Part 2—Chapter 4700


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This Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) chapter describes how agencies provide data for the Financial Report of the United States Government (FR) using the Governmentwide Financial Report System (GFRS) and the Federal Agencies’ Centralized Trial-Balance System I (FACTS I). It also includes the Financial Management Service’s (FMS’s) fiscal 2012 Closing Package methodology, the Federal Intragovernmental Transactions process, and requirements for electronically submitting preclosing adjusted trial-balances (ATBs).

This TFM chapter does not include reporting requirements for the Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS). Information pertaining to GTAS can be found on the GTAS Web site at

Section 4701—Scope and Applicability

All agencies must provide FMS with required fiscal yearend data that is used to prepare the FR. All verifying agencies (see Figure 1) must submit their financial data using the Closing Package via GFRS and FACTS I. All nonverifying agencies must submit FACTS I ATB data and must complete GFRS FR Notes and Other FR Data.

GFRS uses a Closing Package methodology that has been developed to:

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or CFO’s designee of each verifying agency must prepare and submit the Closing Package data for fiscal 2012 and fiscal 2011 via GFRS at the department level and must verify its consistency with the comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements. The Inspector General (IG) of each verifying agency must opine on the Closing Package data, entered by the CFO into GFRS, as to its consistency with the comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements. Verifying agencies with a yearend other than September 30 are subject to alternate audit procedures as outlined in subsection 4705.45.

All agencies (verifying and nonverifying) must submit preclosing ATBs via the FACTS I Internet application on the Government On-Line Accounting Link System (GOALS) II. Agencies must submit their ATBs at the Treasury appropriation/fund group level using proprietary U.S. Government Standard General Ledger (USSGL) accounts (see USSGL, Part 1, Fiscal 2012 Reporting). The ATB data from verifying agencies is used for research and analysis purposes during the compilation of the FR.

GFRS compiles the information from the FACTS I submissions for nonverifying agencies into a set of “generic” financial statements that are included in the consolidated FR. Nonverifying agencies must prepare and submit note data based on the amounts from the “generic” financial statements compiled in GFRS.

Reporting requirements in this chapter are grouped as follows:

Section 4702—Authority

Section 405 of the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 [31 U.S.C. 331(e)(1)] requires that the Secretary of the Treasury annually prepare and submit to the President and the Congress an audited financial statement for the preceding fiscal year. This statement must cover all accounts and associated activities of the executive branch of the Federal Government. Section 114(a) of the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 [31 U.S.C. 3513(a)] requires each executive branch agency to furnish financial and operational information as the Secretary of the Treasury may stipulate.

Even though these mandates are not applicable to the legislative and judicial branches of the Federal Government, Treasury strongly encourages these entities to submit ATBs, GFRS Notes, and Other FR Data, as defined in these reporting requirements.

Section 4703—Definition of Terms

Agency—Refers to the reporting entities for inclusion in the FR. “Agency” and “department” are used interchangeably, unless otherwise noted (see Appendix 5).

Adjusted Trial-Balance (ATB)—This is a list of USSGL accounts with attributes and preclosing adjusted balances prepared at a specified date (yearend). Agencies submit ATBs by fund group and must include USSGL accounts listed in numeric order. The USSGL account balances should reflect preclosing adjusting entries. The total sum of the debit balances must equal the total sum of the credit balances in the ATB. Agencies must include the required attributes with the appropriate USSGL accounts (see USSGL Part 1, Fiscal 2012 Reporting).

Allocation Transfer—This is the amount of budget authority transferred from one agency, bureau, or account that is set aside in a transfer appropriation account to carry out the purposes of the parent appropriation or fund.

ATB Code—This is a code that consists of a department, a bureau, and a four-digit Treasury appropriation/fund group. This is a unique identifier code for a record in the Master Appropriation File (MAF).

Attribute—This is a modifier that further describes a USSGL account to meet a specific reporting requirement. Agencies capture this information at the transaction level. The following are attributes included in the USSGL Part 1, Fiscal 2012 Reporting:

A (Non-Custodial)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that indicates the amount is not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activity or custodial footnote.

F (Federal)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that results from transactions between Federal Government entities included in the FR. These often are referred to as “intragovernmental transactions.” The USSGL account reported on an ATB with attribute “F” must have a two-digit partner code (see the department codes in Appendix 5) that identifies the trading partner at the department level.

N (Non-Federal)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that results from transactions not with a Federal Government entity included in the FR.

S (Custodial)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that indicates the activity is related to the Statement of Custodial Activity or custodial footnote.

T (Nonexchange)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that indicates the balance being reported is nonexchange revenue. Nonexchange revenue arises primarily from exercise of the Government’s power to demand payments from the public (for example, taxes, duties, fines, and penalties) but also includes voluntary donations and other inflows of resources.

X (Exchange)—This is an attribute of a USSGL account balance that indicates the balance being reported is exchange revenue. Exchange revenue arises when a Federal entity provides goods and services to the public or to another Federal entity for a price. Exchange revenue includes most user charges other than taxes. Another term for exchange revenue is “earned revenue.”

Budget Subfunction Code (BSF)—This code classifies budget resources by function and subfunction. It groups budget authority and outlays of budget and off-budget Federal entities in terms of the national needs being addressed. For a complete list of BSF codes, see the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Web site at

The FACTS I MAF contains a three-digit BSF. Each three-digit BSF contained in the MAF represents a subfunction grouped under 1 of 19 functions. OMB groups each of the 19 functions under the 5 superfunctions presented in the Budget of the United States Government.

Closing Package—This methodology links agencies’ comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements to the FR. The Closing Package is the data submitted by each verifying agency for inclusion in the FR.

Deposit Fund Accounts—Agencies use these accounts to hold the following:

Duplicate Partner Code Identifier (DPCI)—A single-letter code applied to a reporting trading partner agency sharing a two-digit agency code with another agency (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, and Smithsonian Institution).

Financial Statement Template—Each agency defines this template based on its comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statement line items; and USSGL crosswalks.

Fiduciary Transactions—Intragovernmental transactions that consist of Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD) investments and borrowings; Federal Financing Bank (FFB) borrowings; Department of Labor (DOL) Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) transactions, and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) employee benefit transactions.

Note: The word “fiduciary” is distinct and should not be confused with Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) No. 31, Accounting for Fiduciary Activities, discussed in subsection 4705.20d.

General Fund Receipt Account—This is a receipt account credited with all collections that are not earmarked by law for another account for a specific purpose. These collections are presented in the President’s Budget of the United States Government as either governmental (budget) receipts or offsetting receipts. These include taxes, customs duties, and miscellaneous receipts. There are numerous general fund receipt accounts that are described in the Federal Account Symbols and Titles (FAST) Book. See the FAST Book Web site at

Interdepartmental Balance—This USSGL account balance results from a transaction between trading partners included in the FR that are not in the same department.

Intradepartmental Balance—This USSGL account balance results from a transaction between trading partners in the same department.

Intragovernmental Transactions/Balances—These transactions and/or balances result from business activities conducted by two different Federal Government entities included in the FR. Interdepartmental and intradepartmental are subsets of intragovernmental.

Intragovernmental Fiduciary Confirmation System (IFCS)—An Internet-based application for confirming and reconciling quarterly fiduciary balances (see subsection 4706.20).

Nonfiduciary Transactions—Consist of intragovernmental buy/sell (exchange) transactions, transfers, and non-Treasury investment transactions (see subsection 4706.25).

Nonverifying Agencies—Agencies not included in Figure 1.

Probable Likelihood of Loss—This term implies that the future event or events are more likely than not to occur, with the exception of pending or threatened litigation and unasserted claims. For pending or threatened litigation and unasserted claims, the future confirming event or events are likely to occur. If a negative outcome is probable, the agency must record a liability on its books for the estimated amount of loss. The estimated liability may be a specific amount or a range of amounts. If some amount within the range is a better estimate than any other amount within the range, then the agency should recognize that amount as a liability and should disclose the range of possible loss as well as the nature of the contingency in its financial statement notes. If no amount within the range is a better estimate than any other amount, then the agency should recognize the minimum amount in the range as a liability and should disclose the range and a description of the nature of the contingency in its financial statement notes. See Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) SFFAS Nos. 5 and 12.

Reasonably Possible Likelihood of Loss—This term implies that the chance of the future event or events occurring is more than remote but less than probable. If it is reasonably possible that the agency will incur a loss, the agency must disclose the nature of the contingency and an estimate of the possible liability, an estimate of the range of the possible liability, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made (see SFFAS Nos. 5 and 12).

Reciprocal Category (RC)—Is a set of Closing Package financial statement Federal line items that is used to perform eliminations at the Governmentwide level (see subsection 4705.35, and Appendices 6 and 7).

Reclassified Financial Statement—This is a “generic” agency financial statement format used across the Government. Agencies “reclassify” or move amounts from their comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statement line items to the Closing Package reclassified financial statement line items. For nonverifying agencies, these statements are system-generated using FACTS I ATB data.

Remote Likelihood of Loss—This term implies that the chance of the future event or events occurring is slight. If only a remote chance of loss is possible, the agency need not record a liability nor provide a note disclosure (see SFFAS Nos. 5 and 12).

Selected Nonverifying Agency—A selected nonverifying agency must submit quarterly full-proprietary ATBs in text format (see Appendix 5 for a list of these agencies).

Special Fund Receipt Accounts—A receipt account credited with collections that are earmarked by law but included in the Federal funds group rather than classified as trust fund collections. These collections are presented in the President’s Budget as either governmental (budget) receipts or offsetting receipts.

Suspense Accounts—Agencies use these accounts to temporarily hold collections and, in certain suspense accounts, disbursements. They use these accounts pending clearance to the applicable receipt or expenditure account in the budget. A fiscal year “F” preceding the last four digits of the fund symbol identifies a suspense account.

Trading Partner (TP)—An agency, department, or Federal entity that is party to intragovernmental transactions with another agency, department, or Federal agency.

Trading Partner Code—The attribute used to identify the trading partner agency (see Appendix 5).

Treasury Appropriation/Fund Group—This four-digit identifier corresponds to the Treasury account symbol found in the FAST Book. Agencies report most ATBs at the Treasury appropriation/fund group (for exceptions, see subsection 4707.20c). The Treasury appropriation/fund group combines all fiscal years reported for each agency’s appropriation or fund account symbol.

Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS)—This combination of numbers denotes the responsible agency, period of availability, and fund classification according to a prescribed system of account classification and identification.

Use of Central Accounting Data (UCAD)—UCAD is the authoritative data collected in Treasury’s central accounting system and presented in report format to resolve intragovernmental differences. This data includes appropriation warrants, nonexpenditure transfers, fund balance with the Treasury, and appropriations received, as adjusted.

U.S. Government Standard General Ledger (USSGL) Data—The USSGL, Supplement No. S2 to the TFM, provides a uniform Chart of Accounts and technical guidance to be used in standardizing Federal agency accounting. The USSGL is a part of the FACTS I ATB data that can be viewed in GFRS to assist verifying agencies in completing their Closing Package submission and nonverifying agencies in completing FR Notes. See the USSGL Web site at

Verifying Agencies—These agencies consist of the 24 major CFO Act agencies and selected other agencies material to the FR. Agencies are deemed material to the FR if they report any Closing Package Statement line items or note disclosures that are greater than $1 billion.

See Figure 1 for the list of verifying agencies.

Section 4704—FR Reporting and Submission Dates

See Figure 3 for the FR reporting and submission dates regarding GFRS, FACTS I, IFCS, intragovernmental activity/transactions, legal representation letters, and subsequent events.

Section 4705—Closing Package Requirements

Verifying agencies must:

Figure 1: Verifying Agencies Required To Verify and Submit a Closing Package and
Provide CFO Representations for Federal Intragovernmental Transactions and Balances

Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of the Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs
Agency for International Development
Environmental Protection Agency
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
General Services Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Credit Union Administration
National Science Foundation
U.S. Postal Service
Office of Personnel Management
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Railroad Retirement Board
Securities and Exchange Commission
Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Institution
Social Security Administration
Tennessee Valley Authority
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

4705.10—GFRS System Access

The GFRS Internet application on GOALS II ( requires a user ID and password.

Agencies can apply for a user ID and password by completing a GOALS II Enterprise System Access Request (ESAAS) form and faxing the completed ESAAS form to 202-874-6710. For more information, contact the FMS Service Desk by telephone at 202-874-4357 or by email to Users may access the ESAAS form at

4705.15—GFRS Reportable Data

4705.15a—Preparation of Financial Statement Template

Verifying agencies must update via GFRS Module GF001 (Financial Statement Template) the USSGL crosswalk logic to the comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements. The financial statements include the Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Net Position, Statement of Net Cost/Income Statement, and Statement or Note on Custodial Activity, if applicable.

Note: The Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts are located in GFRS Module GF006 (FR Notes). Refer to subsection 4705.20c for details.

4705.15b—The Closing Package

Figure 2 depicts the Closing Package process. FMS uses the agencies’ Closing Packages to prepare the FR.

CFOs of the verifying agencies and nonverifying agencies must submit all Closing Package data via the GFRS Internet application on GOALS II to FMS for fiscal 2012 reporting. In addition, CFOs and/or designees, of the verifying agencies and nonverifying agencies must respond in a timely manner to FMS’s request for concurrence with planned changes to agency submitted Closing Package data. These requests are based on FMS’s review of agencies’ submitted data for compliance with this chapter and conformity with agencies’ general purpose financial statements.

4705.15c—FR Notes

Both verifying and nonverifying agencies must submit FR Notes data through GFRS.

Nonverifying agencies submit FR Notes data based on the amounts from the “generic” financial statements, compiled in GFRS from ATB data submitted via FACTS I. The generic financial statements are based on the USSGL crosswalks to the reclassified statements and are populated by FACTS I ATB data. See Appendix 3 for the format of the FR Notes.

Verifying and nonverifying agencies submit Notes data based on the following:

Figure 2: Closing Package Process

GFRS Module












Module Title

Audited Financial Statements




Federal Trading Partner Note


Notes to the FR Financial Statements


Other FR Data


Completions and Approvals


Enter agency's comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements. •Balance Sheet;
• Statement of Net Cost/Income Statement;
•Statement of Changes in Net Position;
•Statement or
Note on Custodial Activity (if applicable).


Reclassify agency's financial statements to Closing Package format.
•Balance Sheet;
•Statement of Net Cost;
•Statement of Changes in Net Position.


Federal Trading
Partner Department


predefined notes to the Closing Package, including Statement of Social Insurance and Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts (if applicable).


Enter other required data.

Stewardship Deferred Maintenance Tax Burden.


Agency CFO reviews and certifies and IG issues an opinion on the reclassified statements and notes, including the Federal Trading Partner Note.

Additional TFM Reference



Appendix 2


Appendix 5


Appendix 3


Appendix 4



4705.15d—Federal Trading Partner Note

Verifying agencies must identify the Federal trading partners and amounts for each Federal Closing Package line item reported after reclassifying the agency’s comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements into the Closing Package formats. Amounts identified as Federal should be net of intradepartmental eliminations with the exception of custodial revenues retained by the collecting department and capital transfers reported in RC 11 and RC 12. Identifying the trading partner enables analysis and elimination of Federal activity/balances based on reciprocal categories at the Governmentwide level. See Appendix 5 for a complete list of Federal trading partner department codes.

Agencies must reclassify all General Fund activity (trading partner code 9900) to the appropriate Closing Package financial statement line within RC 29-non-reciprocating activities. Agencies must determine what the General Fund activity represents and should reclassify the activity to the appropriate Closing Package line within RC 29 (See Appendices 1, 6, and 7 for the appropriate reclassification of Closing Package financial statement lines). Note: This Closing Package requirement does not impact agencies’ quarterly Intragovernmental Reporting and Analysis System (IRAS) submissions as the quarterly computation is based on USSGL crosswalks.

4705.15e—Other FR Data

Verifying agencies and nonverifying agencies must disclose information relating to “Other FR Data” as it applies to the agency. Other FR Data can include stewardship information, social insurance disclosures, and supplemental information, such as deferred maintenance. See Appendix 4 for the format of Other FR Data.

4705.20—Reclassification of Verifying Agencies’ Financial Statements

Verifying agencies must enter and reclassify their comparative, audited consolidated, department-level Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost/Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Net Position, and Statement or Note on Custodial Activity (if applicable) to the formats in the three Closing Package financial statements presented in Appendix 1 (Reclassified Financial Statements and Line Item Descriptions). Appendix 1 describes the Closing Package financial statement line items. Appendix 2 includes examples of how to reclassify agency line items to the Closing Package format. For example, FMS requires that agencies include two line items on the Statement of Net Cost or the Income Statement. To facilitate the reclassification of this statement, “Total Gross Cost” and “Total Earned Revenue” line items are the sum of all program lines for “Gross Cost” and “Earned Revenue” reported on the Statement of Net Cost.

GFRS uses a normal balance concept. The normal balance is the regular balance of a line item and is either a debit or credit as determined by the account type selected. For example, an asset and a liability would carry a debit and a credit “normal” balance, respectively. All numbers must be entered as positive in GFRS unless the balance of that line is abnormal, then the amount is entered as a negative. The normal balance attribute is used to determine the appropriate stored value of manually entered amounts.

Verifying agencies report the line items on their financial statements based on what is most material and useful to them. These line items may not match line items in the Closing Package for several reasons. For example, the Closing Package line items may not apply to the agency, the amounts could be immaterial at the agency level, or the agency may find it useful to include more detail than the Closing Package reports.

4705.20a—Custodial Activity

SFFAS No. 7, paragraph 353, states:

Disposition of revenue to other entities: custodial transfers.—Revenue, primarily nonexchange revenue, may be collected by an entity acting on behalf of the General Fund or another entity within the Government on whose behalf it was collected. The collecting entity accounts for the disposition of revenue as part of its custodial activity. These custodial transfers, by definition, do not affect the collecting entity’s net cost of operations or operating results, nor are they part of the reconciliation between its obligations and net cost of operations. (The receiving entity recognizes the revenue as nonexchange or exchange revenue depending on its nature, according to the applicable revenue standards.)

For exchange revenue with virtually no cost, see SFFAS No. 7, paragraph 140. The custodial revenue is reported by the collecting agency on the Statement of Custodial Activity or on the Custodial Activity Note.

However, for exchange revenue collected for others with related cost incurred, agencies should follow the guidance from SFFAS No. 7, paragraph 137, which states:

As a general rule, exchange revenue transferred to others must be offset against the collecting entity’s gross cost to determine its net cost of operations. Exchange revenue reduces the net cost of operations incurred by the entity in producing outputs, regardless of whether the entity keeps the exchange revenue for its own use or transfers it to another operating entity or the General Fund. Likewise, exchange revenue reduces the net cost of the entity’s operations to the taxpayer regardless of its disposition. Therefore, all exchange revenue related to the cost of operations must be deducted from gross cost to determine the net cost of operations for the entity.

Furthermore, SFFAS No. 7, paragraph 138, states:

Any exchange revenue that is transferred to others, however, does not affect the collecting entity’s net position. Therefore, as required by the standards for other financing sources, such exchange revenue is recognized as a transfer-out in calculating the entity’s operating results.

At the Governmentwide level, these collections are recognized as revenue.

Verifying agencies that report a Statement or Note on Custodial Activity in their comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements reclassify exchange revenue without associated costs (virtually no cost) and nonexchange revenue from the Statement or Note on Custodial Activity to the Closing Package line items on the Statement of Changes in Net Position. From the Sources of Collections section of the Custodial Statement or Note, reclassify all nonexchange revenue lines to “Other taxes and receipts” and exchange lines to “Miscellaneous earned revenue” (with the exception of customs duties, and taxes collected by the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Homeland Security). From the Disposition of Collections section, reclassify all Federal lines to “Other Budgetary Financing Sources” and non-Federal lines to “Other taxes and receipts.”

Agencies must report the custodial revenue as non-Federal, “N,” at the time of collection from the public (that is, the Sources of Collection section). The disposition of the custodial revenue to other Federal agencies must be reported as Federal “F” in the reclassified Statement of Net Cost or Statement of Changes in Net Position when reporting in GFRS. Any Federal agency receiving custodial revenue from the collecting agency must report this revenue as Federal “F” in its reclassified Statement of Net Cost or Statement of Changes in Net Position when reporting in GFRS. If the collecting agency retains a portion of the custodial revenue, the agency also must report this revenue as Federal “F” in its reclassified Statement of Net Cost or Statement of Changes in Net Position when reporting in GFRS and must use its own trading partner code.

If agencies have collections that do not meet Statement or Note on Custodial Activity reporting requirements, they should refer to the General Fund Receipt Account Guide on the USSGL Web site at

4705.20b—Earmarked Funds

Earmarked funds are financed by specifically identified revenues, often supplemented by other financing sources, which remain available over time. These specifically identified revenues and other financing sources are required by statute to be used for designated activities, benefits, or purposes and must be accounted for separately from the Government’s general revenues in accordance with SFFAS No. 27.

At the Governmentwide level, the U.S. Government Balance Sheet shows separately the portion of the net position attributable to earmarked funds. The standard further requires the disclosure of condensed information on assets, liabilities, and net cost for all earmarked funds.

Verifying agencies reclassify earmarked fund activity from the agency’s Balance Sheet to the Closing Package line items designated for earmarked funds on the Balance Sheet. Additional note disclosure information on earmarked funds also is required in the Closing Package, Appendix 3, Note 22, to be completed by both verifying and nonverifying entities with earmarked fund activity. Agencies should report each earmarked fund with a net position exceeding $5 billion absolute separately.

4705.20c—Social Insurance

The Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts are required by SFFAS Nos. 17, 25, 26, 28, and 37 to be presented as a basic financial statement. Agencies provide the Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts data in GFRS Module GF006, FR Notes. The information related to the Statement of Social Insurance, the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts, and the underlying significant assumptions also is included in GFRS Module GF006, FR Notes. All remaining social insurance information is contained in GFRS Module GF007, Other FR Data.

Note: The information related to these statements appears in GFRS Module GF006, FR Notes, because GFRS was not designed with a separate financial statement module for the Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts. As such, verifying agencies cannot enter information related to the Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts into a separate financial statement module. Since the Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts are two of the basic financial statements to which the IG of the verifying agency, if applicable, must opine as to its consistency with the comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements, verifying agencies must enter the information related to the Statement of Social Insurance and the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts into GFRS Module GF006, FR Notes.

The Social Insurance Program reporting agencies are required to report the Statements of Social Insurance, the Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts, and the related notes in the FR Notes, and in Other FR Data in the Closing Package. The Social Insurance Program reporting agencies are the Social Security Administration (SSA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL).

Most of the social insurance information pertaining to Social Security and Medicare can be obtained from SSA (the 2012 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds) and from HHS (the 2012 Annual Report of the Boards of the Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds). SSA, HHS, RRB, and DOL are required to report the draft data of Social Insurance in the GFRS Closing Package (see Figure 3 for due dates).

4705.20d—Fiduciary Activities

In a fiduciary activity, the Government collects or receives and subsequently manages, protects, accounts for, invests, and/or disposes of cash or other assets in which non-Federal individuals or entities have an ownership interest that the Government must uphold. Non-Federal individuals and entities must have an ownership interest in the cash or other assets held by the Government under provision of loan, regulation, or other fiduciary arrangement. The ownership interest must be enforceable against the Government, and judicial remedies must be available for the breach of the Government’s fiduciary obligation. Agencies should account for this fiduciary activity, which includes the collection of cash or other assets and their distribution to the non-Federal owners and/or their beneficiaries, in accordance with SFFAS No. 31. In accordance with the standard, there is relatively similar Government activity that is specifically excluded from the SFFAS No. 31 reporting requirements such as: payroll withholdings and garnishments; unearned revenue; and seized property.

The standard requires that the Government’s fiduciary activities and a description thereof be included as a note disclosure. In addition, the Government must disclose that the fiduciary assets are not assets of the Government and are, therefore, not recognized on the U.S. Government Balance Sheet. However, at the Governmentwide level, the U.S. Government Balance Sheet recognizes a liability for fiduciary cash held in fund balance with Treasury and a liability for fiduciary investments in U.S. Treasury securities that are included in the agencies’ fiduciary assets. Since these fiduciary assets are not recognized on the agencies’ Balance Sheets, no verifying entities are required to enter this fiduciary liability line item in the Reclassified Balance Sheet, in the GFRS Module GF003.

However, both verifying and nonverifying entities with fiduciary activity must enter the agency fiduciary activity note disclosure information in the GFRS Module GF006, FR Notes (see Appendix 3, Note 27).

Note: The reporting requirements related to fiduciary activities, as required by SFFAS No. 31, are distinct and unrelated to the reporting and other requirements related to the “fiduciary” category of intragovernmental transactions as stated in subsections 4705.70b, 4706.15, 4706.20, 4706.20a, 4706.20b, 4706.25, and 4706.30c.

4705.20e—Reporting of Government Account Series (GAS) Investments With the Bureau of the Public Debt Purchased by Agencies Using Deposit Fund Monies

Treasury GAS securities purchased using nonfiduciary deposit fund monies are normally classified as public and not intragovernmental. However, for purposes of this TFM, investments in GAS securities by nonfiduciary deposit funds are to be reclassified as intragovernmental. Therefore, verifying agencies that invest deposit fund monies in GAS investments must adhere to the following three bullets for the portion of the investments that are not accounted for in the agencies’ fiduciary note:

Nonverifying agencies are directed to subsection 4707.20b for reporting GAS investments with deposit fund monies.

4705.20f—Department Code Reporting for General Fund Activities

Agencies use trading partner code “99” strictly for recording transactions with the General Fund of the United States. Do not confuse the General Fund of the United States (trading partner code 99) with the Department of the Treasury (department/trading partner code “20”), the agency. They are not synonymous and agencies must distinguish one from the other when designating an appropriate partner code. Agencies that are collecting receipts into General Fund Receipt Accounts (GFRAs) should be aware that although GFRAs belong to the General Fund, the General Fund does not have all the details of all the accounting events in the GFRAs. Therefore, collecting agencies must record the accounting events in the GFRAs and must use their two-digit department codes in the GFRAs for collection and accrual activities (for example, receivables, revenues, other financing sources, transfer in, etc.) The accounts that have the “99” partner code in the GFRAs are listed below. Agencies should refer to the USSGL implementation guidance, in the General Fund Receipt Account Guide, on the USSGL Web site for examples of how to record partner codes in GFRAs. See the Web site at In addition, agencies should refer to subsection 4707.20c in this TFM chapter. Some examples of activities that have “99” as a trading partner are:

Agencies that record activities with the General Fund also must properly record this Federal activity at the Governmentwide level to assist with the preparation of the FR. General Fund activities (trading partner code 9900) are only reclassified to Federal FR lines with a RC 29 designation. RC 29 contains all line items for which reciprocal line items do not exist and the USSGL accounts in RC 29 do not eliminate against another USSGL account. Refer to Appendix 1 for a description of each reclassified FR line and Appendices 6 and 7 for a listing of reclassified FR line reciprocal category designations and the financial statement to which they relate.

Agencies engaged in activity with the Department of the Treasury as a trading partner regarding all other intra-governmental activities, such as Judgment Fund transactions, investments, borrowings, transfers, and buy/sell activity, should use department code “20.” Agencies should contact the Director, Financial Reports Division, via email at, if they are unsure about the applicability of department code “99” to particular transactions.

4705.25—Special Basis of Accounting

Verifying agencies under SFFAS No. 34, The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, that use accounting standards other than FASAB standards (for example, Financial Accounting Standards Board), as the basis for their audited financial statement data, or that do not have a fiscal yearend of September 30, are collectively referred to as converting agencies in GFRS. Converting agencies must perform an additional step in GFRS before reclassifying their financial statement line items to the Closing Package line items. They must convert their latest set of audited financial statements to a 12-month set of financial statements using the FASAB standards and a September 30 ending date. Converting agencies reclassify the converted data to the Closing Package line items instead of the data from their latest audited financial statements. They must subject all of the above-mentioned adjustments to their Closing Packages to the audit coverage described in subsection 4705.45.

Verifying agencies that may need to perform this additional step, as described above, are:

(1) Verifying agencies with comparative, audited financial statements not based on FASAB standards:

(2) Verifying agencies with a yearend other than September 30:

For the verifying agencies with a yearend other than September 30, a crosswalk with a 12-month set of fiscal year financial statements should be provided to FMS, as support to the Closing Package submission. In addition, these agencies must provide an updated 12-month set of the fiscal year financial statements crosswalk after the audit is completed to show changes, if any, that may impact financial reporting at the Governmentwide level. Agencies must highlight any variances in the subsequent crosswalk and must provide reasons for the variances.

4705.30—Parent/Child Reporting

The parent agency (transferor of the appropriation) must report all activity of the child in its financial statements, whether material to the child agency (recipient of the transfer) or not, unless one of the three exceptions (detailed below) applies. The parent agency must use its two-digit trading partner code for all activities and balances with the child agency. This results in intragovernmental activity between the parent and the child being eliminated and not reported in the parent agency’s financial statements and GFRS. Other agencies that have activity with the child (see exceptions below) must use the Federal trading partner department code of the child’s parent agency when reporting their balances and transactions with the child in GFRS.

The three exceptions to the requirement for parent/child reporting (from OMB Circular No. A-136, revised) are:

In these cases, the receiving agency (child) is responsible for reporting all proprietary activity in its financial statements and GFRS. The child must use its two-digit trading partner code for all activities and balances with the parent agency. This results in intragovernmental activity between the child and the parent being eliminated and not reported in the child agency’s financial statements and GFRS. Agencies that have activity with the child listed in the three exceptions must use the Federal trading partner code of the child in reporting their balances and transactions with the child in GFRS.

4705.35—Reciprocal Categories

A reciprocal category is comprised of a set of Federal Closing Package line items that are the reciprocal of each other (for example, accounts payable/accounts receivable). These categories assist in the elimination of Federal activity at the Governmentwide level to prepare the FR. Additionally, these reciprocal categories facilitate the reconciliation of activities between Federal agencies. All reciprocal categories currently contain a set of Federal line items except for RC 29, which contains all line items for which no reciprocal line items currently exist. Note: General Fund activities must be reclassified to an FR line (refer to Appendix 1 for appropriate reclassification) with a reciprocal category 29 designation for identifying General Fund activity at the Governmentwide level. The reciprocal categories crosswalk to the Closing Package reclassified financial statement line items on the Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Net Position, and Statement of Net Cost. See Appendix 6 for a complete list of reciprocal categories and the financial statements to which they relate.

4705.40—CFO Closing Package Data Verification

Verifying agency CFOs must certify the accuracy of the data in the Closing Package for the IG to opine no later than November 16, 2012, by 6 p.m. eastern standard time (EST). The file should be submitted in Excel format, or in a format required by each agency's IG.

4705.45—Audit Requirements for the Closing Package

An audit opinion is required for the special purpose/Closing Package financial statements, for fiscal 2012 and 2011, based on agency-entered data in GFRS through the Closing Package. This includes the Federal Trading Partner Note. The IG provides the audit opinion and its text of the audit opinion, regardless of whether the IG or an independent public accountant (IPA) conducted the audit. For guidance, refer to OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, as amended and as it relates to special-purpose financial statements (Closing Package). Verifying agencies with a yearend other than September 30 are subject to all requirements of this TFM chapter. However, they are limited to audit assurance on material line items and note disclosures to which the verifying agencies contribute. For additional guidance, refer to the audit of the special-purpose (Closing Package) financial statements section of OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, as amended.

The intragovernmental activity and balances contained in the Closing Package’s GFRS Module GF004, Federal Trading Partner Note, are included within the scope of the opinion on the special-purpose financial statements (Closing Package). Verifying agencies should review thoroughly information provided as Other FR Data in the Closing Package, which is not subject to audit coverage, to assure consistency with the applicable data.

Each applicable verifying agency must provide the following documents to the IG/IPA to perform the audit on the Closing Package. All of the following documents are a part of the IG/IPA audit scope except the GF007 Other FR Data Report, which must be thoroughly reviewed:

Each IG must package a copy of the aforementioned documents in addition to the Closing Package auditors’ report and must email them in Portable Document Format (PDF) to GAO, FMS, and OMB (see Figure 3 for due dates).

4705.50—Closing Package Schedule of Uncorrected Misstatements Process

Verifying agencies must submit a Closing Package SUM as a part of their Management Representation Letter on the Closing Package (as stated in subsection 4705.45) to FMS. Verifying agencies with a yearend other than September 30 do not have to provide a SUM. The SUM is for agencies’ current-year Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost/Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Net Position, Statement of Social Insurance, and Statement of Changes in Social Insurance Amounts (if applicable). The schedule should contain the following:

In addition, the adjusting entries to correct the misstatements also should be provided. If there are no such uncorrected misstatements, a representation to this effect should be included in the management representation letter. Refer to the Financial Audit Manual (FAM), Section 595, for a sample schedule of uncorrected misstatements and adjusting entries. All responses should be submitted in Excel format.

For additional guidance, see OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, as amended, and OMB Circular No. A-136, revised, on the OMB Web site at; and GAO/President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency FAM, Section 595C, on the GAO Web site at

4705.55—Legal Representation Letter Process

4705.55a—Legal Letter Reporting Requirements

Verifying agency IGs must submit an interim and final legal representation letter prepared by the agency General Counsel summarizing and evaluating legal actions against the agency. Agency IGs must submit the interim and final legal representation letters and management schedules to FMS, DOJ, and GAO. Legal representation letter files sent by email must be PDF files (zipped files are not accepted). Management Schedules must be in Excel format only (PDF files are not accepted). The agency’s legal representation letter must contain a schedule prepared by management that summarizes the content of the legal representation letter as disclosed in the agency’s financial statements. They must categorize cases, including cases to be paid from the Judgment Fund, in the table as either having a probable, reasonably possible, or a remote chance of a negative outcome for the agency consistent with American Bar Association guidance (see Figure 3 for due dates). Agencies must recognize a contingent liability on their financial statements or must disclose it in the financial statement notes if it meets the contingent liability criteria as defined in SFFAS No. 5. For guidance, refer to OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, as amended, as it relates to legal representation letters.

4705.55b—Other Required Information for Legal Representation Letters

Verifying agency IGs also must provide GAO, DOJ, and FMS information about subsequent events that occurred after the effective date of their final legal representation letter through December 21, 2012, that resulted in a change of likelihood or an amount of loss. All agencies should send this information via email to GAO, DOJ, and FMS no later than December 26, 2012, by 6 p.m. EST (see Figure 3 for due dates).

Subsequent event information is based on the agency’s materiality threshold. For additional guidance, see OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, as amended, and OMB Circular No. A-136, revised, on the OMB Web site at

4705.60—Other Required Information for Subsequent Changes to Published Financial Statements

Verifying agency CFOs also must provide FMS information regarding any subsequent changes, or no changes, to their management representation letters and published financial statements (see Figure 3 for due dates). Send this information via email to FMS, OMB, and GAO. The email should indicate if there are no changes, and/or any changes to the management representation letters and the financial statements due to subsequent events. Subsequent event information is based on the agency’s materiality threshold. Do not include legal contingencies or items submitted in GFRS, Note 1.

4705.65—Yearend Intragovernmental Reconciliation Process Related to Closing Package Reporting

Verifying and nonverifying agencies should reconcile their intragovernmental balances with all available information before submitting their Closing Package data and FACTS I ATBs, respectively.

UCAD is the authoritative data collected in Treasury’s central accounting system. Agencies should validate and reconcile their data monthly with UCAD to resolve intragovernmental differences in certain reciprocal categories, prior to their data submissions in GFRS.

The following monthly UCAD reports for RC 07, Appropriation of Unavailable Trust or Special Fund Receipts; RC 08, Nonexpenditure Transfers of Unexpended Appropriations and Financing Sources; RC 11, Nonexpenditure Transfers of Financing Sources – Capital Transfers; RC 29, Appropriations Received as Adjusted; and RC 29, Fund Balance With Treasury, data are available on the FMS Web site at on the eighth workday of every month:

The UCAD data reports for the period ending September 30 will be available to the agencies on October 11, 2012. The yearend report with backdated adjustments made between October 1 and 16 will be available to the agencies on October 18, 2012.

Verifying agencies generate their intragovernmental reports via the Discoverer application in GFRS or by using the direct URL link for the following reports that show agencies their reciprocal balances, as reported in the Closing Package, for each of their trading partner agencies’:

Any significant differences that are reconciled should form the basis for adjusting journal entries affecting intragovernmental activity and balances at the FR level. Agencies should submit their adjustments and supporting documentation for Part I and Part II (refer to subsections 4706.30e and 4706.30f for further detail regarding the explanation of differences) to their FMS contact person via email and to the following email address:

Verifying agencies generate the Intragovernmental Comparative Closing Package Explanations of Differences Report via the Discoverer application in GFRS or by using the direct URL link

4705.70—Yearend CFO Procedures for Intragovernmental Transactions/Balances

Verifying agencies must comply with the following instructions using the comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements:

FMS provides the CFO Representations form for Federal Intragovernmental Transactions and Balances (see Appendix 8). FMS posts this form on the FMS Web site at The representations relating to whether the reconciliation was completed for each item of Section I (General Intragovernmental Reporting Results), Section II (Explanation of Closing Package Differences), and Section III (Additional Explanations) must be completed in their entirety.

4705.70a—Detailed CFO Representation Instructions

Verifying agencies must provide responses to the following intragovernmental items.

4705.70b—Section I: General Intragovernmental Reporting Results

4705.70c—Section II: Explanation of Closing Package Differences

Explain the differences indicated on the Intragovernmental Closing Package Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report, Part I, in terms of the following categories:

(1) Confirmed Reporting;

(2) Accounting Methodology/Policy Difference;

(3) Accounting/Reporting Error;

(4) Timing Difference – CY;

(5) Unknown;


(6) Timing Difference – PY.

Also, explain the special items and differences on the Intragovernmental Closing Package Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report, Part II, on the Additional Explanations form (Part III), which is provided on the FMS Web site. (Refer to subsection 4706.30d for further detail regarding special items and differences that are included in Part IIA and Part IIB.)

4705.70d—Section III: Additional Explanations

For each explanation, from Parts I and II, the supporting documentation must be included, in detail, on the “Additional Explanations” form provided by FMS. (Refer to subsections 4706.30e and 4706.30f for further detail regarding the explanation of differences).

Provide an electronic file of the CFO’s Representations for Federal Intragovernmental Transactions and Balances along with the completed Intragovernmental Closing Package Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report and “Additional Explanations” form to FMS and GAO (see Figure 3 for due dates).

Section 4706—Intragovernmental Requirements

4706.10—Intragovernmental Transactions/Balances Reconciliation Requirements Authority

The intragovernmental transactions reconciliation requirements also are stated in the following:

4706.15—Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Scenarios

The Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Policy Guide (APG) has been discontinued. Agencies are directed to refer to the USSGL Web site for scenarios for selected Federal intragovernmental activities at

4706.20—Intragovernmental Fiduciary Confirmation System (IFCS)

The IFCS, an Internet-based application is the official confirmation system for all Federal departments and agencies that engage in fiduciary intragovernmental transactions.

Agencies are required to use the IFCS to confirm and reconcile fiduciary transactions with their trading partners. Agencies should investigate and record adjustments for any discrepancies between their intragovernmental account balances and the reciprocal account balances of their trading partner(s). Discrepancies due to errors should be corrected prior to the preparation of financial statements and the Closing Package submission to FMS (see Figure 3 for due dates).

Specifically, OMB Circular No. A-136 requires reporting agencies to reconcile/confirm intragovernmental activity and balances quarterly for the following reciprocal groupings:

4706.20a—IFCS Reporting Reconciliation Requirements

Agencies must ensure that fiduciary intragovernmental balances are confirmed using the IFCS. Intragovernmental balances confirmed through IFCS should agree to the quarterly data, Closing Package reporting, and the agency’s financial statements.

To review DOL’s benefits activity, agencies should access DOL’s Internet Web site at

4706.20b—IFCS System Access

To access and confirm fiduciary balances in the IFCS, agency users should access the Internet Web site at Agencies can apply for a user ID and password by completing a GOALS II ESAAS form and faxing it to 202-874-6170. All agencies must designate agency user backups for all roles. After the ESAAS form is processed, the IFCS administrator makes the agency assignment. Then, the agency department administrator assigns the designee to his or her specific agency fund symbols for the borrowings and investments categories and agency code for OPM and DOL categories. For more information, contact the FMS Service Desk by telephone at 202-874-4357 or by email to

To review DOL’s benefits activity, agencies should access DOL’s Internet Web site at

4706.25—Nonfiduciary Transactions

For nonfiduciary transactions, OMB requires reporting agencies to reconcile/ confirm intragovernmental activity and balances quarterly for the following reciprocal groupings:

4706.25a—Related to Capitalized Purchases

Agencies that purchase capitalized assets from other Federal entities must record the purchase to the following USSGL memorandum accounts:

Agencies also must record the purchase to the appropriate USSGL asset account in the Closing Package.

The above memorandum accounts are not crosswalked to the Closing Package; these amounts are reclassified as fixed assets on the reclassified Balance Sheet. The memorandum accounts are only supplemental USSGL accounts that are used for reconciling purposes.

4706.30—Quarterly Intragovernmental Transactions Reconciliation Process

The quarterly reconciliation process facilitates the elimination of intragovernmental differences for yearend financial reporting.

Agencies should use two-digit trading partner codes for all intragovernmental transactions. When agencies report “appropriations transfers” within their departments, they should use their two-digit trading partner code rather than “00.” Trading partner code “00” is limited to the House of Representatives, Senate, classified transactions, or any truly unidentifiable activity/balances.

4706.30a—Agency Quarterly Submission

In support of the quarterly reconciliation process, both verifying and selected nonverifying agencies must submit full-proprietary ATBs in text format.

Agencies should derive these submissions directly from their departmental trial balances that are used as the basis for constructing quarterly unaudited financial statements for OMB.

The text file format must contain the following elements:

All agencies should send their completed trial balances including the number of record counts via email to their FMS contact person and to See Appendix 9 for the data file format.

Any errors must be corrected within 1 business day.

4706.30b—Agency Submission – Parent/Child Reporting

The parent agency (transferor of the appropriation) must report and code activity and balances between the parent and the child using the parent’s two-digit trading partner code on its file submission to properly eliminate parent/child activity and balances, unless one of the three exceptions applies (see subsection 4705.30 for exceptions). Agencies having activity with the child must use the parent’s two-digit trading partner code in the file to report their balances and transactions with the child. For example, agencies having activity with the account “AA BB 1234” use the “BB” trading partner code, in which “BB” represents the parent’s two-digit trading partner code.

For the three exceptions listed in subsection 4705.30, the child agency must report and code activity and balances between the parent and the child with the child’s two-digit trading partner code on its file submission to properly eliminate parent/child activity and balances. Agencies having activity with the child, for the three exceptions, must use the child’s two-digit trading partner code in the file to report their balances and transactions with the child. For example, agencies having activity with the account “AA BB 1234” use the “AA” trading partner code, in which “AA” represents the child’s two-digit trading partner code.

4706.30c—FMS Intragovernmental Activity Reports

Within approximately 4 business days of agencies’ submissions of the quarterly data files, FMS consolidates agency quarterly financial data. Reporting agencies use the Discoverer application through GFRS or use the direct URL link to generate the intragovernmental reports (see the Discoverer User Manual at The reports show agencies their reciprocal balances, as reported in the quarterly files, for each of their trading partner agencies (Part I); UCAD vs. IRAS differences (Part IIA); and undefined partner and General Fund activity (Part IIB):

Agencies should use these reports to work with their trading partners to reconcile intragovernmental differences.

The IRAS versus UCAD reports show agencies their balances reported in their quarterly submissions compared to the data reported in Treasury’s central accounting system. Agencies should use these reports as a tool to explain their differences in RC 07, RC 08, and RC 11; Appropriations Received as Adjusted-RC 29; and Fund Balance With Treasury-RC 29 on the Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report, Part II, with the data they reported into Treasury’s central accounting system.

4706.30d—Agency Quarterly Status of Disposition Certification

Each verifying agency and selected nonverifying agencies generate an Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report from the Discoverer application in GFRS (or use the direct URL link, containing comparative reporting between the agency and its trading partners by reciprocal category in Part I, and other significant material balances and confirmation of the reporting in Part II. FMS provides Part III, which is a blank “Additional Explanations” form that agencies use to explain in detail their reporting on all records showing material differences. FMS posts this form on the Web site at

The Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report, Part I, allows agencies to identify differences with trading partners, excluding “99” and “00,” by reciprocal categories (excluding RC 07, 08, 11, 25, and 29) that are greater than or equal to a materiality level that is determined by Treasury. Part II identifies reported amounts by reciprocal category with trading partners “00” and “99,” and material differences between the trial-balance amounts and the UCAD amounts for RC 07, RC 08, and RC 11; Appropriations Received as Adjusted-RC 29; and Fund Balance With Treasury-RC 29. Agencies must identify the material balances in Parts I and II in Part III, the “Additional Explanations” form. The assurance level is systematically established using four functions for fiscal 2012:

Both verifying agencies and selected nonverifying agencies should provide an explanation of the reporting on Parts I and II of the Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report by identifying their reporting justification by explanation number (refer to subsection 4706.30e) and should submit it to the agency’s respective FMS contact person via fax to 202-874-9907 or via email (PDF format). This report is due for each quarter except the fourth quarter.

Note: Verifying agencies that have recurring differences with a trading partner continue to receive an Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report that must be explained and certified.

4706.30e—Detailed Quarterly Status of Disposition Certification Instructions

Verifying agencies and selected nonverifying agencies are required to provide an explanation of the Intragovernmental Material Differences/Status of Disposition Certification Report, Parts I and II. An explanation of their Part I should be reporting based on each identified difference in terms of the following categories:

(1) Confirmed Reporting;

(2) Accounting Methodology/Policy Difference;

(3) Accounting/Reporting Error;

(4) Timing Difference – CY;

(5) Unknown;


(6) Timing Difference – PY.

The agencies must include documented support for Parts I and II in detail for each explanation on the “Additional Explanations” form (Part III) provided by FMS via the FACTS I Web site at closingpackage/reports.html.

4706.30f—Reporting Agency’s Explanation of Reporting in Part I

When differences have been identified and adjustments are needed, agencies must make adjustments in the subsequent periods and must provide corrective actions to FMS.

Agencies must provide detailed explanations on the “Additional Explanations” form (Part III), available on the Web site at, so that FMS can better understand the reasons for the differences.

Each verifying agency and selected nonverifying agencies generate a Comparative Status of Disposition Report, (via the Discoverer application). This report compares amounts and explanations of material differences reported between each reporting agency and its trading partner. FMS makes this report available to agencies quarterly.

CFOs use this report to address and resolve inconsistencies in amounts and explanations between the agency and its trading partners, no later than the subsequent reporting period. Specifically, in instances where an agency’s and its trading partner’s explanations for differences are both “confirmed reporting,” the agency is required to contact its trading partner to obtain resolution of the disputed differences. All material differences must be resolved by the next reporting period.

Section 4707—FACTS I Requirements

4707.10—Collection of ATB Data

FMS continues to collect ATB data to aid in its analytical process. ATB data should link directly to the agency’s comparative, audited consolidated, department-level financial statements. Agencies may view ATB data in GFRS. ATB data are tools to facilitate the Closing Package and are not subject to coverage in the audit requirements of the Closing Package.

4707.15—FACTS I System Access

The FACTS I Internet application on GOALS II requires a user ID and password. The address for the FACTS I Internet application on GOALS II is

Agencies can apply for a user ID and password by completing a GOALS II ESAAS form and faxing it to 202-874-6170. For more information, contact the FMS Service Desk by telephone at 202-874-4357 or by email to

4707.20—FACTS I Reportable Data

GFRS compiles the data from the FACTS I submissions for nonverifying agencies into a set of “generic” financial statements that are included in the consolidated FR. Nonverifying agencies must prepare and submit FR Notes using the amounts from the “generic” financial statements compiled in GFRS. Agencies must submit all changes to the “generic” statements through FACTS I.

4707.20a—Master Appropriation File (MAF)

FMS uses the MAF as a control tool during the ATB submission process. The MAF consists of records (one record for each Treasury appropriation/fund group), uniquely identified by an eight-digit code. The eight-digit code combines a two-digit department code, a two-digit bureau code, and a four-digit fund group code. In FACTS I, it is referred to as the ATB code. Each MAF record also contains the following:

Verifying and nonverifying agencies must maintain the MAF on the FACTS I database and must submit changes to the MAF data through the FACTS I Internet application. Agencies must review and update individual components of the MAF electronically. After agencies review, update, and submit the MAF, FMS reviews and approves the MAF.

4707.20b—Adjusted Trial Balance

Agencies must prepare and submit preclosing ATBs at the Treasury appropriation/fund group level using USSGL accounts and attributes. Agencies that have not adopted the USSGL must crosswalk their general ledger accounts to the USSGL accounts before transmission.

The ATBs must include USSGL accounts in numerical order with the required attributes, and USSGL account balances must reflect the preclosing adjusting entries needed to produce financial statements. The total sum of debit balances must equal the total sum of credit balances in the ATBs. Report amounts in dollars and cents.

A variety of edits enable FACTS I to verify that the submitted USSGL accounts with associated attributes are valid and have equal debit and credit balances. Treasury rejects ATBs that do not meet these criteria.

Verifying and nonverifying agencies must use the same USSGL data on the ATBs that they use to prepare the fiscal 2012 audited agency consolidated financial statements due to OMB. Agencies also must use the following required attributes:

More than one attribute may be valid for a USSGL account. See USSGL Part 1, Fiscal 2012 Reporting, for a list of the USSGL accounts with their valid attributes.

Nonverifying agencies that use deposit fund monies to invest in GAS investments, and, if the BPD records these GAS securities as public, must identify these investments with trading partner “99” instead of “20.”

4707.20c—Special Accounts

Verifying and nonverifying agencies may submit a single ATB for all fund groups in each of the following categories:

Treasury appropriation/fund symbol ranges for receipt accounts include the following:

Agencies must determine whether the collections made under the receipt account symbols are “available” receipts or “unavailable” receipts. “Available” receipts, for which the appropriation fund symbols only can be in the 5000s and the 8000s, constitute budget authority. Agencies should report ATBs for available receipt accounts individually under their Treasury appropriation fund symbol.

“Unavailable” receipts do not constitute budget authority. “Unavailable” receipts with account fund symbols from 5000 to 5999 (5000s) or 8000 to 8999 (8000s) represent receipts of the collecting agency. Agencies that deposit receipts into these fund symbols must submit ATBs and should ensure the receipts revenue appear on their financial statements. However, these receipts do not constitute budget authority until subsequent legislation appropriates the receipts.

Reporting Instructions for General Fund Receipt Accounts

Agencies that classify amounts on their Statement of Transactions (that is, FMS 224, FMS 1220, or SF 1221) in general fund receipt account symbols using their two-digit agency department code also must submit an ATB and must prepare agency financial statements that include the general fund receipt activity.

4707.20d—Treasury Managed Trust Fund Accounts

BPD’s Trust Fund Management Branch provides the lead program agency an ATB for the Treasury managed trust fund activity located at BPD for each of the Treasury managed trust funds listed in Figure 4.

BPD uses USSGL accounts from the USSGL Part 1, Fiscal 2012 Reporting, with the proper attributes. The lead program agencies identified in Figure 4 must include the Treasury managed trust fund data in their ATBs. Direct any questions regarding the ATB data received from BPD to Matthew Hansell at 304-480-5120.

4707.20e—Parent/Child Reporting

Report in FACTS I similar to the reporting for the quarterly file submissions. Refer to subsection 4706.30b.

4707.20f—ATB Reports Transmission Methods

Each ATB preparer can submit the ATB data using the online entry method or bulk file transfer method on the GOALS II FACTS I Internet application. The bulk file transfer requires that agencies build American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) files using the prescribed record layout for FACTS I posted on the FACTS I Web site at

Agencies may submit ATBs for multiple fund groups in a single bulk file transfer.

4707.20g—Proprietary Balances in Canceled Accounts

There are two valid types of proprietary account balances in a canceled TAFS. They are fixed assets and canceled payables.

Agencies must maintain and report “canceled payable” balances in their original TAFS.

Agencies with fixed asset balances in a canceled TAFS may report those balances in either of three ways:

Figure 3: FR Reporting and Submission Dates

July 9, 2012

IFCS window opens for the third quarter.

July 30, 2012

IFCS window closes for the third quarter.

July 30, 2012

Third-quarter 2012 agency IRAS data file due to FMS.

August 6, 2012

Agencies generate third-quarter IRAS report using Discoverer application in GFRS.

August 13, 2012

Verifying agency CFOs must submit an explanation of the reporting on the Status of Disposition Certification form for the third quarter.

August 17, 2012

FMS makes the Comparative Status of Disposition Report available to the agencies by this date, for the third quarter.

August 23, 2012

FACTS I MAF window opens.

August 27, 2012*

Verifying agency IGs must submit interim legal representation letters and management schedules to FMS, DOJ, and GAO.

September 6, 2012

For verifying and nonverifying agencies, the window opens for Closing Package data submission in GFRS for Modules GF001 to GF008, as applicable.

September 14, 2012

Agencies' FACTS I MAF submissions due.

September 20, 2012

SSA, HHS, RRB report the draft data of Social Insurance data in the GFRS Closing Package.

September 26, 2012

After the agencies review, update, and submit the MAF, FMS reviews and approves the MAF by this date.

September 28, 2012

Window opens for FACTS I ATB submissions.

October 9, 2012

IFCS window opens for fourth quarter 2012.

October 22, 2012*

IFCS window closes for fourth quarter 2012 (final).

October 22, 2012*

Fourth-quarter 2012 agency IRAS data file due to FMS.

October 26, 2012

DOL reports the draft Social Insurance data for Black Lung and Unemployment Insurance in GFRS Closing Package.

October 26, 2012

Lead program agencies receive an ATB for the trust fund activity located at BPD. (Refer to subsection 4707.20d.)

October 29, 2012

Agencies generate fourth-quarter IRAS report using Discoverer application in GFRS.

November 15, 2012* 1. GFRS window for Closing Package submissions closes for verifying agencies.
2. Agencies must get updates from FMS about any adjustments made on reporting procedures for the Closing Package data after this date.
3. CFO and IGs must ensure that they collaborate on the Closing Package submission.

November 16, 2012*

1. GFRS Notes and other FR data submissions are due for nonverifying agencies by 6 p.m. eastern standard time (EST).
2. Window closes for FACTS I ATB submissions to FMS for nonverifying agencies by 6 p.m. EST.
3. IG opinion on the Closing Package for verifying agencies, including the Trading Partner Note, is due by 6 p.m. EST.
4. IG must submit copies of documents listed under subsection 4705.45 and the Closing Package auditors' report to GAO, FMS, and OMB by 6 p.m. EST.
5. Verifying agency IGs must submit the final legal representation letters and management schedules to FMS, DOJ, and GAO by 6 p.m. EST.
6. Verifying agencies must submit a Closing Package Schedule of Uncorrected Misstatements (SUM) including the management representation letter via email to FMS, OMB, and GAO.

November 19, 2012

Verifying agencies generate intragovernmental reports based on the Closing Package data using the Discoverer application in GFRS.

November 21, 2012*

Agency CFOs' submit their Representations for Federal Intragovernmental Activity and Balances (Sections I, II, III, and required documentation) to FMS and GAO.

November 26, 2012

Verifying agencies generate the Intragovernmental Comparative Closing Package Explanations of Differences Report for fiscal 2012 via the Discoverer application in GFRS and distribute the report to the CFOs and IGs.

November 30, 2012

FACTS I ATB submission window closes for verifying agencies by 6 p.m. EST.

December 26, 2012

Verifying agency IGs must provide FMS information about subsequent events that occurred after the effective date of their final legal representation letters through December 21, 2012, that resulted in a change of likelihood or an amount of loss. Send this information via email to FMS, OMB, and GAO no later than December 26, 2012, by 6 p.m. EST.

January 8, 2013

Verifying agency CFOs must provide FMS information about subsequent changes to Management Representation Letters and financial statements that have arisen after the date of the financial statements audits (general purpose and special purpose) and up through January 7, 2013. Send this information via email to FMS, OMB, and GAO no later than January 8, 2013, by 6 p.m. EST.

*Represents the “no later than date.” Agencies should submit data as early as possible.

Figure 4: Treasury Managed Trust Funds

Treasury Managed Trust Fund






Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance


Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Federal Hospital Insurance



Vaccine Injury Compensation



Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance


Social Security Administration (SSA)

Federal Disability Insurance



Airport and Airway


Department of Transportation (DOT)

Aquatic Resources


Department of the Interior

Oil Spill Liability


Department of Homeland Security




Black Lung Disability


Department of Labor (DOL)




Hazardous Substance Superfund


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Leaking Underground Storage Tank



Inland Waterways


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Harbor Maintenance


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Direct inquiries and deliver documents required by this chapter to:

Karin Dasuki
Director, Financial Reports Division
Governmentwide Accounting
Financial Management Service
Department of the Treasury
3700 East-West Highway, Room 509D
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Telephone: 202-874-8058
Fax: 202-874-9907

Also, deliver documents required by this chapter to:

Dawn Simpson
Government Accountability Office
441 G Street, NW., Room 5T16
Washington, DC 20548
Telephone: 202-512-9473

Office of Management and Budget
Telephone: 202-395-3993
Web site:

Appendices Listing

Appendix No.



Reclassified Financial Statements and Line Item Descriptions


Sample Agency A Reclassification Entry Summary


Financial Report (FR) Notes and Instructions


Other Financial Report (FR) Notes Data and Instructions


Agency/Federal Trading Partner Department Codes for Governmentwide Financial Report System (GFRS) and Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial Balance System I (FACTS I)


Reciprocal Categories Crosswalk to Financial Statements


Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Categories of Reciprocal U.S. Standard General Ledger Proprietary Accounts


Fiscal 2012 CFO Representations for Federal Intragovernmental Activity and Balances


Quarterly Agency Intragovernmental Reporting and Analysis System (IRAS) Data File Submission - Description and Formats


Intragovernmental Business Rules

Appendices are available in the PDF version only.


Transmittal Letter No. 684

Volume I

To: Heads of Government Departments, Agencies, and Others Concerned

1. Purpose

This transmittal letter releases revised I TFM 2-4700, Agency Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the United States Government. This chapter describes how agencies provide data for the Financial Report of the United States Government using the Governmentwide Financial Report System and the Federal Agencies’ Centralized Trial-Balance System. It also includes the Financial Management Service’s fiscal 2012 Closing Package methodology, the Federal intragovernmental transactions process, and requirements for electronically submitting preclosing adjusted trial-balance(s).

2. Rescission

This transmittal letter rescinds TFM Volume I, Bulletin No. 2011-08: Revisions to Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Agency Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the United States Government (Transmittal Letter No. 663, dated June 16, 2011).

3. Page Changes

Remove     Insert
I TFM 2-4700 (T/L 663)     I TFM 2-4700

4. Effective Date

This transmittal letter is effective immediately.

5. Inquiries

Direct questions concerning this transmittal letter to:

Financial Reports Division
Financial and Budget Reports Directorate
Governmentwide Accounting
Financial Management Service
Department of the Treasury
3700 East-West Highway, Room 509B
Hyattsville , MD 20782
Telephone: 202-874-9910

David A. Lebryk's Signature

David A. Lebryk
Date: May 15, 2012