2009 Awards

Padma Bushan Award of Honors and Excellence - Dr. Bhakta Rath for excellence in the field of science and for his exceptional service toward the advancement of science.

2009 George Ellery Hale Prize - Dr. Neil Sheeley, Jr., for his "continuing outstanding contributions to our understanding of the solar magnetic field, coronal holes, and coronal mass ejections."

Election to the National Academy of Engineering - Dr. Jay Boris "for fundamental contributions in core computational fluid dynamics algorithms and their application to national problems."

DoN Meritorious Civilian Service Award - Mr. John Karasek for "demonstrating extraordinary leadership, resourcefulness, and flexibility which, coupled with his tremendous subject matter knowledge, has resulted in the Office of Counsel's high quality of legal support for naval innovation over the past decade."

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Award - Researchers in NRL's Chemistry Division for "their research and paper entitled "Laser Separation for Pathogen Bioenrichment, Purification, and Detection."

Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3) - Dr. Michael Roland for "his contributions to promote and develop all aspects of the Science and Technology of Materials, Minerals, and Mining."

DoN Superior Civilian Service Award - Mr. Dennis Therning for "his exceptional leadership in managing the business operations that ensure NRL's world-class science and technology contributions are delivered in the most proficient and resourceful manner possible."

Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) - Dr. Kazhikathra Kailasanath for "contributions to advanced computational techniques and basic understanding of the dynamics of chemically reactive flows and their application in design, analysis, and performance of propulsion concepts."

DoN Superior Civilian Service Award - Dr. Daria Bielecki for "her development of the Vessel Tracking Project, which features a layered defense approach incorporating support from sensors, databases and information feeds ranging from national technical means to open source information."

Association for Computing Machinery 2008 Distinguished Scientists - Dr. Frederick E. Petry for "individual contributions to both the practical and theoretical aspects of computing and information technology."

DoN Superior Civilian Service Award - Dr. John Mittleman for "superior service to the government of the United States in duties of great responsibility as Science Advisor and Special Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe and commander, SIXTH Fleet (CNE-C6F) from August 2004 to July 2008."

Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) - Dr. Elaine Oran for "contributions to the simulation of reactive flows and other complex processes."

Top Navy Scientists and Engineers of the Year Award - Sixteen NRL researchers received this award which recognizes Navy civilian and military personnel for superior scientific and engineering achievements; 34 awardees were chosen from among 35,000 eligible scientists and engineers.

FIRST Robotics Award - Dr. Dale Bibee for "mentoring the Northshore High School robotics team." He has served as a mentor to the team for all four years of its existence.

DoN Superior Civilian Service Award - Mr. Edward Kennedy for "his outstanding leadership, and technical and programmatic oversight in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) development and operation."

2009 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Award - NRL multidisciplinary team for "their development and commercialization of a microbial pathogen identification assay." The team's Resequencing Pathogen Microarray (RPM) technology offers potential applications for powerful biosurveillance capability in the control of infectious disease.

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