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Public Safety 700-MHz Demonstration Network

Project Description

With sponsorship from NIST, NTIA, and DHS/OIC, the PSCR program—a joint effort between NIST/OLES and NTIA/ITS—is building a 700-MHz Public Safety Broadband Demonstration Network to provide manufacturers and first responders a location for early deployment of their systems in a multi-vendor, neutral, host environment.


Emergency responders will learn how broadband systems perform and determine through hands-on experience how these systems will meet their unique needs. The goal is to demonstrate and evaluate the behaviors of 3GPP LTE technology deployed in the 700 MHz bands, specific to the needs of public safety agencies.

The Demonstration Network has three major phases for stakeholder participation:

  • Phase 1—Network and Test Planning: Stakeholders will be involved in creating a common test plan for all vendors and creating a common network deployment and coverage scheme.

  • Phase 2—Deployment: 1) Equipment is scheduled for delivery to site locations. 2) Coverage, network planning, site preparation is completed. 3) Systems are installed and commissioned.

  • Phase 3—Testing and Demonstrations: Test plan execution takes place. This may be staggered into sub-phases as equipment and features become available. Network is available to perform system level testing and demonstrations.


Phase 1 has been completed for three vendors.

Phase 2 has been placed on an indefinite hold.

Phase 3 test plan development is underway; first drafts of test plans will be available July 2012.


Click to Join Participate in one or more of the study item groups formed for the public safety 700-MHz demonstration network PSCR is implementing. We are seeking communications vendors, 700-MHz waiver recipients, and active or retired public safety practitioners (police, firefighters, EMS, FBI, etc., and their command staff) with experience using wireless communications in their jobs.

» New members — Learn about each study item and join.

» Existing members — Log in to reach study item documents.


Public Safety Broadband Demonstration Network Testing

» The PSCR program has established a three-phase plan for testing and evaluation. In addition, PSCR is currently developing a conformance and performance test process with industry fora.

Network Identifier Guidelines Posted for the Public Safety 700 MHz Demonstration Network

» The PSCR program has posted network identifier guidelines with the intent of replicating the network identifier architecture required for a nationwide public safety network.

Spring 2012 Demonstration Network Stakeholder Meeting

» March 6 – 7, 2012 — Highlights, agenda, acronyms, and slide decks.

Winter 2011 Technical Workshop: Network Identifiers and Roaming/Clearing

» November 30 – December 1, 2011 — Highlights, agenda, acronyms, and slide decks.

Winter 2010 Public Safety 700-MHz Demonstration Network Stakeholder Meeting

» December 1 – 2, 2010 — Highlights, agenda, acronyms, and slide decks.

Winter 2010 Public Safety 700-MHz Demonstration Network Stakeholder Meeting

» December 1 – 2, 2010 — Highlights, agenda, acronyms, and slide decks.

Inaugural Stakeholder Meeting

» April 20 – 21, 2010 — Highlights, agenda, acronyms, slide decks, and a meeting report.

National Broadband Plan and the Demonstration Network

» March 16, 2010 — The National Broadband Plan calls for ERIC to collaborate with PSCR on research, development, testing, evaluation, and standards with both the public safety community and industry.

Demonstration Network Kick-Off Webinar

» March 15, 2010 — View the slide deck or stream the WebEx slide/audio recording.

Google Earth Flyover of the Demonstration Network

» Watch a Google Earth flyover of the demonstration network.

Formal Participation Information for the Demonstration Network

» March 3, 2010 — Federal Register (Volume 75, Number 41).

Announcement of the Demonstration Network

» December 15, 2009 — “Public Safety 700-MHz Broadband Demonstration Network,” NIST Tech Beat.

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See also, Public Safety 700-MHz Broadband and Broadband Press.

For more information, contact: Emil Olbrich