GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Dr. Meiyun Lin 

Affiliation: Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University

Office: 250 GFDL  Phone: (609) 452-6551   Email:

Lin, M. et al (2012b): Stratospheric intrusions drive a substantial portion of springtime high surface ozone events in U.S. West

Lin, M. et al (2012a): Asian emissions can episodically increase ground-level ozone pollution in U.S. West

Meiyun's research explores the interactions of air quality with weather and climate to inform public policy. She is currently a research scientist in Princeton University and a co-Investigator of the NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team. Lin received her PhD from the University of Tokyo in 2007, and carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She was coauthored in the 2010 UN Assessment Report on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP) and is currently co-organizing a new HTAP model inter-comparison project focusing on western N. America inflow processes (Outline)

A new emphasis in her research since coming to Princeton is to examine sources of high surface ozone episodes in U.S. West., e.g., stratospheric intrusions, Asian pollution and wildfires. Understanding global sources of local pollution is crucial for setting attainable ozone standards for this unique high-elevation region. A central tool in Meiyun's current research is GFDL AM3 global chemistry-climate model, for which she analyzes alongside a suite of in situ and satellite measurements. Using both model and observations, Lin is working to better understand the key drivers of inter-annual variability and long-term changes of tropospheric ozone over the past 30 years, e.g. the impacts of climate variability (e.g. ENSO, NAO) and evolving global emissions of ozone precursors. Advancing this knowledge will enable process-oriented assessments of chemistry-climate models, which are needed to build confidence in their utility for projecting tropospheric ozone under future climate scenarios.  

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