2006 Awards

Outstanding Department of the Navy Employee with Disabilities Award - Dr. Jim Templeman, in recognition of his contributions and achievements as a disabled DoN employee.

R&D Magazine "R&D 100" Award - NRL and Dr. Baruch Levush, along with other government and industry partners, for MICHELLE, a software tool for three-dimensional modeling of charged-particle-beam devices.

DoN Distinguished Achievement in Science Award - Dr. Thomas Giallorenzi, in part for his "innovations and tireless efforts to establish and foster new technologies...establishing the field of Optical Fiber Sensors and moving various sensor concepts from inception into practical applications."

DoD Distinguished Civilian Service Award - Dr. Bhakta Rath for "fostering new innovations in materials science and enginering, contributing to the Department's ability to provide superior warfighting capabilities for the military."

Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award - Dr. Elaine Oran for pioneering a computational technology that unifies engineering, scientific, and mathematical disciplines into a methodology for solving reactive flow problems.

Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Award - Dr. Lloyd Whitman for his significant background of accomplishments in advancing the state of the art in nanotechnology.

The Laser Institute of America's 2006 Schawlow Award - Dr. Edward Metzbower for distinguished contiributions to applications of lasers.

University of Louisville Professional Award in Engineering - Dr. Virginia DeGiorgi in recognition of career performance in engineering.

Optical Society of America's R.W. Wood Prize - Dr. Alexander Efros for "the discovery of nanocrystal quantum dots and pioneering studies of their electronic and optical properties."

The 2005 Fred Saalfeld Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement, Office of Naval Research - Awarded in 2006 to Dr. Bhakta Rath, for "outstanding scientific and technical achievements in support of the Navy and the nation and his immeasurable contributions in the field of materials science and engineering."

The Federal Laboratory Director of the Year Award, Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer - Dr. John Montgomery and Captain David Schubert, USN (ret.) (former NRL Commanding Officer) "for their contributions to the overall enhancement of technology transfer for economic development and their support of the FLC and its activities."

The 2005 Hillebrand Prize, Chemical Society of Washington - Dr. Carter White, "for seminal and sustained contributions to the theory of carbon nanotubes and shock-induced chemistry in materials."

Purdue University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Outstanding Alumnus Award - Dr. Patricia Pauley, for outstanding achievement in professional and related fields.

The 2006 Lexis/Nexis Special Libraries Association (SLA) Innovations in Technology Award - Mr. James King, for having overseen the evolution of the NRL Ruth H. Hooker Library's information management strategy through an innovative mix of technologies

American Geophysical Union Editor's Citation for Excellence - Dr. Allan Tylka, for contributions "invaluable in maintaining a high quality standard for the Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics."

IEEE 2006 Warren D. White Award - Dr. Ben Cantrell for excellence in radar engineering.

Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal - Dr. Herbert Eppert and Mrs. Carolyn Gilroy, for their efforts on behalf of NRL and its Stennis employees during the days immediately following Hurricane Katrina.

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