U.S. Department of Commerce

Frequently Asked Questions


American FactFinder: What are the browser requirements for American FactFinder?

American FactFinder works best with Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.

Please note that other browsers may not perform as expected and could result in various issues such as pages or links not working or displaying properly.  The following is a list of issues that you may encounter when using specific browsers:

Internet Explorer 8 & 9, Mozilla Firefox 9 & 10, and Chrome 18

  • American FactFinder Feedback
    • Cancel Link on the Feedback form is broken.
  • Spanish American FactFinder Site
    • English Footer is present

Internet Explorer 8 Only

  • Geographies
    • Map search tab – Point selection tool takes a long time to work

Internet Explorer 9 Only

  • Browser Tabs
    • Browser tabs for American FactFinder and Census.gov turn yellow
  • Geographies
    • Map search tab – Polygon selection tool does not work

Mozilla Firefox 9 & 10

  • Glossary 
    • A URL is displayed at the bottom of the page that should not be
  • Help
    • Quick Start Help Window main page hyperlink does not work
    • Search Using Topics – hyperlinks in first paragraph do not work
  • 'Get Email Updates'
    • When clicking ‘Cancel,’ the site will redirect to the Census Main Site.

Mozilla Firefox 9 Only

  • Geographies
    • Name search tab – About ‘i’ icon takes some time to open
    • Map search tab – Some selection tools do not work

 Chrome 18

  • Search & Navigation
    • Topics – Dataset filter has word wrapping errors
    • Geographies – Various word wrapping errors
    • Messaging – Incorrect messaging briefly displayed at times
  • Glossary 
    • Table of Contents does not display
  • Help
    • Table of Contents does not display
    • Topics Overlay Help – Table of Contents does not display
    • Quick Start Help – Table of Contents does not display
  • 'Get Email Updates'
    • When clicking ‘Cancel’ or ‘OK,’ the site will redirect to the Census Main Site.
  • Geographies
    • Address search tab – Incorrect address search results may be displayed
    • Map search tab – Some selection tools do not work
    • Mapping Find a Location – State and County Selections are not displayed


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