Bower Prize Awarded to NRL Scientist

In 1993, NRL scientist Dr. Isabella Karle was awarded the Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science for her groundbreaking achievements in crystallography and molecular chemistry. In receiving the award, Dr. Karle was cited by the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia for her pioneering contributions in determining the three-dimensional structure of molecules, making use of both X-ray and electron diffraction, and in particular for her definitive introduction ... of the symbolic addition method to reveal molecular structure directly from X-ray studies.

The Award, presented as a memorial to Dr. Benjamin Franklin, honors outstanding achievement and innovation in the life and physical sciences and its application to service in the public good. Dr. Isabella Karle is the fourth recipient of the prize and the first woman to receive it, clearly a fitting recognition of her half-century career in science and service to NRL, the United States Navy, and mankind in general.

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