1970

Audio:  DB057_08.mp3

Call#:  DB 075

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Segment 1 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding the President’s visit with college students at the Lincoln Memorial [Continued from DB 076 and DB 079 and continued as DB 080]

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date:  05-13-1970

Audio:  DB075_01.mp3

Call #:  DB 076

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Segment 1 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding distribution of Department of Defense research funds to universities

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date:  05-13-1970

Audio:  DB076_01.mp3

Segment 2 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding supporters of the Urban Coalition

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date:  05-13-1970

Audio:  DB076_02.mp3

Segment 3 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding public relations in Vietnam

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date:  05-13-1970

Audio:  DB076_03.mp3

Segment 4 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding the President’s visit with college students at the Lincoln Memorial [Continued as DB 079, DB 075 and DB 080]

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date:  05-13-1970

Audio:  DB076_04.mp3


Call #:  DB 079

Collection: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Segment 1 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding the President’s visit with college students at the Lincoln Memorial [Continued from DB 076 and continued as DB 075, DB 080]

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date: 05-13-1970

Audio:  DB079_01.mp3


Call #:  DB 080

Collection: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Segment 1 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding the President’s visit with college students at the Lincoln Memorial [Continued from DB 076, DB 079 and DB 075]

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date: 05-13-1970

Audio:  DB080_01.mp3

Segment 2 Subject: Dictation of a memo by the President to Haldeman regarding President’s visit to the Lincoln Memorial

Textual Location: WHSF—SMOF—President's Personal File—Box 2—Memos-May 1970

Date: 05-13-1970

Audio:  DB080_02.mp3

Call #:  DB 457

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1972 Telephone Conversations

Segment 1 Subject:  Telephone conversation between Ehrlichman and Gray where Ehrlichman requests a Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] file on Henry Kimelman, finance chair of the McGovern Campaign.

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1972 Telephone Conversations

Date:  08-10-1972

Audio:  DB457_01.mp3

Call #:  DB 465

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Segment 1 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with Commandant of the Marine Corps General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., regarding memo of conversation regarding E. Howard Hunt, Jr.

Textual Location:  No transcript available

Date:  01-05-1973

Audio:  DB465_01.mp3

Segment 2 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with Robert Novak regarding nomination of Gray to Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Date:  01-05-1973

Audio:  DB465_02.mp3

Segment 3 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with Ronald Ziegler regarding conversation with Novak

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Date:  01-05-1973

Audio:  DB465_03.mp3

Call#:  DB 478

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Segment 1 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with Charles Colson regarding Ehrlichman’s schedule.

Textual Location:  No transcript available

Date:  04-13-1973

Audio:  DB478_01.mp3

Segment 2 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with unknown woman regarding Charles Colson’s schedule

Textual Location:  No transcript available

Date:  04-13-1973

Audio:  DB478_02.mp3

Segment 3 Subject:  Ehrlichman’s telephone conversation with John Hughes regarding the President’s response to Goldwater

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Date:  04-13-1973

Audio:  DB478_03.mp3

Call #:  DB 480

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1973 Telephone Conversations

Segment 1 Subject:  Telephone conversation between Ehrlichman, Treasury Secretary George Shultz, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Johnnie Walters and Roger Barth regarding Larry O’Brien’s finances and taxes and regarding George Meany [conversation then cuts off]

Textual Location:  WHSF—SMOF—John D. Ehrlichman—Box 28—1972 Telephone Conversations

Date:  08-29-1972

Audio:  DB480_01.mp3


Call #:  DB 625

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 180—Haldeman Misc Materials

Segment 1 Subject:  Telephone conversation between Haldeman and Secretary of State William Rogers regarding the President’s handling of Watergate and Erwin Griswold’s possible appointment as special prosecutor

Textual Location:  No transcript available

Date:  04-15-1973

Audio:  DB625_01.mp3


Call #:  DB 632

Collection:  WHSF—SMOF—H. R. Haldeman—Box 181—Higby-HRH Files

Segment 1 Subject:  Lawrence Higby telephone conversation with unknown man [Gordon Strachan?] regarding movement of funds, apparently related to Watergate pay off [cut off]

Textual Location:  No transcript available

Date:  After 01-1973

Audio:  DB632_01.mp3

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