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Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

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Porter, Stephen

Institution: Children's Hospital Boston
Grant Title: Informative Technology: Linking Parents and Providers
Grant Number:  K08 HS011660
Duration: 4 years (2002-2006)
Total Award: $621,000

Project Description: This project had two main goals:

  1. Develop and test an electronic interface based on user-perceived quality and the capture of valid data for asthma-specific history.
  2. Present parent-derived information to providers in the context of current evidence-based guidelines and assess the effects of this electronically-supported collaboration on parents' reports of satisfaction and process measures of quality.

Career Goals: Dr. Porter is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Children's Hospital Boston. He received his MD from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and did his residency in Pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He was then a Fellow in the Division of Emergency Medicine at Children's Hospital in Boston. He went on to earn his MPH from Harvard University. Dr. Porter has emerged as a unique scientist whose skill set and record of accomplishment position him as a leader in consumer-driven information management practices that promote the delivery of safe and effective care.

Progress to Date: This grant has been completed. The asthma kiosk addresses critical issues for patient-centered information technology (IT). It linked parents' data to guideline recommendation and identified previously undocumented data critical to health improvements for asthmatic children.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Professional Societies:
    • American Academy of Pediatrics.
    • Ambulatory Pediatric Association.
    • American Medical Informatics Association.

K-Generated Publications:

Porter SC, Cai Z, Gribbons W, Goldmann DA, Kohane IS.  The asthma kiosk: A patient-centered technology for collaborative decision support in the emergency department. JAMA  2004. 11:458-67.

Porter SC, Kohane IS, Goldmann DA.  Parents as partners in obtaining the medication history. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2005. 12:299-305.

Porter SC, Forbes P, Feldman HF, et al. Impact of patient-centered decision support on quality of asthma care in the emergency department. Pediatrics 2006. 117:e33-42.

Porter SC, Manzi S, Volpe D, et al. Getting the data right: Information accuracy in pediatric emergency medicine. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2006. 15:296-301.

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